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单词 Arbitration
1 The dispute is going to arbitration .
2 Both sides have agreed that the arbitration will be binding.
3 The judge said that arbitration was a fair and expeditious decision-making process.
4 The wage disagreement is under arbitration.
5 Both parties agreed to independent arbitration.
6 The matter will go to arbitration.
7 Trade unions want the question referred to arbitration.
8 The matter will be settled by arbitration.
9 The matter is likely to go to arbitration.
10 The arbitration is against them.
11 The union finally agreed to go to arbitration as a way of ending the strike.
12 UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.
13 In the arbitration, the state was repulsively sanctimonious.
14 Twice, he went to arbitration.
15 If disputes arose, there was arbitration.
16 My greatest arbitration case came out of an asylum.
17 These are the dark victories you win in arbitration.
18 The claim was settled by arbitration for about £100.
19 That amount has been submitted for arbitration(), Millstein said.
20 The school district and teachers agreed to binding arbitration.
21 The case has been submitted for international arbitration.
22 And investors whose cases are too old for arbitration are less likely to be blocked by brokers from going to court.
23 They signed a treaty to settle all border disputes by arbitration.
24 Both sides in the dispute have agreed to binding arbitration .
25 Both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration .
26 The dispute was referred to the United Nations / to arbitration.
27 The Teamsters do not have the usual grievance-step procedure, ending in a final, binding arbitration by a neutral third party.
28 In extreme situations, it may be necessary to resort to arbitration.
29 To his great credit, he persuaded the brewery companies to accept the principle of independent arbitration.
30 This provides an exception to the no-costs rule in arbitration cases.
1 The dispute is going to arbitration .
2 Both sides have agreed that the arbitration will be binding.
3 The judge said that arbitration was a fair and expeditious decision-making process.
4 They signed a treaty to settle all border disputes by arbitration.
5 The wage disagreement is under arbitration.
31 If the claimant is still dissatisfied, the dispute goes to arbitration, where the engineer's decision can be reviewed.
32 One of the important points was to get the offer of independent arbitration where all else has failed.
33 Any differences which could not be resolved through negotiation would be submitted to an arbitration commission.
34 The California Legislature has provided for mandatory arbitration of all cases involving amounts less than $ 15, 000.
35 The reform of arbitration procedure is a controversial subject, with many wishing to detach arbitration from close adherence to litigation procedures.
36 But to save the costs of a lawsuit, she agrees to arbitration.
37 Before deciding whether to provide for determination by expert rather than by arbitration, it is essential to appreciate the differences between them.
37 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
38 A similar result can be achieved by requiring claims arising under the contract to be referred to arbitration.
39 Then, Clinton also intervened, without appointing an emergency board, by appealing to both parties to agree to binding arbitration.
40 The hon. Member for Rotherham made some interesting points about independent arbitration.
41 Civil proceedings are also consensual when commenced by special agreement to submit to arbitration or the International Court of Justice.
42 Mr Cook also repeated demands for arbitration to settle the ambulance staff pay dispute.
43 Of the 92 cases resolved during the year, only three had to go to informal arbitration as opposed to agreed settlement.
44 Churchill then wanted to coerce the owners into a national agreement and statutory arbitration.
45 It would be sensible for dioceses to establish procedures for arbitration in case these are needed to settle disputes.
46 Janzen offers something besides going to court: mediation and arbitration services that are just as legally binding.
47 At the end of August the first arbitration case was decided upon.
48 There is a standard set of terms for the conduct of an arbitration.
49 The industry loves to force you to litigate in two forums, in court and in the arbitration system.
50 We got locked into the outfield situation once Greg accepted arbitration.
51 Indeed, only five out of the 330 complaints brought since the scheme started have required arbitration.
52 The association now refuses to handle arbitration cases in which employees are forbidden from having lawyers represent them.
53 Where only quantum is in dispute it will be dealt by arbitration.
54 Nevertheless, the section makes clear that an agreement to submit disputes to arbitration is not to be regarded as an exclusion.
55 There is no statutory supervision by the court as there is with arbitration.
56 If negotiation fails to provide an agreement acceptable to both sides then a dispute is referred to pendulum arbitration.
57 Anyone who has a legitimate grievance against the company can take it to the arbitration committee.
58 There is also an arbitration scheme under which many negligence claims are settled.
59 The owners did not agree and offered to submit the dispute to arbitration.
60 The remainder of the arbitration cases are handled by the other securities bodies that must approve the recommendations.
61 I am so sick of judges writing psalms to arbitration.
62 Experts' decisions have a completely different status from arbitration awards or judgments of the court.
63 Arbitration has traditionally been seen as a cheaper alternative to lawsuits because legal costs are lower.
64 The king, however, also had reason to conciliate the Stanleys and in 1472 the matter went to arbitration.
65 The second example is from an unpublished document about arbitration procedures in Cairo.
66 Two cases have been referred to arbitration, up to six more are the subject of court action.
67 An arbitration award can be enforced by a simple procedure, and is enforceable internationally.
68 Apart from natural justice principles, the exchange is free to establish its own disciplinary and arbitration procedures.
69 The procedure in these cases is similar to the arbitration procedure for claims for compensation in the inland post.
70 Members of the arbitration court organized for the stock exchange are appointed by the general meeting for a fixed term.
71 Both parties agreed to go to arbitration in order to avoid more strikes by the workers.
72 Labour's national executive called for the dispute to be resolved by arbitration.
73 The complaint was heard in Washington by a three-member arbitration panel.
74 It is part of a document explaining arbitration procedures at the International Centre for Arbitration in Cairo.
75 But they are resisting pressure to refer the disputed 6.5 percent pay rise to independent binding arbitration.
76 This includes control over new housing and industry, or arbitration between urban expansion and rural conservation.
77 It also handles about 85 percent of all securities arbitration cases.
78 This can be corrected at the pre-trial review or preliminary arbitration hearing.
79 Coupled with this expertise, lower costs make arbitration a very attractive option.
80 Arbitration is written into the standard form contracts as the form of dispute resolution to be used.
81 The other securities bodies that must approve the recommendations handle the remainder of the arbitration cases.
82 Eurotunnel lost the last round when an arbitration panel ruled in the contractors' favour.
83 George Hood, economic development convener on Tayside Regional Council, called for arbitration to settle the dispute.
84 I want to ensure that, in pursuing cost-effectiveness, there is independent arbitration on quality.
85 Grant Metropolitan's Inntrepreneur lease already provides for independent arbitration but rents are still considered excessive by many tenant leaders.
86 Can an expert's decision be enforced under s26 as an arbitration award?
87 The compulsory arbitration system in fact emphasises conciliation, with arbitration by tribunals in the event of failed negotiations.
88 The engineering contracts say that if disputes are not resolved by the engineer they have to be settled by arbitration.
89 The franchiser tried to keep the spat out of court by enforcing an arbitration agreement in the franchise contract.
90 Arbitration will be needed to prevent exploitation by the purchasing authority.
91 The case is important for establishing the circumstances in which the courts will allow an appeal from an arbitration award.
92 Secret diplomacy must be abolished. 3. International disputes should be resolved through the methods of conference and arbitration.
93 It is not surprising that, in those circumstances, very few tenants are invoking the arbitration procedures.
94 If the parties wish to adduce evidence in support of their cases, the appropriate way of determining the rent is by arbitration.
95 Bass, for example, requires a tenant to put down a deposit of £1,000 before he can even contemplate arbitration.
96 League sources said the suit was filed and then withdrawn in favor of the arbitration hearing.
97 It was settled by compulsory arbitration.
98 We should include an arbitration clause in the contract.
99 Fixed some arbitration logic for random teams.
100 Let's not submit our disputes for arbitration.
101 Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 concern arbitration procedure.
102 You have the right of action for arbitration.
103 Permanent Court of Arbitration in 1902 to work.
104 Arbitration Commission has one honorary Chairman and several advisers.
105 The Arbitration Commission is located in Beijing.
106 The award must determine all the differences referred to arbitration.
107 Failing such agreement(http://), the Arbitration Rules of the CIETAC shall apply.
108 The arbitration decision shall be final and binding on both parties.
109 B. 1880) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for successfully ending the Russo-Japanese war and for his interest in arbitration, Ralph Bunche (A.
110 Under the Arbitration Act 1979 an appeal lies to the High Court on any question of law arising out of an award.
111 In addition, the Arbitration Law of Rural Contracted Land Disputes is constituted and the arbitration will be a new mode of resolving forest rights dispute.
112 According to Chinas relevant laws and regulations, logistics arbitration rules for the formulation of the basic principles, the framework and other issues were discussed.
113 The international commercial arbitration had been developing swiftly and violently, one of the reasons is the arbitrable issues' expend.
114 BITs are an anomaly in public international law because they grant private investors the right to bring claims before an international arbitration tribunal.
115 Disputing parties now are free to submit to an online arbitration procedure in accordance with the Rules, which are no longer limited to simply resolving internet-related disputes.
116 Of course. But it's still best to attempt to settle disputes without invoking arbitration.
117 Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Commission.
118 Court's supervision on arbitration leads contradiction and conflict on a certain extent between judicial supervision and arbitration consequentially.
119 If two or more CPUs share the lowest priority, the load is distributed between them using a technique called arbitration.
120 Article 25 A worker who fully or partially losses the capability of civil conduct shall have his statutory agent participate in arbitration.
121 Will you mind if I asked you to revise the arbitration clause?
122 Generally arbitration Law of Peru and related treaties establish some situations denying recognition of foreign arbitration awards.
123 Article 73 Foreign-related arbitration rules may be formulated by the China Chamber of International Commerce in accordance with this Law and the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law.
124 Article 73 Foreign arbitration rules may be formulated by the China International Chamber of Commerce in accordance with this Law and the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law.
125 The record shall be signed or sealed by the arbitrators, the recordist, the parties and other participants in the arbitration.
126 It is necessary to establish ad hoc arbitration system in international commercial arbitration in China.
127 Finally, China should introduce arbitration clause in bilateral tax treaties,(/arbitration.html) and change the idea of protecting the rights of taxpayers in tax disputes.
128 Due to the fact that the Legislation Laws issued after the Sports Laws stipulates that the arbitration system must be decided by the Peoples Congress or the Committee of the Peoples Congress.
129 Any Counter Claim the Respondent has against the Claimant in accord with Arbitration Rules, including the Counter Claim filing fee.
130 The fee charging rates for handling arbitration cases shall be implemented according to relevant provisions of the state.
132 Ad hoc arbitration plays a great role in settling international trade and economic disputes with a long history.
133 Any issue of public policy is outside the scope of arbitration.
134 Whatever is not described in this agreement, shall be subject to discussion between the two parties and where required, shall be finally settled under the arbitration of the Shanghai Admiralty Court.
135 Secretary of State John Hay had negotiated a series of arbitration treaties.
136 I'm not quite familiar with the claim and arbitration in international trade.
137 Regarding the feasibility to establish the arbitration mechanism in China, our government should legislatively perfect this important mechanism on the basis of its specialties and advantages.
138 When no settlement can be reached, the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration.
139 The International Commercial Arbitration Association of the USA is well - known for its impartiality.
140 To settle the disputes, there are two ways: judicial proceedings for securities tort liability and judicial arbitration for securities disputes.
141 The author emphasizes that the former should be judged in the procedure of arbitration and the later should be considered as consolidating the hearings of related cases.
142 Article 66 A foreign arbitration commission may be organized and established by the China International Chamber of Commerce.
143 On the base of the analysis of the Chapter Three of Arbitration Law of China , this paper addresses its suggestion of modification of the Law.
144 Article 29 A party or statutory agent may appoint a lawyer or other agent to carry out arbitration activities.
145 The 9th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 8th NPC that closed today passed the "Arbitration Law" and "Audit Law".
146 Recent developments in arbitration are very much on John Goodwin's mind.
147 The arbitration fee shall be Borne by the losing party.
148 The Validity of foreign - related maritime arbitration agreement is very important both in theory and in practice.
149 Collective agreements must be certified by the tripartite Industrial Arbitration Court (IAC) before they come into effect.
150 The dispute shall be submitted for arbitration by a mutually nominated arbitrator.
151 International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission arbitration in accordance with its arbitral rules.
152 Translated HK Arbitration Law from English to Chinese with another schoolmate and published it in the book named during the university study period.
153 International commercial arbitration ( ICA ) plays a big role in solving international commercial dispute.
154 This paper will introduce the Ad Hoc Arbitration and the Mareva injunction from the"1996 Arbitration act"unifies our country present related legislation and the practice, to.
155 When bettering our country's arbitration law with the salutary experience drawing from the international legislation and practice, we should make proper choice after reasonable research.
156 Yes , foreigners may be appointed as arbitrators of a foreign arbitration commission.
157 The article further demonstrated its pro-denationalisation stand by the analysis on the meaning of the seat of arbitration in the forth chapter.
158 Such as any experience in arbitration case as agent or arbitrator in CIETAC or other arbitration institutions or ad hoc arbitration, or any research achievements in arbitration.
159 The men agreed to go to arbitration to settle their pay claim.
160 The function of international commercial arbitration cannot be act for in handling international commercial disputes.
161 The arbitration rules of UNCITRAL in 1976 is just the procedures standard specially for ad hoc arbitration.
162 Collective disputes cannot enter the procedure of arbitration without conciliation or mediation first.
163 Parties to a case involving foreign interests may also submit the case to an arbitration agency for mediation, in accordance with the written agreement concluded between them.
164 His last arbitration case was with a London firm on a voyage charter party dispute.
165 "Any disputes arising from this contract shall be submitted to China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC)".
166 Thales said it would appeal against the decisionthe International Chamber of Commerce's International Court of Arbitration.
167 The three arbitrators so appointed will from an arbitration tribunal to hear the case.
168 Milan presented their case in front of the CONI Conciliation Court and will now go the CONI arbitration, just as Lazio decided to do last week.
169 A labor dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the labor-dispute arbitration commission at the place where the labor contract concerned is performed or where the employing unit is located.
170 Arbitration agreement is the core, root and base of arbitration system.
171 I have used either the CPP or "the" Permanent Court of Arbitration.
172 The International Commercial Arbitration Agreement and the Jurisdiction of Arbitration have a close relationship, which exists in three domains of the actual arbitration procedure.
173 A: I see . OK. The new arbitration clause is acceptable. Is there else?
174 Article 20 After the acceptance by the People's Court of an bankruptcy petition, any commenced but not finalized civil suit or arbitration concerning the debtor shall be suspended.
175 These Sub - Commissions are an integral part of the Arbitration Commission.
176 The substantive laws of India shall be applicable to this arbitration clause.
177 The expenses for arbitration shall be borne by the claimant ( respondent ).
178 Arbitration is a dispute resolution method for modern commercial dealings with characteristics of convenience, expertness and quickness.




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