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单词 confident
释义 Word family  noun confidence confidant confidentiality adjective confident confidential verb confide adverb confidently confidentially  con·fi·dent /ˈkɒnfɪdənt $ ˈkɑːn-/ ●●● S3 W3 adjective  1  [not before noun]SURE sure that something will happen in the way that you want or expect 确信的;有把握的confident (that) We are confident next year’s profits will be higher. 我们确信明年的利润会增加。 He is quietly confident that there will be no problems this time. 他心中很有把握,这次不会有问题了。confident of The Prime Minister appeared relaxed and confident of winning an overall majority. 首相显得很轻松,对赢得压倒性多数的支持充满了自信。 The company is confident of success. 这家公司对成功很有把握。confident about I feel quite confident about the future. 我对未来很有信心。► see thesaurus at sure2  CONFIDENTsure that you have the ability to do things well or deal with situations successfully 有信心的,自信的 Despite her disability, Philippa is very confident. 菲莉帕虽然有残疾,却很自信。confident about I feel much more confident about myself and my abilities these days. 近来我对自己以及自己的能力感到自信多了。confident smile/voice/manner etc He began to read in a calm confident voice. 他开始以镇定自信的嗓音朗读起来。3  sure that something is true 肯定的,确信的confident (that) We are confident we have done nothing wrong. 我们肯定没有做错什么。 He began to feel confident that Zaborski was only guessing. 他开始确信扎博尔斯基只是在猜测。 It is not possible to give a confident answer to the question of whether the delay was unreasonable. 出现这次延误是否不合情理,这个问题不可能有明确的答案。 —confidently adverb → self-confidentn GRAMMAR: Patterns with confident• You are confident about something: I’m quite confident about my English. ✗Don’t say: I’m quite confident of my English.• You are confident of victory or success, or confident of doing something: The team is confident of victory.The team is confident of winning. THESAURUSconfident sure that you have the ability to do something well or deal with situations successfully 有信心的,有把握的She seemed confident that she would pass. 她好像有把握能通过。his calm and confident manner 他沉着自信的样子nGeorge was very confident about his abilities as a writer.nBaldwin is confident of victory in this year’s senate race.self-confident/self-assured confident, and not shy or nervous in social situations 自信的〔指在社交场合不紧张害羞〕Jess was only 12, but she was very self-confident. 杰丝只有12岁,但是她非常自信。He was very self-assured and spoke without notes. 他非常自信,说话不看讲稿。nI eventually became more self-confident as a public speaker. | supremely self-confidentnShe was supremely self-confident, with the gift of being able to talk on any subject whenever the camera was rolling. nself-possessed adjective confident, calm, and in control of your feelings even in a difficult situationassertive confident enough to say what you think and want, so that people take notice of you 自信的〔指能够大胆表达想法,从而引起别人的注意〕The course helps women learn how to be more assertive in the workplace. 这门课程教女性如何在职场中表现得更加自信。sure of yourself confident that you are right, even when other people do not agree with you 有自信心〔即使别人不同意仍深信自己正确〕He sounded so sure of himself that I didn’t bother to argue. 他听上去很有自信,我就没有费口舌去争辩。nJenny was younger than her sister but seemed much more sure of herself.extrovert noun [countable] someone who behaves in a confident way in social situations and likes talking and being with other people 性格外向的人Most actors are natural extroverts. 大多数演员天生性格外向。nJan says her twin babies are completely different: Kelly is a real extrovert while Jessie is quiet and thoughtful.nHe’s a total extrovert who will talk to any stranger.not confident 不自信的lack confidence/be lacking in confidence to not be confident about your abilities or appearance 缺乏自信Francine is lacking in confidence and needs a lot of encouragement. 弗朗辛缺乏自信,需要多加鼓励。I was fat, had no friends, and lacked confidence. 我很胖,没有朋友,缺乏自信。nWhile girls lack confidence, boys often overestimate their abilities.shy not confident about meeting or speaking to people who you do not know 腼腆的,害羞的Jane is a quiet shy person. 简是一个文静、腼腆的人。He had been painfully shy (=very shy) as a child. 他小时候非常腼腆。insecure not confident about yourself or your relationships, especially because you are worried that you are not good enough 〔尤因担心自己不够好而〕缺乏自信心的His childhood had left him very insecure. 他的童年使他变得非常没有自信。nBen’s parents’ divorce left him lonely and insecure.nModels can make young women feel insecure about their own bodies.unsure of yourself not confident, especially because you are young or you do not have much experience 〔尤因年轻或经验不足而〕没有自信心At first, Chris seemed nervous and unsure of herself. 一开始,克丽丝好像很紧张,对自己没有信心。nHe was only 21 and still very unsure of himself with girls.discouraged /dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒd $ -ˈkɜːr-/ not confident that you can succeed, because you have had problems trying to do something 灰心的,气馁的Students can become discouraged very easily if they are not given the help they need. 学生如果得不到他们需要的帮助,会很容易灰心。nI was very discouraged at the time, but I still hoped we could find a solution. | discouraged bynDiscouraged by her failed marriages, she gradually withdrew from the world. | discouraged aboutnHartman was so discouraged about the way his performing career was going, that he gave up acting for writing.demoralized someone who is demoralized has lost all their confidence and wants to give up 灰心丧气的,沮丧的The team were completely demoralized after losing a series of games. 球队连输几场比赛之后,彻底丧失了斗志。a demoralized work force 灰心丧气的员工nMany employees became demoralized and cynical when the company announced another round of job cuts. | utterly/thoroughly demoralizedExamples from the Corpusconfident• ''Do you think you'll win tomorrow's game?'' - ''Well, we're all feeling pretty confident''.• Also, my hair made me feel more confident.• I let go with another burst, feeling confident.• It's a difficult test, but she seems fairly confident.• Fat women may not feel confident about exposing their bodies in those ways traditionally associated with eroticism.• I'm not very confident about going back to work.• After living in France for a year, I felt much more confident about my French.• If only he were as confident as he pretended!• Of course, most of us feel more confident in some situations than in others.• Baldwin is confident of victory in this year's senate race.• A spokesman said the government was confident of winning the vote and would not discuss the possibility of defeat.• Sandy gave her a confident smile.• Doctors are confident that he'll make a full recovery.• Relatives of the men were confident the new evidence would eventually secure their release.• He gave his speech in a strong, confident voice.feel ... confident• In one sense Baldwin felt much more confident.• Do you feel totally confident about achieving the figure you want?• You will feel more confident at the interview because you have already achieved success.• Sometimes, not feeling confident in her judgement that he was playing up, she let him stay.• Of course, most of us feel more confident in some situations than in others.• Children must be heard, and must feel confident that they have an independent person to whom they can complain.• When we watch it, we can feel confident that we are witnessing a severe examination of the best in the game.• She feels confident without a father, husband, or son there.confident smile/voice/manner etc• After receiving an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters, she delivered her speech in a mature and confident manner.• Christina found she was still staring as if mesmerized at Stein's confident smile.• Color returned to his face, his smile came back, and he read his speech in a strong, confident voice.• Finally she lifted her head and gave a confident smile.• Marc didn't miss her response, but gave a confident smile at the accuracy of his remark.• Stephen's confident smile never flickered.• His confident smile turns into a forced grin.feel confident• But he feels confident and is getting more and more confident every day.• He feels confident, dominant, and ready to pursue females.• However, when she felt confident enough, she attempted to renegotiate her pay deal and was promptly fired.• But how can we adults feel confident that our book talks will be wise?• As October 18 dawned, Joe felt confident that Stilwell was on his way out.• Children must be heard, and must feel confident that they have an independent person to whom they can complain.• When we watch it, we can feel confident that we are witnessing a severe examination of the best in the game.Origin confident (1500-1600) Latin present participle of confidere; → CONFIDEcon·fi·dent adjective →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  in will Corpus sure something that happen the




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