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单词 Top-down
1. The company's top-down management style made decision-making slow and inflexible.
2. The company has a top-down management system.
3. In the top-down approach, the effects of the wider macroeconomy on the firm's earnings are taken into account.
4. Such models receive information from both top-down and bottom-up sources, and feedback exists between all levels.
5. It is not only top-down planning that has gone; much of the faith in a strong central state has disappeared.
6. In a less restrictive system such a top-down approach would not be feasible.
7. The better approach is a combination of the top-down and the bottom-up approach.
8. Clearly there is a considerable overlap between top-down and bottom-up plans, but the fundamental distinction needs making.
9. The major problem with top-down parsing is the time wasted in expanding rules that can not possibly be satisfied by the input.
10. Dictionary look-up techniques represent the top-down approach, and involve verifying the input word by matching it with a dictionary word.
11. Support for top-down, meet-in-the-middle, and bottom-up development.
12. top-down design method is used in whole design.
13. In top-down development, both client-side and server-side developers use WSDL (the top) to produce the artifacts (the bottom) necessary for their respective environments.
14. Top-down development is an increasingly common practice for at least two important reasons.
15. So far this has been the approach we have made to our top-down dreaming.
16. Logogens accept input from both bottom-up sensory analysers, and top-down contextual mechanisms.
17. This alternative design may be based on management needs, a sort of top-down approach.
18. A larger, more general system would need considerably longer stretches of the utterance, and/or considerably more complex top-down information.
19. It creates a cheap labour force, but it's a top-down approach.
20. There are two main ways of forecasting earnings: the bottom-up approach and the top-down approach.
21. This is not to say that there was no top-down activity or that all bottom-up activity will produce meaningful infrastructure.
22. Such an improvement should permit recognition systems with larger vocabularies and generally weaker top-down constraints.
23. Consider the extent to which the approach can be said to be atomistic or holistic(), bottom-up or top-down.
24. The final two chapters look more closely at the interaction between top-down and bottom-up information given the experimental results.
25. Areas of poor acoustic quality but tightly constrained by local syntactic and semantic information would be identified through top-down prediction.
26. On one side for the red flag, an isosceles triangle a white seven horns star, The top-down for black, white, green parallel wide.
27. Voltage mode output, which is used in AMD CPU reference clock top-down design method.
28. The first use case below identifies some things to look for when taking a top-down approach to defining new business rules that have potential for reuse.
29. Finally,[/top-down.html] none of the existing disciplines address how existing applications can be enabled for SOA; a top-down process is employed most of the time.
30. Although they are generally approach-agnostic, each of the techniques discussed below is normally used in combination with either a top-down or bottom-up approach.
1. The company's top-down management style made decision-making slow and inflexible.
31. It's important to note that you can use the bottom-up process to produce the WSDL that drives the top-down process.
32. Tools support for the top-down approach has generally been more limited than the support for bottom-up, but that support is improving.
33. The approach to use case modeling can be considered a top-down approach for SOA design, where service operations are identified based on where they are needed.
34. Based on the above theorems, a new top-down algorithm for physical topology discovery is proposed, which can construct the whole topology utilizing the AFTs.
35. Top-down development in which Web Service implementation Java? classes are generated from a WSDL.
36. Next, continue the top-down development approach by beginning to implement the mediation flow component by creating a new implementation.
37. In this paper, through the concrete examples, the author introduces two kinds of parsing approaches:bottom-up parsing and top-down parsing.
38. It may involve top-down suppression over the unrelated neural networks of saccade .
39. Top-down -- Start from an existing XML description of the interface (XML schema, DTD, WSDL), derive the XML data model, and generate the mapping/conversion code.
40. Introduced the conception of the top-down design and its technical feature.
41. Top-down method is used first in global designing stage, and then bottom-up method is used in layout design.
42. As we move forward, it is clear that top-down design is required for successful core system renewal projects.
43. In the course of developing , top-down design and modularization are considered.
44. From a logical perspective, the sideway approach allows you to start by adding a subgoal to the logical Web services at the sideway of either the top-down or bottom-up approach.
45. The rapid design of assembly and parts is realized with top-down design method.
46. The MIL-STD-1553B bus was introduced, its IP core was designed using the top-down and modularization method as well as the hardware descriptive language VHDL.
47. In practice, we find that unless a project is entirely green field, in addition to a top-down analysis, there is a simultaneous bottom-up analysis of pre-existing code and business logic.
48. You should start with a top-down approach to performance tuning.
49. Has the W3C been pushing the more bottom-up Linked Data world, because of the frustration over lack of take-up of top-down Semantic Web?
50. This example tries to follow the Java naming convention and organize the relations (mappings, expressions, and conditions) in a top-down approach.
51. The breadth of the change and its impact on the organization is considered above everything else, whereas the depth of the change is usually the focus in vertical top-down or bottom-up approaches.
52. Yet it is hard to argue with success, other economists say, and China's success speaks well of its top-down strategy.
53. Figure 1 shows a simple set of steps that you could use for the top-down approach.
54. The top-down approach is more concerned with the architectural process of analyzing business systems and components to identify processes and services.
55. The top-down inductive program synthesis is based on the method of identification by enumeration.
56. But CAST alone cannot change the top-down model for popularisation.
57. This assembly model provides a good environment for top-down design.
58. This top-down approach is more compact,[] which comes in handy for large tables.
59. Clearly, a purely top-down approach is not ideal in this scenario.
60. In the example of the nested, two-level embedding approach, you can embed the top-down approach within the bottom-up approach (see Figure 4) or the other way around.
61. To use a data model in a service oriented solution with Web services, we can use a bottom-up development approach or a top-down development approach.
62. More precisely speaking, it shows four layers that you should interpret top-down (for a better understanding).
63. In the second period, we emphasize on the top-down processing model, and in the third period, we show great interest in the interactive processing model.
64. As discussed, a best practice for creating a Web service is a top-down approach, starting from WSDLs and schemas.
65. The key technology, research state, problems and development directions of top-down design are surveyed.
66. The to-be process models form the basis of the top-down process decomposition technique.
67. Analogous Estimating : a top-down estimation approach is taken by looking at similar projects within your organisation for estimates on how long a particular activity should take.
68. According to the software engineering principle, this system adopted modular design ideals and top-down development tactics.
69. The results show that the upheaval of the excavation using the top-down method is about 1/3 compared with the excavation using the bottom-up method.
70. After analyzing the USB Device Controller function requirements, the thesis divides the system into several sub-modules by the way of TOP-DOWN.
71. However, based on our observations in actual customer engagements, our recommendation is to start with a top-down approach to guarantee the best standards-based and evolving interface.
72. Using Top-Down design method, the whole PDDC function is divided to many units implemented respectively and organized to the module library.
73. As we have pointed out, there are two general ways to build an application, a top-down approach and a bottom-up approach.
74. Enterprise (top-down) SOA approach, which is an extremely high - risk approach with an initial price tag of a several million dollars.
75. Data mining can combine top-down analysis techniques with bottom-up analysis techniques.
76. The top-down approach considers the goal of an application that comprises the enterprise SOA middleware application.
77. In this paper, the feasibility of pile with high bearing capacity, such as post-grouting bored concrete pile, pedestal pile, huge pile and so on, used in top-down construction is studied.
78. Therefore, the top-down development pattern starts by identifying or developing XML schema relevant to the domain of the Web service, and then creating a WSDL for the Web service.
79. Top-down approach: In a top-down approach, such as IBM Service Oriented Modeling Approach (SOMA), services are identified and prioritized using business analysis.
80. This is a citizen and national interactive process and a combination of bottom-up and top-down process.
81. Granted in a top-down process by kings and rulers, charters simply provided some necessary conditions for the smooth operation of trade.
82. Support for both top-down development and more traditional bottom - up development.
83. From a physical perspective, the sideway approach (shown in Figure 3) allows you to add or delete Web service components sideway to the top-down or bottom-up approach.
84. A novel method based on top-down visual attention is proposed for object detection in remote sensing images. The method considers both object appearance cue and context cue in top-down attention.
85. In what is called round-trip development, the developer uses part of the top-down process followed by parts of the bottom-up process.
86. Based on ordered tree, an algorithm for reading order detection after page top-down decomposition for constructing layout objects is presented.
87. The design of MCS-51 Microcontroller is followed the Top-Down design way, including system partition coding (VHDL) RTL simulation synthesis, gate level simulation ect.
88. You can create WSDL files yourself and generate a skeleton of your service from the WSDL files, then write application code in the skeleton; this is known as top-down development.
88. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
89. The Information FrameWork recommends a top-down approach that links the elements of the bank's business architecture to the IT architecture specification.
90. A long time ago, when functions were called "subroutines" (I'm dating myself, I know), one of the main ways to manage complexity was top-down programming.
91. Top-down design and stepwise refinement urged the programmer to set forth the broad outlines of a procedure first and only later fill in the details.
92. In a top-down approach, you start with a service specification (for example, a WSDL file) and then implement the underlying code to match that specification.
93. Web services can be created using two methods: top-down and bottom-up development.
94. Enterprises are free to use top-down, bottom-up, or a combination of top-down and bottom-up design methods within the framework of the models discussed.
95. This has the potential to significantly alter the budget compilation process from a bottom-up exercise to more of a top-down one.
96. And so we should start at the beginning, or perhaps at the top, of our top-down process – the future of the global economy .
97. Only by taking an iterative approach where each iteration combines top-down and bottom-up design is an organization likely to achieve Process Isomorphism.
98. I would say the brain, but the heart is also related because the complex concept of love is formed by both bottom-up and top-down processes from the brain to the heart and vice versa.
99. When a reader applies his background knowledge to guide him through reading, he in effect adopts the top-down process to make prediction ami assumptions about the incoming text.
100. The overall design using top-down design, extensive use of modular operation of the device.
101. During a top-down approach, you typically identify service operations from business tasks.
102. The game interface is, oddly enough, a top-down perspective, such that you might find in Asteroids or Star Control.
103. This paper deals with an integral-design-oriented stamping die CAD system for carriage based on the mapping between function and structure, which supports top-down process of product design.
104. Based on ordered tree, an algorithm for reading order detection after page top-down decomposition for constructing layout objects .
105. The top-down design methodology is used to realize the PCI bus controller.
106. The presence of this functional feedback from the mushroom bodies to the antennal lobes suggests top-down modulation of olfactory information processing in Drosophila.
107. In a top-down approach, you would start with a service specification (for example, a WSDL file ) and then implement the underlying code to match that specification.
108. In the light of the method of Top-Down, the author put forward the concept of product function structure tree , which was used to express the product's function structure during the conceptual design.
109. A more judicious approach would be to first do top-down, then goal-service modeling, and finally bottom-up legacy analysis of existing assets.
110. Such reusable process components must then necessarily also become subject to the top-down or bottom-up SOA analysis process.
111. Comparatively speaking, governance is a continuous interactive process from top to bottom, and its exercise of power are non-diversified single or top-down process.
112. Top-down programming still works for procedural tasks, but it doesn't work well for systems that respond to real-world events that happen in a nondeterministic order.
113. The bottom-up approach is generally considered to be more intuitive and less error-prone than the top-down approach (discussed below).
114. In the third part , a low - noise CPPLL circuit is designed using top-down design method.
115. In the design flow of hardware description language, one of the design ways, Top-Down, was used so as to shorten the design periods and enhance the expansile performance.
116. Taking a top-down approach to solving a business problem might require new tools or a consultancy engagement to focus the business on identifying or prioritizing the business strategy or tactics.
117. This means that the Industry Models tend to follow neither a top-down nor bottom-up approach.
118. As for social classes, this substitute was a top-down process and initially under the external influence.
118. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
119. Something to shout about: Due to Dharavi's prime location, Mumbai officials have created a top-down plan for developers to raze the slum and erect office towers and middle-class apartments.
120. Design for testability of CSC71018, an application-specific IC for programmable switchboard with top-down design, is introduced in the paper.
121. Web services can be created using two approaches: top-down development and bottom-up development.
122. LTM helps us make good use of the top-down information and predict what comes next, thus harvest a better understanding of the context even with less attention allocated to the bottom-up information.
123. You could also embed the sideway approach within the top-down or bottom-up approach.




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