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单词 Supertanker
1. A supertanker continues to gush oil off the coast of Spain.
2. Some oil rigs, as well as supertankers and naval ships, are constructed and much ship-repair work is done.
3. Such corporate supertankers rarely possess the nimbleness said to be needed for the Internet age.
4. And all because this cool band sells a supertanker load of records!
5. About how much larger are the modern supertankers compared with the tankers of 20 years ago?
6. Whatever it was that shook a 260,000-ton Japanese supertanker as it sailed through calm waters between Oman and Iran just after midnight Wednesday,[http://] it was not a freak wave.
7. The American economy is like a supertanker that, even in calm waters, changes direction very slowly.
8. Demography is like a supertanker; it takes decades to turn around.
9. Somalian pirates gain control of a supertanker with 2 million barrels of crude oil.
10. However, as westerners dealing with China know, the supertanker that is the Chinese economy can only change direction slowly – and will do so largely in response to domestic not foreign pressures.
11. Looking more like a beached supertanker than the usual stone-walled pagoda-hatted plant, it is intended to pour out 10m litres of whisky a year.
12. The Saudi supertanker seized by Somali pirates in the world's biggest ever hijacking has been freed following a reported ransom payment of $3m.
13. It looks like a supertanker of American consumerism has run aground in the city.
14. Among the captured vessels are a Saudi supertanker loaded with $100 million of crude oil, the Sirius Star, and a Ukrainian cargo ship carrying some 30 Soviet-era tanks.
15. South Korean warship is pursuing a supertanker which was hijacked by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean.
16. It says Exxon recklessly contributed to the accident by knowingly placing an alcoholic in command of the supertanker.
17. One afternoon I saw the huge grey mass of a supertanker steering towards us, some three miles distant in the murk.
18. From the photograph, what problems are there now for building really large ships, such as supertankers?
19. SINGAPORE (Reuters) - In high seas and heavy rain, the supertanker Kasagisan was steaming through the Malacca Strait in February when it was suddenly surrounded by six small boats.
20. Nearly 400 people and 19 ships are being held along the coast, including a Saudi supertanker with 2m barrels of oil and a Ukrainian cargo ship carrying 33 military battle tanks.
21. Last month, pirates extracted millions of dollars for the release of a Saudi supertanker, the Sirius Star, hijacked 450 miles out to sea in November carrying about $100m worth of oil.
22. "China's so enormous that any shift like this is going to take longer than in a smaller country," he said. "It's the difference between a supertanker and a sailboat.
23. The Somali pirates have hijacked more than a dozen ships and crews, including a Saudi Arabia-owned supertanker laden with crude oil. They want $10 million in ransom for the tanker.
24. An oil slick caused by a spill from a supertanker has hit several beaches.
25. Andrew Mwangura, the head of the East African Seafarers Association, said the supertanker was headed south-east this evening.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 8:08:22