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单词 Scientific research
1. We believe in investing in scientific research.
2. He has dedicated his life to scientific research.
3. There are very few openings in scientific research.
4. His whole life is dedicated to scientific research.
5. It's important to winnow truth from falsehood in scientific research.
6. Scientific research is widely claimed to be the source of the high standard of living in the US.
7. This country is still trailing badly in scientific research.
8. This falls under the heading of scientific research.
9. India has a good scientific research base.
10. Our scientific research is second to none.
11. The university is a major centre for scientific research.
12. Our scientific research is inadequately funded.
13. There are no half measures in scientific research.
14. The company's support of scientific research is just window-dressing.
15. His team are at the forefront of scientific research into vaccines.
16. Don't be misled into thinking that scientific research is easy.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. So much scientific research is being performed that it's virtually impossible to keep up .
18. It's just old-fashioned racism parading as scientific research.
19. We believe in investing in scientific research because it enriches the quality of our lives and provides the feedstock of industrial innovation.
20. There is no scientific research to back up the company's claims.
21. Some of these fears were allayed by scientific research findings, such as laboratory experiments with rats.
22. There now exists a significant body of scientific research on the subject.
23. We have also backed scientific research into rehabilitation schemes and their effectiveness.
24. It also stimulated scientific research by providing a definite name for something that previously had not had a satisfactory title.
25. It seems that light energy will be an important subject of scientific research in the future.
26. We must keep pace with the new development of modern scientific research.
27. Mr Everhart wants Caltech to be the standard-bearer for excellence in scientific research of all kinds.
28. The course helped me to gain a deeper appreciation of what scientific research involves.
29. There have been large cuts in government funding for scientific research.
30. Our image information is an under-used resource of enormous potential value for scientific research, public enquiries, and commercial development.
1. We believe in investing in scientific research.
2. He has dedicated his life to scientific research.
3. There are very few openings in scientific research.
4. His whole life is dedicated to scientific research.
5. It's important to winnow truth from falsehood in scientific research.
6. It seems that light energy will be an important subject of scientific research in the future.
7. Scientific research is widely claimed to be the source of the high standard of living in the US.
8. His team are at the forefront of scientific research into vaccines.
31. Currently there are 39 signatories, of whom 25 have scientific research programmes on the continent.
32. Nevertheless, museums were among the first scientific institutions to receive direct government support for science, and particularly for scientific research.
33. This anticipatory power of the imagination has been utilized in many sports, and scientific research has established its effectiveness for athletes.
34. It also welcomed the realization of the joint hydroelectric power station project Ruzizi-II, and progress on co-operation in scientific research.
35. Spectacular medical breakthroughs sometimes occur, but they occur more commonly in science fiction than in the course of everyday scientific research.
36. The government has banned all scientific research using human embryos.
37. We are left in no doubt that fund-raising, and knowing the right people, are essential skills in scientific research.
38. However researchers might style themselves-methodological individualists or collectivists-all social scientific research adopts a methodology that is implicitly individualistic.
39. The implication is that further scientific research will eliminate residual uncertainties, allowing for a more objective assessment of harm.
40. The success of a scientific research establishment is directly related to the number of useful ideas that are generated by its people.
41. Scientific research is often willfully misinterpreted by groups campaigning for a cause that is dear to them.
42. In principle, this question could be answered by careful scientific research.
43. With this background, and my father's job, I took it as natural that I would go into scientific research.
44. The goal of Apollo was not practical benefit, nor even scientific research, but political posturing.
45. The machine, which comes in seven standard configurations, was originally developed for in-house scientific research.
46. In its spare time,[Sentencedict] Teraflops will work on civilian projects and scientific research.
47. This section will therefore only touch on some of the techniques which have become better understood as the result of scientific research.
48. The Renaissance did not neglect scientific research, but it by no means gave it top priority.
49. There is a herbarium, as well as a laboratory concerned with scientific research and investigation into plants and crop production.
50. How does basic scientific research fare in the face of so much application interest?
51. The professor claims that the government is deliberately downgrading scientific research.
52. They appoint Visiting Groups within disciplines to assess the value of particular scientific research programmes and groups of workers.
53. Marine and scientific research institutions world - famous meteorology.
54. His biography is a saga of scientific research.
55. This man was no shrinking violet in scientific research.
56. We must join forces in our scientific research.
57. This achievement in scientific research is absolutely unrivalled.
58. Creatin is the life water of scientific research.
59. She is over head and ears in scientific research.
60. Our institute retained a pole position in scientific research.
61. The computability theory is one of the vital and hard problems in computer scientific research nowadays.
62. MCH work has wide research space, should take the scientific research as the faucet to improve the speciality building and strengthen the hardware building of the speciality designedly.
63. With the continual development of subminiature equipment, minisize wireless image-transmitting system becomes a hotspot in scientific research.
64. With conflict analysis models, this paper addresses the inevitability of conflict between the exclusivity of intellectual property rights and data sharing system in scientific research.
65. The scientific research of strong magnetic field that may influence the fluid was started by Hollander in 1890. The research paper was presented in 1910 and won the Nobel Preze.
66. Many scientific research results show that diseases will be prevented efficaciously if a person regularly takes antioxidant supplements in a planned way.
67. With high-tech company and scientific research units' osculation cooperation obtain strong technology support for company.
68. The "people-oriented, is just must struggle", companies rely on contingent of scientific research team, to build the enterprise well-grounded power.
69. Creative industry zones in centre of Shanghai are more than exurban , but the scale is smaller. There are a lot of creative industry zones around universities and scientific research institutions.
70. The ORU offers a complementary function with traditional schools and departments, and performances very important roles in scientific research, teaching and social service in all 9 sub campuses.
71. The Chinese citizens enjoy freedom of scientific research and literary and artistic creation.
72. Through in - depth scientific research is the discovery of human activities causing the ozone hole.
73. Armed with modern administration theory, rich capital resource, professional scientific research manpower and full sets of equipment, the company possesses a strong development potential.
74. MFA particles are produced by the combination of scientific research.
75. Those who immerse themselves in scientific research and work at it doggedly should be encouraged.
76. This problem shows definitely that the physics analysis is indispensable, in the scientific research work, although mathematical treatment and experiments are important.
76. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
77. The task of my thesis originated from "the economic appraisal system of oil field equipment", a large scientific research project cooperated with Liao River Oil Field of Petrol China.
78. The technical force of our company is rich, there are higher scientific research and designed capacity, the speciality is made to measure for the customer.
79. ShangPharma Corp., which provides outsourced scientific research for pharmaceutical and biotech firms, is looking to raise as much as $96 million by listing under the symbol SHP.
80. This is an innovated module combined device of desulphurization and dust removal, the user could assemble the compages willfully according to the need of teaching and scientific research.
81. Free oscillation laser has been widely applied in scientific research and production, so it is very neccesary for us to study free oscillation laser ignition of explosives.
82. Fixed asset is over several 100 million in lots of hospital, it is the important resource in which hospital develops, running health care delivery system, teaching and medicine scientific research.
83. Liesheteniefu applies mechanical scientific research to produce associated company is among them one of.
84. It is applicable to exact constant temperature and calefaction or refrigeration on the college, industry mine and scientific research institute.
85. The yearly appraisal of the teacher is to estimate four aspects of the teacher: political behavior, performance of work, scientific research, and additional work during the working year.
86. With conflict analysis models, the inevitability of conflict between the exclusivity of intellectual property rights and data sharing system in the scientific research is addressed.
87. Both NASA and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research have shown enough interest in the concept to fund initial rocket firing tests.
88. Academic library expand reference service, must be aimed at need of teaching and scientific research.
89. But the scientific research aspect obviously is not allgood, the scientific research ability is low.
90. Chiral amino alcohol has extensively applicates in the asymmetric synthesis and intermediate areas, and a lot of scientific research personnel have deep interests in it .
91. For th sake of bringing forth the journal's good features, this article suggests to broaden paper source and emphasize pivot subjects' scientific research productions.
92. The Company is a professional manufacturer of switch products, electronic equipment apparatus and parts, scientific research, production, sale and service enterprises.
93. In the trade of scientific research, especially the experimental science, the only road is to shut down if there are no funds.
94. Reinforcing the management of fixed assets and developing its availability factor to the utmost has become an important subject for scientific research institute.
95. At present we should establish the criterion for scientific research work in high vocational college and furthermore make it systemize.
96. The technicians in scientific research institute and papermaking enterprise often face many calculations, which and fallible.
97. NPOESS data are vital for future weather analysis and forecasting to support military operations, civil applications and scientific research.
98. Medical equipment is necessary for large and medium-scale hospitals in medical, scientific research and teaching affairs.
99. Information service is widely used in industry and farm production, scientific research, commercial communication and so on.
100. The campus culture is the whole name of the material culture and moral culture with the long-term developing process in education, teaching, scientific research and management of a campus.
101. Encourage teacher to participate in education and scientific research practice work, establish the foundation for pursuing being outstanding.
102. With an initial capacity of scientific research and practical work.
103. One, a activity of agricultural scientific research is a country very main commonweal sex cause.
104. Teachers have, and arts institutions of higher learning and 4 Institute of Tropical ophthalmopathy several scientific research institutions.
105. Canton electronic intelligence is a scientific research and development, processing, production of integrated enterprise.
106. With the Group a solid financial strength and strong scientific research ability[/scientific research.html], so that God sumon security brand in the world to enjoy a relatively high field of honor .
107. By collecting college scientific research project reports and regarding the accumula.
108. Professor Sahajwalla won the 2005 Eureka Prize for scientific research and the 2004 Fresh Innovator Award.
109. The task force reviewed the scientific research they reviewed supported only one of these claims, the one linking refined sugar to cavities.
110. Appliances involved in the field of design, communications, consumer electronics, medical equipment, instruments, scientific research, industrial electronics, transportation, gifts And so on!
111. Da Lat Center for Scientific Research: Da Lat, Lam Dong Province; f . 1979.
112. He's always worked on the front line of scientific research.
113. The school has the good scientific research foundation and the school strength.
114. However, due to tension in scientific research funds, it is has run aground.
115. Citation database based on citation analysis has certain evaluation function on scientific research.
116. Errors are inescapable incidents in the course of scientific research.
117. In the beginning main directions of operation were innovative activities and execution of scientific research in the field of nanotechnologies, power, electromechanics, etc.
118. In the field of philosophy of science, I. Lakatos is first of all considered a methodologist of scientific research programmes.
119. The arts and scientific research shall be free of constraint. Academic freedom shall be respected.
120. It is suggested that we should study the regulations of WTO, make clear of them, stress scientific research, develop new techniques and train qualified technicians.
121. Encouraging system construction of scientific research in higher education aims to effective impacts under fully consideration of infection factors, which is verified through input-output analysis.
122. Drying oven (Hot-air Sterilizer) is applicable for drying, cure, melting and sterilization in dustily and mining enterprises, laboratories and scientific research institutes.
123. Roger Bacon, a monk, was one of the earliest advocates of scientific research.
124. By consulting the latest achievements in scientific research, the article comments comprehensively on the techniques of soilless culture of flower plants.
125. Intellectual talent, internal drive, diligent working attitude and can -do spirit all are prerequisites of the success of scientific research.
126. Objective:To review developments of acupuncture on nuchal region(AONR)in recent 10 years and put forward references for the further scientific research and clinical practice.
127. This paper, combined with related scientific research, mainly develops the implementation of PC-To-Phone voice terminal software based on H. 323 protocol.
128. With the help of Chinese scientific research institutions, a date palm species was eventually found in Southern China.
129. In the instruction of industry and civil, hotel, grogshop, library, the department of scientific research and trade, the fire alarm system has become the necessary installation.
130. Hence, it is not surprising that treatment of mitochondrial dysfunction and development of mitochondrion-targeted therapeutics have become a primary focus of scientific research.
131. Although I had thrived in the investigative environment of the NLRB, I did not know quite what to expect in a scientific research milieu.
132. In the personnel that flow stands or job of postdoctoral scientific research pursues in workstation.
133. The success of such a unilateral permanent magnet builds a strong basis for some scientific research such as the construction of a unilateral MRI system with homogeneous magnetic field.
134. Welcome to the Siberian Scientific Research Aviation Institute named after S. A. Chaplygin located in Novosibirsk which is the largest research center of aviation science in the east of Russia.
135. The Psychonomic Society promotes the communication of scientific research in psychology and allied sciences.
136. The appellation in modern Chinese have a lot of kinds and complicated forms. The scientific research of the appellation in modern Chinese has important sociological and intercommunicating meaning.
136. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
137. The directing idea of sci-technology hortation is encouraging innovation, establishing bestir system to cultivate talents, promoting the combination of scientific research and social development.
138. Through technical cooperation with tycoons, our company has established a strong scientific research team.
139. In so far as scientific research still continues, this is its subject matter.
140. Intellectual endowments, internal drive, diligent working attitude and indomitable spirit all are prerequisites of the success of scientific research.
141. If you enjoy science, you can participate by donating computing time to scientific research.
142. Q: A Japanese official was quoted as saying that a Chinese scientific research vessel conducted maritime survey in Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone without Tokyo's approval.
143. Ding Zhaozhong is very dedicated to training high-energy physics professionals of China and often comes back to the country to recruit young scientists to work in his scientific research groups.
144. This paper also made a summary from talents construction, teaching method, teaching material construction and scientific research, and put forward the rationalization proposal for future development.
145. This article discusses the effect of VMT in manufacturing , and presents development strategy of VMT from lays of government management, coorporation and scientific research.
146. Optical spatial filtering plays an important role in the teaching and scientific research of contemporary opties.
147. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation of legumes with azotobacteria was a hot topic of scientific research, but less focus on alpine meadow community.
148. Impose a gasoline tax to pay for a massive increase in government-supported scientific research and a carbon tax to pay for new infrastructure and stimulate clean-power innovation.
149. The board can be used widely in scientific research and national defence engineering testing as the card in PC and it's compatible computer.
150. The amount being spent on scientific research is a drop in the bucket.
151. The University of Tampere is multidisciplinary and committed to scientific research and to advanced teaching.
152. Haihua group is a large cross-regional, cross-industrial and cross-trade group corporation encompassing scientific research, manufacturing and trade.
153. NY ALESUND, a village devoted to scientific research on the island of Spitsbergen, in the high Arctic, seems about as isolated as it is possible to get.
154. This article made a scientific research on the apparatus measuring the electrolyte density based on the principle of syntony.
155. The quantitative management system of scientific research is a software developed for college technical post assessment.
156. Sharon Ament, director of public engagement, said: "Many people don't realise how much a scientific research centre this museum is, and always has been.
157. What do you and an average scientific research worker have to differ?
158. This subjective test is impractical for advancing scientific research, which requires theories, models and algorithms in addition to empirical evaluations.
159. Vietnam National Scientific Research Center: Ho Chi Minh city ; f. 1975.
160. The scientific concept in the library science system is the subject of scientific research.
161. In this paper, the incorrectness of the general mechnical torque calibration equipment that is applied in the production and scientific research at moment is indicated.
162. The incorrectness of fixed quantity grading is always a big problem in grading scientific research programs.
163. Scott's party carried on its plans to do scientific research on Antarctica, completing several geological expeditions and one arduous winter trek to collect Emperor Penguin eggs.
164. Trainer troop scientific research ability is very weak. 4th, lacks the specialized training unit, the specialized athlete and the specialized trainer.
165. The hypothesis deductive method applied by the authors is a kind of creative scientific research tool.
166. Arabic character, Arabic learns to reach Arabia the education such as Mohammedan culture and scientific research direction.
166. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
167. Muscovite university has zoologic, anthropologic, ancient live thing geological 3 museum, 4 astronomy observatory, and arboretum and place of numerous scientific research.
168. In scientific research and engineering, we often encounter the problem of calculating the value of function.
169. It can be used to separate solution in hospital or scientific research institute in radio-immunity, biochemical agricultural, pharmaceutical fields.
170. The Great Ape Trust is a 230-acre campus that is home to a scientific research program that studies culture, language and inteligence.
171. Lishi Tunnel is the first loess multi-arch tunnel in our country, which is a solid engineering of scientific research projects belonging to the Ministry of Communications.
172. The pattern of "big assorted"for university journal made the narrow readers and wide cover, so that it can not reflect the branch of learning and dissatisfy the need of scientific research.
173. Some views on the current situation of scientific research and production of vanadium trioxide are presented.
174. Scott Atran, an anthropologist at France's National Center for Scientific Research, the University of Michigan and John Jay College of Criminal Justice, is the author of Talking to the Enemy.
175. Products with international standards, companies and scientific research base set up in Hong Kong.
176. The results of calculation show the method presented here is quite valuable to the scientific research for transient phenomena.
177. Provided to and mining enterprises , laboratories and scientific research institutes for desiccation, torrefaction, wax - melting and sterilization.
178. The factory has a long history, scientific research, production, sales and after-sales service and technical support in one of the high-tech electrical plant.
179. The moratorium remains in place today, though some countries still hunt whales in the name of scientific research.
180. Especially, it has been renowned for its outstanding achievements in the scientific research, equipment replacement and technical upgrade of solar water heater self-contained production equipment.
181. Experimental pathology deals with basic scientific research into cellular processes.
182. The processes need elaborate design, scientific management, platitudinous support of scientific research, and omnidirectional considerations of tourists' safety.
183. It covers an area of over 100,000 square meters with around 600 staff, which is a large-scale collectivized corporation that combing scientific research, design , development , production and sale.
184. The paradox of knowledge production and dissemination of China's higher learning comes from too much incentive for scientific research and too little incentive for teaching.
185. Whereas plato's academy led in the development of mathematics and geometry, the lyceum focuses on applied scientific research, especially in the natural sciences.
186. The paper tells about Latest scientific research abroad on medical microscope, laparoscope, Joint-scope, narcotic machine, breathing machine and pumping machine, etc.
187. This paper describes the process of scientific research on noise reduction in 35 mm film projector, including acoustic sources identification, noise reduction measures and its effect analysis.
188. In recent years, systematology has been widely used in scientific research in all fields.
189. Presently, some scientific research personnel are involved in factional and pay little no attention to research.
190. To conduct applicably scientific research, and to introduce, explore, and apply new techniques and new methods.
191. The technicians in scientific research institute and papermaking enterprise often face many calculations, which are various, anfractuous and fallible.
192. The above structural requirement in graduates' thesis has positive effect on bringing up the research ability, securing research methods and holding proper attitude towards scientific research.
193. But the scientific research aspect obviously allgood, the scientific research ability is low.
194. From the preceding analysis, we draw the conclusion that their scientific research performances are unsatisfactory overall, and have difference obviously among the DMUs.
195. The optimum seeking method is the shortest way of leading to the plans of production and scientific research.
196. As a result of scientific research, St John's Wort is now taken, worldwide, for the maintenance of healthy emotional balance and wellbeing.
196. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
197. The ZhengZhou East Abstersion Co. Ltd is a high-tech chemical enterprise, which dedicates to scientific research, product development and sale, and washing services.
198. The company has strong technical force pump design, build a pump Institute for scientific research, design, production, testing in one.
199. There is no need to spell out the ethical code for scientific research and grants management, as most of the power brokers in Chinese research were educated in industrialized countries.
200. The amount being spent on scientific research a drop in the bucket.
201. Studying geography of tourism is vital for teachers 'teaching and scientific research, for students mastering booklore and training vocational ability. Look back education on geography of tourism .
202. In recent years, the service science has grown into a new scientific research domain, and the service science-oriented supply chain management has become the core of the chain management research.
203. The nation's first national laboratory, Argonne conducts leading-edge basic and applied scientific research in virtually every scientific discipline.
204. With the background of human civilization, architectural semeiology regards the commercial pedestrian street as a system for a scientific research.
205. The subject stems from "Panel adjustment of antenna reflector" which is a part of National Defense Basic Scientific Research Project - "General design platform for radar antenna".
206. Chinese officials emphasize that the money is for scientific research cooperation, and doesn't a rental fee.
207. I got a third-class prize for my scientific research from Hubei Provincial Government last year.
208. The scientific research institute has developed a new thermosetting material.
209. Construction is northeast inferior the way that should organize perambulate of associated mineral products, scientific research and development forward develops.
210. This paper expound meaning of economic benefit and economic appraisemethod of agriculture scientific research effect.
211. Set of scientific research, production and trade as one economic entity.
212. It is suitable for clinical gene detection and scientific research in molecular biology laboratory because of its elaborate design and easy operation.
213. That is a result calculated by the scientific research department through mutual modification of breeding rate, egg laying rate, hatchability and survival rate surveyed.
213. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
214. Two factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness of scientific research in industry.
215. This web site provides information about people, education, scientific research, news and colloquia , etc.
216. In scientific research, one should break new paths and not be fettered by accepted theories.
217. Chapter 4, practice - Do some research by lead - in teaching method and scientific research model.
218. After scientific research found that genital herpes virus and the virus also condyloma biological clock phenomenon.
219. Now numerical analysis method has been one of the most important- tools in solving problems in scientific research field.
220. This web site provides information about institute introduction, colloquia , scientific research, etc.
221. The scientific research institute has conducted an experiment on thermonuclear reactions.
222. Scientific Research Institute of Forestry Fruit-tree in Wuhan proposes the concept of economic hedge in the course of three rural services, and has done relevant model cultivation.
223. This paper is one part of the horizontal scientific research item—library automation integrated management system exploitation signed by Beijing Kesimeng Science and Technology Group and the author.
224. University's financial control involves to the school teaching, the scientific research, the rear service and so on each link, the financial control function is other any manages unreplaceable.
225. However, this ongoing ban allows member nations to grant themselves special permits to kill whales for scientific research, with the proviso that the whale meat is utilised following data collection.
226. Scott Atran, an anthropologist at France's National Center for Scientific Research, the University of Michigan and John Jay College, is the author of Talking to the Enemy.
227. Scientific research compares the past to producing ascensive effect any moment are more outstanding.




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