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单词 Leaded
1 Many motorists are going over from leaded to unleaded fuel.
2 Japanese refiners stopped producing leaded petrol in December 1987.
3 The tiny cottage with its leaded windows and thatched roof was as pretty as a picture.
4 What is the situation with regard to leaded petrol?
5 There isn't much demand for leaded gasoline anymore.
6 The top price for leaded four-star will be 179.6p.
7 I moved to the leaded window, looked out.
8 Fanlights, wrought iron, leaded glass.
9 Heavily leaded bronzes are obvious candidates for analysis.
10 Fine woodwork, mirrors and leaded windows.
11 It challenges you, as a leaded to make change as personal an experience for yourself as it is for others.
12 More short-haired young men gaze through leaded windows or carry burdens across alienating landscapes.
13 In the United State,[] use of leaded gasoline was phased out on Jan. 1.
14 Through the tall leaded windows the bright span of water flittered and shone.
15 The leaded petrol market is shrinking so fast that some major petroleum companies have discontinued refining leaded petrol.
16 As a first step, the sale of leaded petrol will be banned from January 1992.
17 MacLane slapped his open palm lightly with a leaded length of rubber hosepipe.
18 Volcanoes, cigarettes, forest fires, stubble burning, leaded petrol, combustion plants and incinerators are all contributors.
19 Lead is emitted in the use of leaded fuels.
20 One of the first things we did when we moved in, to the chagrin of the architect, was to replace the leaded windows.
21 The light inside was dull, diffused by the thick, leaded windows.
22 However, at a recent service I found signs of burning on the spark plugs and I have reverted to leaded.
23 The two circular towers still have the original casement windows with leaded panes.
24 The security grilles are made from steel or aluminium, and can also give the effect of leaded lights.
25 Some people say that once the car is adjusted I should alternate between leaded and unleaded petrol?
26 A car converted to unleaded petrol can also run on leaded with no risk of damaging the engine.
27 Pre-soaking will help to make wood sink - or it can be leaded.
28 Nicandra knew her way through the tiny, bright garden to the leaded window of that back room.
29 It will take many years to phase out existing cars that run on high octane leaded petrol.
30 The turbine is sealed off behind a tasteful stained wood casing with leaded windows lit from behind.
1 Many motorists are going over from leaded to unleaded fuel.
31 This way leaded to a bad result.
32 The sale leaded petrol is prohibited.
33 Cabinet hardware and leaded glass panels contribute to texture.
34 The results leaded to scar contracture and anastomotic stenosis.
35 About 20 countries still use leaded gasoline.
36 The tracking law of ballistic trajectory is leaded by infrared camera of the early - warning satellite.
37 The risk membership to each input points is confirmed on the base of processing input data, and then is leaded into the reasoning process of the decision function.
38 Atmospheric lead from industrial pollution or leaded gasoline can contaminate food through deposition on agricultural crop plants.
39 The technological processes of thermocompression bonding and adhesion are introduced to combine the F46 film with the nickel plating leaded brass sheet.
40 On the fluency index, autocratic leadership manner leaded to a higher degree than that of the other two.
41 In the present paper, the first experiments that restrained segregation of the casting of high leaded bronze by means of modificator consisted of lithium chloride or strontium chloride is reported.
42 The modification of rare earth elements to palladium catalysts leaded to great promotion on both the activity and stability in selective gas hydrogenation of acrylonitrile to propionitrile.
43 Units and individuals shall, within the time limit prescribed by the State Council, stop producing, importing and selling leaded gasoline.
44 Lead deposits, which accumulated in soil and snow during the 1960s and 70s, were primarily the result of leaded gasoline emissions originating in the United States.
45 At length, they two leaded the procession and beated the Turki.
46 The electrical activity was leaded by bipolar electrode in vivo, and by suction electrode in vitro.
47 Their narrations have actually leaded to the oppugning of scientific validity of translation studies and episteme.
48 This model strives to meet the challenges extended by leaded glasses and where high metal content cullet is melted.
49 They suggest that consumers should be not leaded to the crossroads by no truely advertizement.
50 The European Environmental Agency has pushed for more studies, saying cell phones could be as big a public health risk as smoking, asbestos and leaded gasoline.
51 Leaded students to observe the change of different seasons, trained student's outsight in every possible way and abundant imagination, and then stimulated student's creation desire of making cartoon.
52 Fortunately, such fuel-switching practices are becoming increasingly rare as leaded gasoline becomes harder to find.
53 It is now illegal to manufacture or sell new vehicles requiring leaded gasoline.
54 Leaded gasoline produces emissions containing lead, which coats the metals in the converter, rendering them ineffective.
55 A higher temperature leaded to a quicker sulfate attack on the pure cement mortar, and more ettringite and gypsum crystals form in the attacked mortar.
56 With the ever increasing attention to the environment, most of cities have abandoned the use of leaded gasoline.
57 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) is widely used as an addictive in unleaded gasoline to curb the air pollution caused by leaded gasoline.
58 In 60 years, the place is leaded by 2 kings, famine ordeal them.
59 Tetraethyl lead worked leaded gasoline but was phased out because It'spoiled catalytic converters.
60 Consequently AFT will provide complete duplication of leaded gasoline performance advantages while satisfying the environmental concerns requiring lead elimination from the gasoline pool.
61 Interior is very attractive, living room with arched roof, leaded glass windows.
62 The main characteristics of Chinese gasoline quality development in recent years are featured by phasing-out leaded gasoline and reducing poisonous substance like olefin.
63 It is indicated that as - cast leaded brass without pretreatment can present certain superplasticity at proper condition.
64 Leaded gasoline is still widely used in Iraq, which — along with open trash burning,() oil fires and debris from explosions — makes naturally dusty air even worse.
65 The two countries both met under the same reason to transport natural gas into their mainland: Their future needs which leaded them to make this energy component international.
66 While plastic leaded chip set has adopted a two - color fluorescent pictures anti - false .
67 Levying a tax on leaded gasoline is an important policy to implement the use of unleaded gasoline.
68 High mastery - low performance goal orientation leaded to the best academic achievement.
69 Our dual division system of city and countryside leaded the nonuniformity of their occupation and status.
70 It also features two success stories with worldwide impact: the global phase-out of leaded gasoline and the international treaty to eliminate chemical weapons.
71 The exhibit is called Light Screens: The Leaded Glass of Frank Lloyd Wright.
72 The harmfulness of leaded auto - exhaust to human's health was discussed.
73 Use of leaded gasoline in a vehicle designed for unleaded gasoline can irrevocably damage the emission control system.
74 In the piedmont belt of Washixia sag developed thrust nappe which leaded to incrassation of Jurassic source rocks,() being favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation in this area.
75 S . standards . His team also analyzed the consumer cost of leaded and unleaded paint.
76 Combustion of leaded gasoline released lead into the air where it could cause lead poisoning.
77 As a powerful, orientable, clean and efficient light source, laser has leaded a vitally important innovation in various fields since emergence.
78 The lead pollution sources of Chengdu's riverway sullage include geological condition, leaded gasoline , the ash of coal and industrial refuses.
79 Although the ACPP has been attached a importance since China's reform and open, the urbanized development strategy still continued which leaded to a widening gap between city and country.
80 The extreme low temperature leaded to freeze injury or death of Lichi.
81 The ICU leaded by Dr Zhao is the topping general ICU of Heilongjiang which concentrate the most advanced armamentarium and medical technique.
82 Leaded gasoline exhaust pollution of traditional gasoline with the production process of tetraethyl lead as an anti-explosive agent.
83 Finally, be aware that pollution will increase dramatically if you tamper with your car's emission control system or use leaded gasoline in a vehicle designed for unleaded gasoline.
84 The Target Setting method makes the vehicle development process to be leaded by the vehicle performances, putting in first line the customers expectations.
85 The children leaded toward school, carrying slates and followed by their dogs.
86 Tetraethyl lead worked in " leaded " gasoline but was phased out because It'spoiled catalytic converters.
87 These conditions have leaded to a shortage of powerful internal drive mechanism and a harmonious operational mechanism on the development of the agriculture industrialization.
88 Improving dispersion of ZnO nanoparticles leaded to better UV - shielding properties and transparence of polymer films decreased.
89 Adopting external magnetic control to overcome undercuts and poor bead characteristics leaded by higher wielding currents and wider strip electro-slag surfacing is an effective method.
90 Main sources of lead include leaded gasoline, cosmetics, leaded paint, and over the counter drugs.
91 These difficulties leaded to the defeat of the ideal of searching definite knowledge of logical atomism.
92 The dangerous value of control parameter which leaded to surf-riding and the domain of periodic motion and surf-riding were given.
93 Results Methyl scopolamine, a peripheral muscarinic antagonist, leaded to a significant attenuation in the hyperthermic response to open-field exposure compared with rats dosed with saline.
94 This paper intends to explain the necessity of these features by analyze the characteristics of the reform of Chinese stock market during transition period: it is a government leaded circuity.




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