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单词 nightstick
释义  Related topics: Weapons, Policenight·stick /ˈnaɪtˌstɪk/ noun [countable] American English  PMWSCPa short thick stick carried as a weapon by police officers 警棍 SYN British English truncheonExamples from the Corpusnightstick• It looked like a nightstick now.• The city - it is the city that will have to heal them, with knifeblade and automobile, nightstick, gunshot.• The string of blackshirts was re-deployed, four spotlights had them caught in a box of gauzy light, their nightsticks fisted.• The police block us with their nightsticks.• Police responded with nightsticks and pepper spray, further inflaming the crowd.night·stick nounChineseSyllable  a as Corpus a stick short thick carried




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