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单词 Slav
1. The Slav opposition collapsed almost immediately, as if the very name of Charles had struck terror into their hearts.
2. The South Slav nationalists of the nineteenth century could also boast of medieval greatness under Slav rulers.
3. The Bauer/southern Slav position on the national question, however, spread much wider than the Bund.
4. The Slav version of this sort of thing was the complicated bundle of phenomena lumped together as panslavism.
5. In 517 a major invasion occurred when Slav horsemen advanced as far as Thermopylae and Epirus.
6. The giant Slav had progressed close to the speed of light.
7. What were you running after, pretty Slav lass?
8. No one can be a slav...
9. Her husband is a Slav.
10. The ancient Germanic, Slav and Celtic tribes in Europe celebrated Midsummer with communal bonfires.
11. The first Slav pope, John Paul,() said that providence had chosen him to proclaim the spiritual unity of Europe.
12. Ni Hua and despite the best out Slav defense, but was still down sea - Tao Shan .
13. Smaller Slav Churches are the Polish and Czechoslovak Orthodox Churches.
14. Party of Democratic Action - Montenegro: Slav Muslim Party, affiliated to PDA of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Leader - Harun Hadzic.
15. The Southern Slav zadruga provides the best instance of such a family community still in actual existence .
16. PanNationalism formed Pan-Slavism in the region of Slav of East Europe.
17. And Barbarian Nations such as German and Slav were somewhat like naive children.
18. Lastly, taking advantage of the Slav Movement and their cross country disputes(), USSR designed to turn the Eastern European...
19. But this was only innovative in so far as classical ballet was concerned as there are many 5/4 Slav folk dances.
20. In the foregoing pages the history of five medieval South Slav states has been briefly outlined.
21. Built mainly between the 7th and 19th centuries, it has the oldest Slav monastery (St Pantelejmon) and more than 800 Byzantine-style icons dating from the 11th to the end of the 14th century.
22. The oldest is Folkfest, held in Valandovo, and most festivals have greater turnouts among Macedonian Slav expatriates in Australia and Canada.
23. They believed that China would be the stage for the conflicting Anglo Saxon and Slav civilizations.
24. There are six chamber ensembles, such as 'Tanec', that represent the richness of Macedonian Slav folklore and songs, and there are ten other folklore ensembles that are active.
25. The tsar, it is stated, has proclaimed Russia's "inflexible resolve to support the interests of her Slav brothers".
26. Following the war, Bosnia became part of the South Slav kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (later renamed to kingdom of Yugoslavia).
27. The origin of the culture of the nationality of Ukraine can be dated back to the period of East Slav tribe.
28. Once you have Russian you can probably communicate with other Slav speakers.




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