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单词 Leaf blade
1. The leaf blades are lanceolate, ovate, round, or arrow-shaped.
2. The whole leaf blade is moderately curved with curled margins.
3. The leaf blades are lanceolate to broadly lanceolate and the inflorescence is branching.
4. Their petioles are almost white; leaf blades are irregularly decorated with green, yellow-green, and white spots.
5. Leaf blade base rounded or unequally cordate...
6. Leaf blade lobed more than 50% to base.
7. Leaves basal and cauline; leaf blade palmately divided.
8. Stems glabrous or pilose; leaf blade apex acuminate.
9. Leaf blade thinly leathery; fruit with coarse pubescence.
10. Basal leaf blade oblong, base not cordate.
11. Leaf blade more than 3 cm wide, apex acuminate.
12. The leaf stalk supports the leaf blade.
13. Leaves mostly near middle of stem and distal; leaf blade deeply palmately divided; primary lobes 2- to many lobulate.
14. Leaf blade usually oblong to ovate, cordate or nearly so at base; leaf and fruit without pubescence .
15. Culm sheath auricles falcate, long. Leaf blade abaxially minutely pubescent along one or both sides of midrib.
16. Leaf blade not triangular-peltate, perianth not accrescent nor fleshy in fruit.
17. Leaf blade base cuneate, abaxial surface with gray - white indumentum; corolla magenta - rose.
18. Basal leaf blade oblong or elliptic, truncate or cuneate at base.
19. Changes the nature ensiform leaf blade to be tall and slender. It has the obvious midrib.
20. Leaf blade lobes and lobules contiguous or overlapping. Sepals 7 or 8, white. Achene body glabrous or subglabrous.
21. Leaf blade base broadly cuneate to rounded(http://), margin obtusely serrate ; drupe and endocarp ellipsoid to oblong.
22. Leaves alternate, usually simple, petiolate; leaf blade margin entire or sometimes crenate.
23. Petiole 4-6 mm; leaf blade elliptic to oblong-elliptic, base cuneate to broadly cuneate, apex obtuse to subrounded and with a retuse tip.
24. Leaf blade 11–16 cm wide, abaxial surface with dense pale gray-brown soft and spongy indumentum .
25. Leaf blade abaxially initially densely yellow tomentose, glabrescent ; inflorescences to 40-flowered, larger, initially densely white tomentose.
26. Current year branchlets terete; leaf blade oblong, 9-12 cm, base rounded, apex acute.
27. Leaf blade oblong-lanceolate to oblanceolate , abaxial surface with vesicular hairs on the veins.
28. Some species have green leaves, and others have distinctly colored leaf blades.
29. It closely resembles E. macrophyllus and like the latter has no pellucid markings in the leaf blades.
30. There was a positive correlation between stomatal conductance and transpiration rate in various organs, while the coefficient of correlation in non-leaf green organs was lower than that in leaf blade.
31. Fruit pyriform; leaf blade abaxially densely gray or yellowish gray tomentose.
32. Margin of leaf blade sinuate; petals ovate-lanceolate or triangular-lanceolate, apex acuminate.
33. Samara glabrous; leaf blade surfaces smooth and glabrous with tufted hairs on veins, base oblique, apex acuminate to narrowly acuminate.
34. Leaves alternate, petiolate ; leaf blade ovate to linear, margin entire or nearly so.
35. Leaf blade with both surfaces scaly, scales entire, or lobed.
36. Samara pubescent; leaf blade abaxially sparsely pubescent, adaxially hirsute or with convex trichome scars, base attenuated to rounded, apex shortly caudate.
37. Distribution characteristics of leaf pubescence on leaf blade and hull pubescence on hull were observed under an optical microscope.
38. Leaf blade adaxially drying green, scales deeply lacerate to stellatelydivided.
39. Leaf blade oblanceolate, to 20 cm, apex obtuse or rounded.
40. Leaf blade base rounded or broadly cuneate; fruit rugose when mature.
41. Chinese cabbage leaf blade and leaf stalk of Brassica Chinensis systematically infected with Ribgrass Mosaic virus was separately made by the freezing cut transection.
42. Leaf blade abaxially with more than one type of hair, some slender, others long and robust, those on veins villous and tufted; petals 1.5-2.5 cm.
43. Apex of ocrea usually with green leaflike wing; leaf blade 5-12 cm wide.
44. Young branches glabrous. Leaf blade glabrous or only puberulent along basal part of midrib adaxially.
45. Margin of leaf blade sinuate ; styles 3–3.5 mm, slightly curved towards apex.
46. Malic enzyme was highly active in leaf blade, but insignificant in leaf sheath, young stalk and root of young plant of sugarcane(Saccharum spp. ).
47. Changes the nature ensiform leaf blade to be tall and slender. Has the obvious midrib.
48. With your new brush, make a swirl shape for a leaf blade.
49. Current year branchlets stout, 2-ribbed; leaf blade thickly leathery, abaxially reddish brown when dry; sepals pubescent.
50. The area between the upper part of the leaf sheath and the basal portion of the leaf blade contains several specialized organs, such as the laminar joint, auricle and ligule.
51. Petiole green, leaf blade elliptic to oblong, margin sometimes serrate; flowers ca. 5 cm in diam. ; stamens 20–25.
52. Leaf blade 3- or 5- lobed , lateral lobes usually as long as central lobe, apex of lateral lobes caudate-acuminate.
53. Leaves alternate, rarely apparently opposite; leaf blade floating, veins palmate.
54. Leaf blade and petioles puberulent to woolly at least along veins; anthers globose or reniform.
55. Leaf blade abaxially glabrous to puberulent ; inflorescence rachis mostly less than 1 cm, if longer then rachis straight.
56. Explants from leaf blade, stem internode and petiole of sweet potato 8129 4 were tested on various media to determine the best explant for regeneration.
57. Basal culm internodes with pale green stripes; leaf blade abaxially glabrous.




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