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单词 Go hungry
1. Never punish children by making them go hungry.
2. Thousands of families go hungry every day.
3. Many families are forced to go hungry .
4. I'd rather go hungry than eat that.
5. In an ideal world no one would go hungry.
6. No-one is allowed to go hungry.
7. The country may now go hungry after years of communist misrule.
8. The mother bird will often go hungry to keep her babies alive.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. Politicians have looked the other way while children go hungry.
10. Go hungry and cold like the wolf.
11. Then why do some people go hungry?
12. We can either eat now or go hungry later.
13. Depend on others and you will go hungry.
14. Do not let the children go hungry.
15. More than one billion people go hungry each year.
16. Some people in Africa go hungry now.
17. Poor people often go hungry.
18. The pigeons can go hungry for a minute, okay?
19. Go hungry and cold like the wolf, Go wade like the crane.
20. If you marry me, you'll have to go hungry. "
21. Mostly, you go hungry and watch your children do the same.
22. In a prosperous country like this, no one should go hungry.
23. In spite of the relief effort, thousands of people continue to go hungry.
24. Frankie had learned to prepare in advance for those days and nights when he might otherwise go hungry.
25. Some fields get disproportionate funds, he opined, while others go hungry.
26. If the crops fail again this year thousands of people will go hungry.
27. Without welfare benefits, many may become homeless, others will go hungry.
28. But in an emergency, says Mr Aho, that means a lot of people go hungry.
29. In what may be the greatest change of ownership since the colonial era, rich countries are farming land on the continent for their own citizens while some Africans may go hungry, John Vidal reports.
30. Your aunt is to be kept for dinner, while your husband should go hungry.
31. He had to dodge German pursuers, sleep in caves, rely on the hospitality (and courage) of Italian villagers, go hungry for days, sleep rough and trust his home-made compass to get him back to safety.
32. For myself, I would rather go hungry than dishonor myself for money.
33. They are making our thousands of warriors of the PLA go hungry in the cantonment.
34. That makes sense because a domestic chicken with a dippy spatial memory would survive but a forgetful wild bird would go hungry.
35. Friends don't let friends go hungry and thirsty All right.
36. Gazing adoringly at the camera, four-year-old Hania feeds her puppies around the clock to ensure they don't go hungry.
37. Father to a child often go hungry fish stresses the matter.
38. Six million North Koreans are living "on a knife edge" and will go hungry without immediate food aid, the World Food Program said,[] calling in April for $224 million in emergency aid.
39. Refugees often go hungry.
40. So we're supposed to go hungry because your butt's vibrating?




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