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单词 Augustine
1. Augustine was later to combine elements of this philosophy with the teachings of Christianity.
2. Augustine, in all essentials continued the tradition.
3. To produce 438 more, Augustine and other defense companies want $ 64. 4 billion.
4. Augustine, which had been built upon his recommendations and which has for many centuries enshrined his incorrupt body.
5. Meanwhile, Augustine formed a liaison with a woman of low birth by whom he had a son.
6. Military preparedness, Augustine said, should not be based on the wishes of diplomats.
7. Augustine kept a mistress and sired a son out of wedlock.
8. Posterity undoubtedly concentrated its attention on St Augustine as a theologian, and on what he wrote about predestination.
9. Unlike Lactantius, Augustine did not treat the scientific scholarship of the ancients with ignorant contempt.
10. Augustine says some of those patients may be facing collection agency threats.
11. A man as highly educated as Augustine changed his mind about them in the course of his life.
12. These actions forced Augustine to join a number of former board members in resigning.
13. Dunstan, the greatest of his predecessors after Augustine, was still omitted.
14. It was Augustine who got the Clinton administration to use taxpayer money to subsidize a series of defense industry mergers.
15. Augustine somehow resists every attempt to wipe it off the map.
16. Augustine in the Confessions 12: 19 between the first form and unformed or prime matter.
17. Most indigenous people here, Augustine says, accept Catholicism but practice a native spirituality.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. I do think, Augustine, you are so irreverent!
19. "The world is a bubble" declared Saint Augustine.
20. What Saint Augustine is doing is simple.
21. Saint Augustine once tried to answer this question.
22. Augustine, The City of God, Book XIX, Chapter 7.
23. Augustine cooked well, but she was otherwise undesirable.
24. Religious scholar and philosopher, Augustine produced works, principally his Confessions and his City of God, that are classics in both the philosophy of religion and Christian doctrine.
25. The present more orthodox incumbent was a tough man as well as an Augustine; accustomed to risky assignments in Cairo.
26. He questioned whether the courts could give orders to Mr Mugabe and the police commissioner, Augustine Chihuri.
27. The theological debates occasioned by this crisis of identity occupied the generation of Jerome and Augustine.
28. A powerful voice has been the influential panel of experts, led by Norman Augustine of Martin Marietta.
29. Did the Lord ordain her maternal exile, or had Augustine bartered her pain for his purity?
30. Together he and Eleanor laid foundation stones for the monastery of St Augustine in Limoges in 1171.
1. Augustine was later to combine elements of this philosophy with the teachings of Christianity.
31. The astute Augustine obviously wasn't much help on this matter.
32. SS 1921 deals with "Augustine and Neoplatonism, " where the title-theme is concerned with Augustine's eventual relapse into Greek cosmological categories.
33. Despite being a Christian and a hero of the Catholic Church, unlike Augustine, Boethius appeals to reason rather than faith for his consolation.
34. Archer had left St Augustine charged with many messages for Mrs. Mingott.
35. There were six of us —me and Will, Richard Burbage, Henry Condell, John Heminges, and Augustine Phillips.
36. I talked about faith with other students. I read St. Augustine and Tolstoy.
37. In the course of the catholic reform, in 1517, the protestant reformation launched by a friar of Augustine monastery in the Holy RomanEmpire happened.
38. Similarly, Augustine of Hippo wrote of the Israelites using Egyptian gold to build the tabernacle of God.
39. But questions of faith and morals, said Augustine, were concerns of the Church alone.
40. I would agree with Saint Augustine that " An unjust law is no law at all. "
41. To many, total abstinence is easier than total moderation ( Saint Augustine ).
42. Passing through the huge walls of the fort is a little like walking back in time. Sounds from the street and the city of Saint Augustine do not reach inside.
43. The great thinker who interprets the Christian religion in terms of eros is St. Augustine.
44. Augustine (On Jn. tr. 34, 8f). A convenient, festive messianism , without strength and responsibility is an absurdity, it is even satanism (Mt 16, 23).
45. The Spanish again strengthened the fort after the British attack. This time they made a wall of earth around Saint Augustine to protect the town.
46. Plotinus' theology further promotes the relationship of Plato' ideas and gods, meanwhile, it evades the Person of God mentioned by Augustine.
47. In this paper, we try to find the modem significance of natural theology out in the classical context, which focus on Cicero and Augustine.
48. That fundamental flaw which St. Paul describes as the struggle between what we want to do and what we actually do (and which St. Augustine dubbed "original sin") is our fear of our own mortality.
49. Today, the Castillo de San Marcos still seems to protect the city of Saint Augustine. However, no enemy has attacked since the year seventeen forty.
50. Drawing upon primarily Western theological sources, Augustine and Aquinas each offer a doctrine of deification that is distinct from Eastern conceptions.
51. Malcolm, like St. Augustine, embellished his sins in order to heighten the drama of his reform.
52. Earlier that day, a ship sailed near Saint Augustine. The townspeople thought it was Spanish.
53. In 597, Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine, the Prior of St. Andrew's Monastery in Rome, to England to convert the heathen English to Christianity.
54. After the edict of Diocletian we hear no more of it until the days of St. Augustine.
55. Augustine Tsang, Prosmart's Director addressed the crowd on why effective project management is a key success factor in implementing IT projects.
56. Augustine replaces personality and humanity with the paramountcy and universality of God.
57. We agree that man and woman make real, genuine choices from the will of man every day. Augustine, Calvin as well as Arminius, Wesley all agree on this.
58. I married a woman from Miami who shivers anywhere north of St. Augustine, and hunting the lights has never been on our agenda.
59. She learns about St. Augustine, St. Aquinas, and the christianization of Greek philosophy that occurred in the Middle Ages.
60. There were certain names which he often pronounced to support whatever things he might be saying,--Voltaire, Raynal, Parny, and, singularly enough, Saint Augustine.
61. That's where I take certain key figures among the church fathers, such as Origen,Augustine,the Venerable Bede in England, Bernard of Clairvaux in the Middle Ages,and Thomas Aquinas.
62. It is the story of an old military base, the Castillo de San Marcos. It was built in the oldest permanent European settlement in the United States -- Saint Augustine, in the southern state of Florida.
63. Wang Xiaochao, a philosopher at one of the Beijing universities, has translated the two major works of St Augustine, the Confessions and the City of God, into Chinese directly from Latin.
64. Christianity soon disappeared, except among the Celts of Cornwall, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. In 597, Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine, the Prior of St.
65. Augustine: You liar! I was holding my mother - of - pearl comb and cleaning it.
66. In 597, pope Gregory I sent st.Augustine to England to convert the heathen English to Christianity.
67. Moore burned his small ships and retreated to the north. He burned the town of Saint Augustine before he left.
68. To reach the Castillo de San Marcos you must drive through part of the city of Saint Augustine.
69. The audience learning from Augustine Tsang's experience in Finance & Accounting outsourcing.
70. Saint Augustine is in northeastern Florida near the Atlantic Ocean.
71. Augustine of Hippo was the most influential theologian of Latin Christianity.
72. The most important of all the leaders of Christian thought was Augustine of Hippo who lived in North Africa in the fifth century.
73. In the 19th century Guizhou, St. Peter Wu, St. Joseph Zhang and St. Augustine Zhao became believers and eventually martyrs for their love of the faith.
74. In 597, Pope Gregory I send St. Augustine, the Prior of St. Andrew's Monastery in Rome, to Engearth to convert the heanow English to Christianity.
75. Augustine, Hobbes and Locke had provided theoretic foundation for these system paradigm.
76. Few autobiographical works, from the respective Confessions of St. Augustine (397 CE) and Rousseau (1769) to, say, Gore Vidal's Palimpsest (1995), feel as warmly open as Modern Nature.
77. Opposition was especially strong in Africa under Augustine, who for nine years had been a Hearer.
78. And there was Augustine Phillips, Henry Condell, and Thomas Pope.
79. On one hand, the fourth-century theologian Augustine responded to the sacking of Rome with a detailed scriptural argument for two cities: the City of Man and the City of God.
80. All of these just are illustrations of how Augustine knew how to read this text literally, but he shows you how he also reads it allegorically.
81. As St. Augustine once said, "Pray as though everything depended on God.
82. In 579, Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine, the Prior of St. Andrew's Monastery in Rome, to England to convert the heathen English to Christianity.
83. Aquinas is a wonderful example of how he quotes one interpretation of John Chrysostom and then quotes another interpretation of Augustine, and he doesn't decide.
84. Then, for a few moments, Castillo de San Marcos may seem again to be protecting the city of Saint Augustine, and the treasure ships returning to Spain.
85. She regarded Augustine as a very much of a heathen.
86. Jimmy Poon presenting a souvenir to Augustine Tsang at the end of his presentation.
87. Spain formed the settlement of St. Augustine as an outpost to ensure that French Huguenots where no longer welcome in the area.
88. Moore's army arrived with eight small ships, and blocked the harbor of Saint Augustine.
89. Augustine of Hippo is very important in the history of Western political thought.
90. After talking to the Mother Superior, House learns that Sister Augustine lived a fairly wild life before becoming a nun. He also realizes that she's been drinking figwort tea.
91. Windhoek is Namibia's administrative center, the city has the administrative authority buildings, hospitals, national museums, secondary schools and the African Augustine High School.
92. Augustine challenged Manichaeism by denying Mani's apostleship and condemning his rejection of biblical truth.
93. In 597 St. Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury.
94. St Augustine (354-430), a major authority for both Catholics and Protestants, insisted that if a biblical text contradicted reputable science,[/augustine.html] it must be interpreted allegorically.
95. Spanish officials immediately began sending money to build a stronger fort. They also sent workers to Saint Augustine to replace the wooden fort with something that offered more protection.
96. A Florida schoolteacher, Robyn Gioia, tells the story of Spanish explorer Pedro Menendez who founded Saint Augustine, Florida.
97. Mountains were considered dangerous and useless. Mountains could even be a sinful distraction from God, as Petrarch interpreted a passage in Augustine rebuking men who "admire the high mountains."
98. Saint Augustine, as you know before he became a Christian, had quite a kind of licentious life, sexually, and lived with women and ... that kind of thing.
99. Flagler Beach, between Daytona Beach and St. Augustine on Florida's east coast, is a small seaside community with beautiful beaches, a boardwalk, and fishing pier.
100. Augustine Brannigan, who studies criminal behavior at the University of Calgary in Canada, is one of these people.
101. St. Augustine, founded in 1565, is the country's oldest continuously occupied city, but it's still drawing new residents with its warm climate and architectural, natural, and cultural riches.
102. Augustine is one of the major representatives of traditional theodicy.
103. In answer to the question why Devil rejected the blessed life open to all angels, Augustine cited the motive of pride (superbia), which he defines as "the love of one's own excellence".
104. Augustine was remarkably successfully in converting the king and the nobility.
105. They also improved the fort's defenses. Saint Augustine became a walled city.
106. Augustine Hancock served as an elementary-school custodian for 20 years.
107. Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe. --- St. Augustine.




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