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单词 Cross-pollinate
1. Nonetheless, these closely related plants occasionally cross-pollinate and spawn seedlings which grow into sterile, half-breed banana plants.
2. these two cultures are generally failing to cross-pollinate like they should, despite potentially extraordinary opportunities.
3. Just as bees cross-pollinate flowers to help them grow, so will your business benefit from multiple, related product sites cross- marketing.
4. GM crops could cross-pollinate with nearby non-GM plants and create ecological problems.
5. When the crops flower, they will cross-pollinate, and the organic farmer may have a problem.
6. Just as bees cross-pollinate flowers to help them grow, so will your ...
7. The Roundup Ready opponents say genetically engineered crops can cross-pollinate and damage other crops. And they say the crops can cause the growth of weeds that resist Roundup.
8. That may be because film is so much younger than the other great art forms, which have had centuries to wane, wax, mutate and cross-pollinate.
9. New developments in each of the tools will continue to cross-pollinate the others.




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