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单词 Trent
1 Captain Trent gave his men a full briefing.
2 Trent almost laughed with relief.
3 Mr Trent lost his house when he was made bankrupt .
4 Trent would then look through the apartment door peephole.
5 Trent kicked at the man's right knee.
6 Trent thanked him and poured another round of rum.
7 Or her mouth shut, Trent corrected himself.
8 Trent had listened to stories of the 1961 hurricane.
9 Trent spun as he dropped, right leg kicking back.
10 The barracuda swam two complete circles with Trent watching.
11 Trent woke at three a.m., his heart racing.
12 Trent strolled up the path to Jimmy's Bar.
13 Trent had learnt this lesson well in his fight against it.
14 Three men had mounted an incompetent attack on Trent at Bacalar.
15 Trent held his breath, face under the muddy surface of the river.
16 Trent held him under the cold water, hoping he would make some effort to support himself.
17 Tyne to Trent move paid off Denis Bonner's rise to the top has been meteoric.
18 Severn Trent has already introduced temporary measures at the site which will help improve the situation.
19 Again Trent braked in the shadows of the trees and studied the cabin through his binoculars.
20 Trent imagined him holding a golf club but the callus didn't fit.
21 Gunning the engine, Trent slammed into first gear and eased the motor cycle diagonally upriver.
22 The yellow genoa sped up the forestay, Trent switching sheets as the jib came down.
23 Trent sprinted up the dock and spotted the President's granddaughter.
24 Trent heard the scratching of branches against the bridge-deck as the wind drove Golden Girl inland on the flood tide.
25 Trent came after him, right foot driving at his crotch but hitting his thigh as he rolled again.
26 Trent had calculated the distance between the culvert and the junction of the old and new rivers as less than four miles.
27 Trent slung a bandoleer over his shoulder and grabbed both guns and two boxes of cartridges.
28 She pitched forward into the flooded darkness of the interior, and Trent heaved himself after her.
29 The tropical paradise trip was a reward for 40 years' service with the Severn Trent water company.
30 Knowing that the barracuda would dart forward the moment he fired, Trent aimed half way down the jaw.
31 But it was edging closer to Trent, always a little closer.
32 The two water regions of Britain with the greatest nitrate problems are Anglian and Severn Trent.
33 Calm and quiet, Trent picked him as the technical adviser along for the trip but without direct responsibility for the outcome.
34 Or Charlie Barnett's 98 before the first interval at Trent Bridge in 1938?
35 Trent spied the President and his granddaughter on the end of the dock below the President's beach house.
36 Trent walked back and studied the footpath before remounting the motor cycle.
37 Listening to the conversation, Trent watched three frigate birds sailing the on-shore breeze beyond the quay.
38 Had Trent been Miguelito he would have lain in wait in the jungle by the catamaran.
39 Trent sat on the saloon deck, holding his coffee mug cupped in his hands.
40 Trent looked back straight into the bows of the patrol boat.
41 Rookie Trent Whitfield almost caught Joseph napping, surprising him with a quick slap shot from the blue line.
42 Trent met it with a slight movement of the tiller bar, and the big catamaran lifted smoothly.
43 The owner says the problem is caused by a Severn trent sewage treatment plant half a mile upstream.
44 This includes an audio visual show which transports visitors on a 15 minute journey on the Trent to relive floods and battles.
45 Back in the saloon Trent cut the rope into four lengths and made one fast to each corner of the folded bedsheets.
46 Severn Trent provides water and sewerage services to 8m customers, covering 8,337 square miles.
47 Easing Golden Girl up under mainsail, Trent watched the motor yacht roll gently in the swell.
48 Trent dropped down into the galley and took his time searching out a tin of ginger biscuits.
49 Trent rode in first gear, headlight tunnelling into the forest gloom through which the rain bucketed.
50 Trent was neither surprised nor, to his own amazement, frightened.
51 Below the bend the water remained sufficiently shallow close to the bank for Trent to keep his footing.
52 Trent gathered it and wrapped it with ties to the boom before going forward to raise the storm jib.
53 They came to a head in 1562 at the Council of Trent, reconvened after a ten-year break.
54 Last year, Trent noted, one-third of the cancer drugs approved hit specific targets.
55 With Gomez watching, he bound Trent s wrists in front of him so that he could hold the coffee mug.
56 Read in studio Workers at Severn Trent Water have agreed a deal which links pay increases to the quality of supplies.
57 Trent knew that Mariana was waiting for the hurricane to fall on them.
58 Good or evil ... These were considered old-fashioned terms in a morally rudderless society,() Trent thought with more sadness than bitterness.
59 It was all a flashback to his own childhood and to his father, Trent thought as he looked across at Mariana.
60 Arson fear: Fire crews tackled the second blaze in three days in an empty house in Trent Street, Middlesbrough yesterday.
61 Trent believed that they were less than two miles from the river mouth.
62 Ahead of them, Trent could hear the surf smashing on the reef, heavy now and threatening.
63 As Trent studied the map, he recalled the topography each side of the Makaa River.
64 Trent surfaced and yelled at the men in the cockpit to swim a lifejacket out to him.
65 One can debate whether gatherings after Constantinople or after Trent have been ecumenical, but it is a sterile argument.
66 Squatting down, Trent poured rum and squeezed orange juice into the cups.
67 Trent repeated his broadcast to Caspar and gave Mariana a shrug.
68 Trent dived belly flat into the protection of a bush sprouting from beside the concrete piling.
69 Trent didn't expect the twelve thicknesses of cotton sheet to last but each minute that they held would gain precious distance.
70 Trent walked round through the lean-to kitchen and stood in the doorway, from where he could see into the restaurant.
71 Trent wiped the rain from his eyes as he tried to calculate speed and distance against the drift of the Zodiac.
72 Trent Lott, R-Miss., who was elected to his first full term as majority leader last month.
73 The mestizo lost his footing, and Trent heard him slide, swearing.
74 Neck rope coiled round his waist, Trent slithered into the river like a crocodile.
75 For a moment Trent and Mariana were held immobile, stunned by the incredible power from which they had so narrowly escaped.
76 The man grinned, all teeth, and charged at Trent fast, the knife driving at his belly.
77 For a moment Trent thought of letting the whole damn lot of them go up on the reef.
78 Congressional leaders Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott are meeting privately with him.
79 Too late Trent flung the motor cycle into a skid as a steeply-banked riverbed opened before them through the driving rain.
80 Thames, North West and Severn Trent are the most likely candidates.
81 At Trent Park, you will be given a registration form to fill in and hand in before starting the walk.
82 He had a good handshake, Trent thought, as they shook on the deal.
83 Trent thought of calling at her to relax but he knew that it would be as pointless as trying another smile.
84 Next Trent had listed those facts appertaining to his own role.
85 Since the Council of Trent, which ended in 1563, the Church had defined itself in reaction to the modern world.
86 Bruised shadows of fatigue showed beneath her eyes - eyes in which Trent read gratitude and the beginnings of dependency.
87 Warren Trent gripped the arms of his chair tightly.
88 I'm just gonna take Trent to play some basketball.
89 Viciously, Warren Trent stubbed out his cigar.
90 At length, pushing away his plate, Warren Trent observed.
91 Trent studied maritime law after university.
92 Warren Trent gave a satisfied grunt.
93 Warren Trent stepped forward, smiling.
94 This action was not lost on Trent.
95 Well, in the case of Nine Inch Nail's Trent Reznor and Rage Against the Machine's Tom Morello, the answer is easy: go after the government.
96 Despite scepticism, founder Trent Huang was nonsensical and confident about his company.
97 Former Republican Senator Trent Lott said on MSNBC that presidents "tend to overplay their hand" in their first two years.
98 He had fallen , Warren Trent realized , for an ancient , elementary gambit.
99 The Catholic church, in response to the Protestant challenge, took its stand in the Council of Trent and, in 1563, confirmed its previous doctrines.
100 Republican Trent Lott of Mississippi will be the new Senate majority leader.
101 Try to picture this scene: With 50, 000 men watching intensely, a 15-year-old young man, Trent—blindfolded and barefoot—begins stepping cautiously across an outdoor stage.
102 Mak Arvin and Byron Lew of Department of Economics, Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, have investigated the old adage that it's better to give than receive.
103 The Trent River Authority at least is on the side of depollution.
104 To record the transfer of Pam Lee's equity interest to the incoming partner, Paul Trent.
105 Since the Council of Trent it is not permitted for a Catholic to question the inspiration of these passages.
106 All this is what every man knows about the Council of Trent .
107 It is by showing the extremely different roles the Council of Trent played in the different historical paradigms that the first point is going to depict the development of the historiography.
108 The latest "high bypass" turbofans, such as the Rolls-Royce Trent, push around nine times more air around the core of the engine than through it.
109 It required a Council of Trent to raise the whole conception of religious life to a higher level.
110 Trent Spencer, 27, of Edmond, north of Oklahoma City, was charged with the misdemeanour crime of filing a false report, said police spokeswoman Glynda Chu.
111 About all I could do was ask Trent Lott not to be too hard on her and offer to be Hillary’s caseworker for Westchester County.
112 The first Mercians are thought to have been Angles who moved inland along the River Trent, establishing themselves in the valley in the vicinity of the hoard.
113 The Council of Trent (Italian: Trento) was an ecumenical council of the Catholic Church held in discontinuous sessions between 1545 and 1563 in response to the Protestant Reformation.
114 Jonathan Trent, a researcher at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field , Calif.
115 Easy street is no place for an active guy like Trent.
116 I'm going to take you to the bank, Senator Trent.
117 Trent returned to the counter and his biscuits and gravy.
118 The people's candidate , Senator Vernon Trent,(http:///trent.html) promises no new taxes.
119 "You're concentrating nutrients and releasing extremely clean water into the ocean, " said Jonathan Trent, a bioengineer at NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif.
120 Turning to Peter, she snapped, " I insist on a full report being made to Mr. Trent. ".
121 Academically, Huamei - Bond students are very successful at Trent University.
122 The final session of the Council of Trent is held ( it opened on December 13, 1545 ).
123 This thesis, in the context of the reform of the episcopacy at the Council of Trent, explores some of the problems the Roman Catholic Church had to encountered.
124 Despite scepticism, founder Trent Huang was no - nonsensical and confident about his company.
125 Regarding the form of the sacrament, both the Council of Florence and the Council of Trent teach that it consists in the words of absolution.
126 There are several solution concepts with respect to di ? trent rationality, such as core, nucleolus, etc.
127 And, Harry, Jimmy, Trent, wherever you are out there, fuck you too!




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