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单词 With delight
1. The kids were screaming with delight.
2. He guffawed with delight when he heard the news.
3. She whoops with delight at a promise of money.
4. The birds were flying about and twittering with delight.
5. The children squealed with delight.
6. They grinned with delight when they heard our news.
7. His face glowed with delight.
8. Jennifer squealed with delight and hugged me.
9. The children squealed with delight when they saw the puppy.
10. She giggled with delight.
11. She chuckled with delight.
12. Jamie's eyes grew round with delight.
13. She beamed with delight/pleasure at his remarks.
14. The boy cackled with delight.
15. The audience swooned with delight.
16. The unions have greeted the decision with delight/anger.
17. The children giggled with delight.
18. Her eyes glittered with delight.
19. Her eyes twinkled with delight.
20. Her eyes shone with delight.
21. Weariness was balanced with delight.
22. Joe, Pink,(/with delight.html) and Booker howled with delight.
23. The children chortled with delight at his joke.
24. The crowd went wild with delight.
25. The children unwrapped their Christmas presents with delight.
26. She exclaimed with delight at the sight of the presents.
27. Harry chortled with delight.
28. Andrew roared with delight when he heard Rachel's nickname for the baby.
29. She gave the purse to Ruby, who crowed with delight.
30. She squeaked with delight.
1. The kids were screaming with delight.
2. He guffawed with delight when he heard the news.
3. She whoops with delight at a promise of money.
4. The birds were flying about and twittering with delight.
5. The children squealed with delight.
6. They grinned with delight when they heard our news.
7. His face glowed with delight.
8. Jennifer squealed with delight and hugged me.
9. The children squealed with delight when they saw the puppy.
10. She giggled with delight.
11. She chuckled with delight.
12. Her face was radiant with delight at the good news.
31. Her face was radiant with delight at the good news.
32. She flushed with delight.
33. She grinned with delight.
34. She squealed with delight as she recognised him instantly.
35. He heard them squealing with delight.
36. The hens clambered in, cackling with delight and greed.
37. The boy's face lit up with delight.
38. They all tumbled into the water, squealing with delight.
39. Again and again until I giggled with delight.
40. She was shivering with delight and pent-up desire.
41. Shorter said, his voice dancing with delight.
42. One side of her screamed with delight.
43. The baby crowed with delight at the toy.
44. Then she flung herself on to his stomach, squealing with delight, and he began to tickle her.
45. The ball scooted into her goal for the ninth time, and Nick whooped with delight.
46. Julia smiled with delight. she was enjoying her walk down the quiet country lane towards the riverbank.
47. The Harris's gripped like a vice and screeched with delight.
48. "I'd love to meet him," Christine said, her eyes twinkling with delight.
49. He emptied it with delight and demanded more, and Odysseus poured for him until finally a drunken sleep overcame him.
50. He ran great loopy circles, barking with delight, while Master dodged and dived, trying to catch him.
51. His eyes sparkled with delight as her mannerisms and voice reminded him of just how attractive he found Englishwomen.
52. The children squealed with delight when Karen tallied up the poker chips and announced that Jennifer and Bryan had the highest scores.
53. Louisa gasped with delight to see the man and his reflection travel together so fluently.
54. He put out his hand and touched my wrist and I shuddered with delight.
55. The ref was full of Christmas spirit and United's top scorer was dancing with delight.
56. When it looked as though he was breathing his last, Beria's face shone with delight.
57. But last night he wept with delight after scoring the most vital goal of his career.
58. When Mr Pullinger first showed his client the finished work the Yorkshireman gasped with delight.
59. The crowd began to clap, and some of them laughed with delight.
60. Jeremiah comes running and squeals with delight as Dad tosses him in the air and spins him around his shoulders.
61. The children squealed with delight as he gave them each a gift.
62. Gaily shook his head and, watching them, Florence Ames laughed with delight.
63. Despite her vehement protests, he hauled her enfeebled body inside and turned, laughing with delight.
64. And she thought: What must it be like to go to one's marital bed with delight, instead of disgust?
65. Ragged children run up to approaching cars with delight because motorized vehicles are a rare sight.
66. The shipment was greeted with delight by the local community where people have died of starvation during the harsh highland winter.
67. And when Cosby finally opens wide and swallows, you watch him light up with delight.
68. Less than 2 weeks ago, Mr Heseltine had the party faithful squirming with delight at the Tory Party conference.
69. The bathrooms were welcomed with delight, and standards of popular cleanliness made great advances.
70. A small cheer emerged from behind and I punched the air with delight.
71. I know and name a few of her train stops and she cries out with delight.
71. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
72. Not surprisingly, it is a comparison that the Bush people lap up with delight.
73. Robin laughed with delight as the birthday cake was carried in.
74. Their high voices squealing with delight when Carla mispronounced some word they coaxed her to repeat.
75. Charlton Heston plays Perry, complete with devilish beard, and he does everything but cackle with delight over his evilness.
76. The wetness of his tongue as it slipped over them made Kate arch her back with delight.
77. I was squealing with delight at the tricks his middle finger was playing when suddenly Captain leapt on us growling.
78. It behoves the sceptics among us to listen and argue rather than to whoop with delight at the superficial difficulties.
79. He was in his seventh heaven, transported with delight.
80. She was crowing with delight.
81. He was delirious with delight.
82. They tipsy men and women yelled with delight.
83. Buck Mulligan 's face smiled with delight.
84. His sunken eyes glistened with delight.
85. The overseer's eyes exploded with delight.
86. It makes the little cedar trees quiver, as with delight.
87. You have to smile and chortle with delight as you're presented with a tie or a paper weight or a really ugly, ill-fitting shirt you'd not be caught dead in.
88. Argus listened with delight.
89. She thrilled with delight when the handsome footballer kissed her.
90. He had to clench his teeth to stop himself from shouting with delight.
91. Swaying palm trees, turquoise - blue water and sugar - white sand make beach lovers sigh with delight.
92. When the touring theatrical troupe arrived at the mountain village, the villagers all ran to tell one and another beaming with delight.
93. I fully agree to the arrangement and take delight in it [ take it with delight ].
93. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
94. Argus heard the pipes and stopped to listen with delight.
95. Kate, roared with delight, as William took the snowmobile controls.
96. She was first transfixed with surprise, and then electrified with delight.
97. With delight the world's fettered. With directed thought it's examined. Through the abandoning of craving is there said to be Unbinding.
98. But best of all, by doing the things that make your whiskers curl up with delight.
99. The kids squealed with delight at the sight of the Christmas tree.
100. I heard the runnel with delight; I looked round me for some-thing beautiful and unexpected; but the still black pine-trees, the hollow glade, the munching ass, remained unchanged in figure.
101. She breathed the perfume of that shinning head of hair, so gracefully curled, with delight.




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