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单词 Expand to
1. A bladder which is frequently emptied does not expand to its full capacity and needs gentle stretching to bring this about.
2. Later, it will expand to include a radio talk show where players can talk about computer games.
3. The problem began to expand to levels at once more profound and absurd.
4. Gusseted sides expand to fit all belongings.
5. He made China's maritime trade expand to such countries as the coastal area , the Indian south coastal area and west Asia , east African, etc ... Except Vietnam , Siam , etc .
6. Both null and undefined macros expand to null strings, but a macro defined as a null string is considered defined in preprocessing expressions.
7. We will further consolidate and expand to the economic development of the province's good posture(), more attention to study tendentious question.
8. By summer, spots will expand to encompass the entire dunes.
9. The menu will expand to show four preset position and preset 1 will automatically is highlight.
10. Does the GOK window expand to fill the full screen width?
11. Any given program will expand to fill all the available memory.
12. Bullfrog diets later expand to include fish, baby turtles, and even newborn ducks.
13. The menu will expand to show four preset positions and preset 1 will automatically be highlighted.
14. The communication mechanism discussed here can expand to other communication devices beside serial device in VxWorks.
14. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. As all cells expand to their mature size, the cambial cells are Pushed outward.
16. On absorbing water, the fibers expand to give an even tighter structure which resists leakage.
17. Said algorithmic can expand to use on other objective characteristic point positioning.
18. Domestication of new animals for their products will probably expand to meet the demands no longer met from wild stock.
19. As it was, Jobs forbade his hardware team to provide even the capability to expand to 5 12K.
20. Methods: To diagnose 16 Achalasia by oesophagus barium X, endoscope is down the air sac expand to treat, curative effect is divided into near, post date appraisal.
21. The %u is replaced with the user's name, so it'll automatically expand to a unique share name for each user.
22. To adopt GFP protocol, EOS eliminates complicated protocol transition, and makes Ethernet expand to MAN/WAN, by which net function cost and complicacy have been greatly reduced.
23. We need to define key areas and priority for the three-party cooperation so as to start from the areas with good conditions and gradually expand to other areas.
24. And although it depended for many years on one donor, the Italian government, it set up an endowment fund in 1993, which has grown to US$12 million and TWAS hopes will expand to US$25 million.
25. C. They cart away everything from tattered sofas to ancient computer parts, and plan to expand to 80 franchises by 2012.
26. A recent grant from the Wellcome Trust International Engagement Award will help the project to expand to more communities and villages within the Entebbe and Kampala areas.
27. A closed universe is a finite universe -- it will only expand to a certain size before collapsing.




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