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单词 Danzig
(1) The Danzig Senate dismissed the incident as a joke.
(2) I suddenly had a clear mental picture of Danzig - a hairy-chested man with a gold medallion and tight, white trousers.
(3) Even though it was against Danzig law, these people were all sent to the Reich, presumably to concentration camps.
(4) By 1914 it was technically possible for a Danzig bargee to visit Bordeaux and the Black Sea with roughly equal facility.
(5) In truth the government of Danzig had become a labyrinth sown with pits for the unwary.
(6) It was only in Danzig that it became clear to me that Zbigniew had hypnotized me.
(7) The legal position of the City of Danzig was rather more explicit.
(8) Even British leaders thought Danzig should be returned.
(9) Danzig, 95 percent German[sentencedict .com], had been severed from Germany at Versailles in violation of Woodrow Wilson’s principle of self-determination.
(10) Simplex is the American mathematician GB Danzig in 1947 first put forward.
(11) Schopenhauer was born in Danzig in 1788 but spent most of his life in Frankfurt.
(12) Schopenhauer was born in Danzig in 1788 but spent most of his life in Frankfurt. From an early age he looked a lot for happiness.
(13) He had slept with Edusha and with Bella, and then had accepted a job in Danzig.
(14) The only missing link in the resurrection of Jersey-based punk ghouls the Misfits is co-founder, songwriter and vocalist, Glenn Danzig.
(15) Even so, this was nowhere near enough to win over the Danzig voters.
(16) No city could absorb such a body-blow without showing the effects, and by 1937 Danzig was in severe financial difficulties.
(17) Minna had gone away quietly all by herself, probably to meet Zbigniew Shapira at a Danzig hotel.
(18) Accordingly, they made a bid to gain command of the Danzig Harbour Board.
(19) He wanted me to telephone you at once and ask you to come to Danzig.
(20) There was also a considerable improvement in international trade through Danzig.
(21) It was only with the greatest of difficulty that the League could be persuaded to do its job in Danzig.
(22) And in that way, they offer a glimpse of a rapidly evolving class of dangerous threats that former U. S. Navy Secretary Richard Danzig once described as instruments of "nonexplosive warfare.
(23) “They’vetried to make their story line around torture a little morecomplicated, ” Mr. Danzig said.
(24) Nowadays, being unavailable is understood to be an act of aggression equal to driving tanks through the walls of the Danzig Post Office.
(25) Comes the response: The war guarantee was not about Danzig, or even about Poland.
(26) Major Cities: Warsaw, Lodz, Krakow, Wroclaw, Poznan, Gdansk ( Danzig ) , Szczecin ( Stettin ) , Katowice , Bydgoszcz, Lublin.
(27) He put out the flames by shutting down the engine, but as he flew over Danzig at 19,685 feet, the left outer engine failed, too.
(28) At 20, he was graduated from the War Academy at Danzig and commissioned a second lieutenant in the infantry.
(29) In the author’s view, if Poland had given back German-populated Danzig to Germany, war might have been avoided.
(30) This is the only available engineering detail south of Danzig .
(31) He drove a travelling carriage, drawn by six horses and surrounded by pages, adjutants, and an armed escort, along the route by Posen, Thorn, Danzig, and K?nigsberg.
(32) He uses first person narration in his novel the Danzig Trilogy.
(33) Other people mentioned as possible defense secretary picks in an Obama administration include former Navy Secretary Richard Danzig and Sen. Chuck Hagel, a Republican senator from Nebraska.
(34) Moreover, as Danzig pointed out, armies are of little use against such dangers, and neither the production nor delivery of such weapons requires large, expensive systems.
(35) Up to a point, said David Danzig, who supervised the production of “Primetime Torture.”




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