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单词 Dissent
1. In those days, religious dissent was not tolerated.
2. These voices of dissent grew louder and louder.
3. He would brook no serious dissent.
4. The regime ruthlessly suppresses all dissent.
5. I dissent altogether from such an unwise idea.
6. Few historians would dissent from this view.
7. Political dissent is not tolerated.
8. I wish to dissent .
9. The present government is even less tolerant of dissent.
10. There are many ways of expressing dissent.
11. The teacher laughed her dissent.
12. Voices of dissent began to rise against the bomb.
13. Voices of dissent began to rise against the established authority in the 1950s and 1960s.
14. Any political system refusing to allow dissent becomes a tyranny.
15. There were murmurs of both assent and dissent from the crowd.
16. In the early 1960s,() the voices of dissent began to rise.
17. His dissent from his family's religious beliefs caused a lot of ill-feeling.
18. Stability only exists in the country because dissent has been suppressed.
19. The regime tried to silence dissent with a programme of mass murder.
20. Anyone wishing to dissent from the motion should now raise their hand.
21. The voices of dissent were effectively smothered.
22. Religious dissent is, indeed, one source of civil unrest.
23. Two jurors signified their dissent.
24. Third, the student plays a role of dissent.
25. Bodie ignored the sounds of dissent.
26. We do not dissent from that proposition.
27. He is the toughest military ruler yet and has responded harshly to any dissent.
28. When the time came to approve the proposal, there were one or two voices of dissent.
29. The President was ruthless in dealing with any hint of internal political dissent.
30. Voter abstention is seen as the only real form of dissent in elections.
1. These voices of dissent grew louder and louder.
2. He would brook no serious dissent.
3. He is the toughest military ruler yet and has responded harshly to any dissent.
4. When the time came to approve the proposal, there were one or two voices of dissent.
5. The President was ruthless in dealing with any hint of internal political dissent.
6. The regime ruthlessly suppresses all dissent.
31. Other nations condemned the ruler for repressing dissent.
32. No one dared dissent from the official party line.
33. I respectfully dissent and would reverse.
34. There had been dissent over the issue of whether to contest the forthcoming parliamentary elections on separate party lists.
35. Victorian Nonconformity was altogether different in tone and scale from the Old Dissent of 1660-1760.
36. Now back home, they are spreading the new gospel of dissent.
37. For there is a clear distinction between tolerating dissent and propagating it.
38. We understand from the Sunday papers that he will not now dissent from it.
39. At stake the image of a party which prides itself on being loyal, but which has been riven by dissent.
40. Dissent has occurred at times among university students in attempts to radicalise dominant ideas.
41. Then, Nutt the player appeared to make a retaliatory late tackle, and after being penalised was sent off for dissent.
42. Chapter 6 compares efforts to explain the origins, characteristics, and impact of non-violent political dissent and social movement activity.
43. It was in no sense a revival of the political dissent symbolised by Cromwellian puritanism.
44. The decision was supported by almost everyone. Baldwin was the only one to dissent.
45. The government will be claiming that its reform of legal aid was a triumph for justice and any dissent will be rubbished.
46. But Cummock said that dissent was not given to President Clinton when he received an initial draft of the report.
47. Unlike some of his neighbours, President Mugabe is in a position to take a relaxed attitude to dissent.
48. These determined sects emerged in the time of toleration as the early centres of Dissent.
49. A defining characteristic of the Bund was its acceptance of debate and dissent.
50. Ministers might justly argue that in this case the dissent is also politically ambiguous, given the diverse support for the amendment.
51. Anti-war dissent was increasing by the time Nixon took office.
52. The party will continue to assert itself and severely punish political dissent.
53. The Communist authorities have done nothing less than silence all public dissent.
54. More important will be dissent shown during the debates by the Government's own supporters.
55. After nearly losing the 1971 election to opposition leader Dae-Jung Kim, Park tightened his control even more(), smothering all dissent.
56. Romer L.J., at p. 652, did not dissent but expressed a doubt.
57. At no time, however, did they use such draconian measures to stifle dissent.
58. It was on the cards that he should be drawn into the circle of dissent.
59. The large number of Cabinet ministers who have resigned or been dismissed have not been a focus for dissent.
60. In the decades before Emancipation only a few isolated individuals had carried dissent to the point of revolutionary commitment.
61. To the extent that it purports to do anything else, I respectfully dissent.
62. And the entire team were warned about their over-enthusiastic appealing and shows of dissent.
63. The issue of Dissent survived as a major source of conflict.
64. McAvennie disputed the fine and called on the Professional Footballer's grievance procedures to voice his dissent.
65. He is also considered to be far weaker than his half-brother and may make concessions to try to stifle dissent.
66. These two forms of dissent coalesced in the demand for a stronger approach to the Tory nostrum of tariff reform.
67. But critics have accused him of being autocratic and intolerant of dissent.
68. Even in Khrushchev's more relaxed era, fear of dissent from official cultural policies continued to run high.
69. He said there would always be some voices of dissent.
70. Ray McGovern and the other protestors at the 9: 15 liturgy were laying claim to this legacy of principled dissent.
71. The only freedoms of the truly enslaved are subtle subversion and private dissent.
72. Anti-war dissent erupted into organized demonstrations several times in the Johnson administration.
73. The leaders remain haunted by the forces of dissent they ordered the army to crush.
74. This seems a clear example of his allegiance to popular dissent against the Church and social elite who supported the Restoration.
75. Reformists allege that the killings were part of a campaign by state-sponsored death squads to silence dissent.http://
76. Both had been active in the 1976 movement of dissent, and Wang had subsequently held office in the Communist Party.
77. The main dissent came from conservative Republicans who saw the compromise as merely disguising an administration capitulation on affirmative action and quotas.
78. Hence, for example, there is little indication of precisely how much dissent or cleavage will throw the system out of balance.
79. Ullathorne was booked for dissent and Wright coolly converted the spot kick himself.
80. The War had unleashed new currents of dissent: darker, more deadly currents that would be hard to channel.
81. For 70 years the Communist government had suppressed all dissent.
82. Although voices of dissent are being heard, there is no sign of the supermodel phenomenon abating in the near future.
83. Dissent in the county none the less survived powerfully through the eighteenth century in the persons of Phillip Doddridge and his followers.
84. This was the time when the lone and often despairing voice of dissent was heard from the terraces.
85. His deceptively simple judgments dealt only with the essential points, stated the law tersely and clearly, and rarely provoked dissent.
86. The argument led to charges that the national organization is intolerant of dissent.
87. Prabhakar was reported by umpire Wilf Diedrichs for dissent after his dismissal in the day's first session.
88. For years the headscarf was frowned upon and sometimes banned on the ground that it encouraged dissent among children of different religions.
89. Does he dissent from the Chancellor's comment that unemployment is a price worth paying?
90. No dissent from or criticism of Kim Il Sung, his tenets, or his decisions was permitted.
91. It made dissent, social criticism, and alternative scenarios more difficult to articulate.
92. If dissent is voiced, self-appointed mind-guards apply verbal and non-verbal pressure to isolate dissenters.
93. He quickly established its critical reputation and the Institute became the focal point of specialist dissent from the official line.
94. Dissent is discouraged by the presence of the security forces and the army.
95. Dissent, hitherto confined to a number of intellectuals, became a mass phenomenon with the Protestant Church playing a leading role.
96. During the Prime Minister's speech there were several murmurs of open dissent from the crowd.
97. Not to be outdone, Kim put through a new constitution in the North, also without objection or dissent.
98. Chapter 5 looks at attempts to explain violent political dissent and the surge of revolutionary movements.
99. Soon these combined winds of dissent would grow into a twister of protest.
100. But such philosophical dissent, at this point, is the stuff of dreams in a dreamworld.
101. Judge Pregerson, in his dissent, invoked an individual's right to be left alone.
102. But this year the organization appears more tolerant of such dissent.
103. The document had become the classic of dissent for these young men, each copy painstakingly written out in longhand.
104. I think nobody will dissent from the government's policy.
105. I made a gesture of dissent.
105. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
106. Preventing dissent may discourage creative thinking within the group.
107. Tony Blair, for burying dissent.
108. It is too late now to make any dissent.
109. Even the Japanese dissent indiscreet ways.
110. He felt her shoulders give a wriggle of dissent.
111. Justice Brandeis filed a strong dissent.
112. Justice Brennan filed a strong dissent.
113. Political dissent would no longer be tolerated.
114. None of them dares even mutter dissent.
115. Laws criminalize peaceful expression of peaceful dissent.
116. Yet dissent arose even on that point.
117. He felt her shoulders gave a wriggle of dissent.
118. The debtor shall, within 15 days after receipt of the order of payment(), clear off his debts or submit to the people's court his dissent in writing.
119. Today's council sessions have been carefully stage-managed to avoid embarrassing disclosures or signs of internal dissent.
120. Click here for Posner's opinion, which came in the form of a dissent from the court's denial of a request to hear the case en banc.
121. By day, Tripoli is effectively in a security lockdown and there are no outright signs of protest or dissent.
122. A tight clampdown on media coverage makes it difficult to gauge whether the clashes are the start of a bigger revolt or just a fleeting show of dissent.
123. The unrepeatable test shall not be retested. The client shall give up the right of dissent.
124. Disruptions were not expected authoritarian state that tolerates no dissent.
125. Charles Plosser, the Philadelphia Fed president and one of the most likely candidates to dissent, said recently he considered price stability the Fed's most important objective.
126. He laughed his dissent.
127. But it thought that such a humanitarian proposal was one way of calming domestic dissent.
128. Amnesty International, which released the leaked document, reckons that the wording is so sweeping that it would “in effect criminalise legitimate dissent.
129. Within 20 days of the approval notice a dissentient shareholder must give a written notice of dissent to the constituent company demanding payment of the fair value of his shares.
130. This push will cheer me ever or dissent me now.
131. She was surprised to hear Tom dissent. She could not understand it.
132. It forgoes the bleakness of protest and dissent for the energizing confidence of constructive solutions.
133. Justices Thomas and Stephen Breyer, who wrote the long dissent in the Parents Involved decision, argue for two clashing ideals: a "color-blind Constitution" and integration.
134. Perhaps in this unanticipated and unusual union in dissent of normally warring factions, the freethinker Graves has done the world his greatest act of service.
135. And New York - based Human Rights Watch has faced dissent erstwhile supporters for being harsh on Israel.
136. Despite his reputation throughout the football world for being a fearsome competitor, Smithy was only sent off once during his career - and that was for dissent towards a referee.
137. It also risks obscuring the shining strand of dissent, so your diarist pipes up.
138. Republican Peter Wallison wrote a 108-page dissent blaming the crisis on government intervention in the housing market, including the support given to mortgage buyers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
139. Where there are complex legal issues, the judge may concur in part and dissent in part.
140. The law of corporation revised introduces the system about the repurchase rights for dissent shareholders, provided another system for minor shareholders interests.
141. Justice Marshall - now retired - wrote a stinging dissent, joined by Justices Brennan ( also retired ), White and Blackmun.
142. Irving Howe, the editor who had published "The White Negro" in Dissent, dubbed Mailer the "thaumaturgist of orgasm".
143. But when it comes to political dissent and religious freedom, the government has been unrelenting.
144. It suppressed political dissent and oppositional parties, manipulated elections and militarized labour.
145. One can dissent from one or other of these positions.
146. He said the enemy kills without mercy and opposes freedom and dissent.
147. The allowance of freedom of action or judgment to other people, the patient and unprejudiced endurance of dissent from one's own or the generally received course or view.
148. He was an honest man, oppressed by the inroads of dissent.
149. He insisted I fomenting dissent, and he said he would have to terminate me.
150. To neutralise dissent within the ruling party, the prime minister, Fran?ois Fillon, has positioned the procedure as a vote of confidence in his government.
151. The right to dissent is part of our political system.
152. Previously, dissent had been crushed , most visibly when Ms Fiorina set about merging HP with Compaq.
153. The one of the five who has a vote this year, Kansas City Fed President Thomas Hoenig, today cast his seventh straight dissent, the most at consecutive regular policy sessions since 1955.
154. The Espionage Act became a tool to stamp out dissent and radical, but never conservative, criticism.
155. In our war-torn era where dissent and open-minded debate have become problematic, Lewis compels us to remember the crucial function free speech serves in our democratic form of government.
156. I remember how young wannabe career politicians within the Labour party hijacked the student movement and crippled it to the point it was incapable of dissent.
157. A judge may dissent ( disagree with the majority opinion ) and write a " dissenting opinion. "
158. If China still needs to learn how to become comfortable with dissent, conversely, American and European leaders should understand that stridency with Beijing can backfire.
159. Few dissent shareholders can ask the company purchase the shares with fair price and leave the company, and this is the appraisal right of dissenter./dissent.html
160. Dissent used to be strong in this part of England.
161. The dissent should be made within 30 days after the goods arrive at the destination port.
162. Loyalist cries of "U. S. A. " tried to drown out the dissent. -Please, please don't be diverted by the ground noise and the static.
163. Saddam Hussein's police state ruthlessly eliminates anyone who dares to dissent.
164. RIYADH (Reuters Life!) - Illegal stunts in cars, joyriding, bullying and political dissent -- video-sharing Web site YouTube has taken off in Saudi Arabia.
165. Isolating himself from dissent, the president made a series of disastrous decisions.




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