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单词 Hierarchical
1, The company's structure is rigidly hierarchical.
2, It is a very hierarchical company and there's little place for individual initiative.
3, It's a very hierarchical organization in which everyone's status is clearly defined.
4, This is what hierarchical systems ought to be about.
5, It is also authoritarian and hierarchical.
6, He loved the hierarchical structure of Celtic society because it was hierarchical, but also because it was extravagant.
7, Popular Taoism repeatedly formed extremely hierarchical churches, and a series of more or less secret sects with anarchistic and mystical tendencies.
8, Many real-world data structures fit into the hierarchical pattern, however, and they are also readily understood.
9, According to Maslow's hierarchical needs model companionship is only third on the list with self-esteem and self-actualisation above it.
10, Hierarchical ranking operated within each social grouping as well as between members of different groups.
11, An important feature to explain is why a hierarchical system is invariably found in organizations such as firms.
12, The values that nurtured it were hierarchical, not popular; the authority on which it relied was sacral, not secular.
13, The answer was a hierarchical organization run by the timetable, the rule book, and the stopwatch.
14, Yet the two presidents occupy the same hierarchical layer, have similar authority, and take home comparable salaries.
15, What is more, in the hierarchical algorithm, early rules gain much more credit.
16, But seven hierarchical layers is enough or more than enough for all but the largest corporations.
17, Those inevitably require hierarchical authority to implement and tend to be mechanistic.
18, More often than not, leaders retain some hierarchical authority even if modified.
19, It will include hierarchical cell and audit trail services and provide provisional Open Systems Interconnection specifications.
20, A further indication of the hierarchical structure of the monastic order of monks and nuns is the growth of rules.
21, The belief that hierarchical organizational structure makes for good business is a difficult one to give up.
22, The categories continue to operate in this hierarchical fashion until we reach the sixth and final class: cannabis.
23, It is possible to reduce but not eliminate power differences between people in hierarchical organizations.
24, Component subskills in reading and spelling A characteristic feature of any skill is a hierarchical organisation of component subskills.
25, It is precisely the integration of cybernetic mechanisms in a hierarchical order that enables animals to develop the more complex cognitive functions.
26, It represented a form of opposition to the rigidly hierarchical structures of Rome.
27, There is therefore no elaboration in the forum proceedings on hierarchical directives to their faithful on constitutional matters.
28, Their power, prestige,(http:///hierarchical.html) privilege and status essentially camouflaged the subjects' compliance to hierarchical authority.
29, They have all had much the same aim of moving away from the sharp-pointed pyramid with its traditional hierarchical approach.
30, This gives the familiar picture of organisations as pyramidal structures of laterally connected departments and hierarchical levels.
31, Take full advantage of the hierarchical authority directly exercisable by you and those of your colleagues prepared to live the change.
32, In the vast majority of cases hierarchical inequality is taken for granted as part of the natural order of things.
33, A Civics lesson largely devoted to copying from the blackboard a diagram on the hierarchical structure of the ministry of education.
34, Hierarchical structures can be produced by subdividing into a variety of different elements.
35, Medieval, feudal society was rigidly hierarchical, and control of bodies was a central part of social control of the population.
36, The religious houses fitted neatly into the papal hierarchical structure.
37, If they have the hierarchical authority to influence the performance agendas of the people who matter, change leaders should use it.
38, The research project explores the substantive and technical issues of analysing hierarchical structures and in particular develops general purpose computer software.
39, This task is actually easier outside the old hierarchical corporate structure, where information was compartmentalized and unrelated contexts kept strictly separate.
40, Many difficulties faced in the public sector will stem from the formal, hierarchical structure within which such relationships take place.
41, This is depicted in the three-level hierarchical model shown in Fig. 3. 4.
42, With their hierarchical authority and functional specialization, they made possible the efficient undertaking of large, complex tasks.
43, Monolithic notions of sanctity reveal a startling reliance on hierarchical thinking.
44, Every social class except women was to be ranked on a hierarchical scale of importance and specialization of function.
45, Like the other examples of structural power, the hierarchical structure creates and depends upon a situation of power imbalance.
46, The illogicality of the existing hierarchical model for educational institutions is highlighted by applying the following criteria: 1.
47, This means that there is likely to be considerable data duplication when using a hierarchical database.
48, The popular use of hierarchical is of a system which is synonymous with the popular usage of bureaucratic.
49, Structurally, bureaucracy is characterized by hierarchical organization and specialization by means of an elaborate division of labor.
50, They also, to a greater or lesser extent, existed outside mainstream, predominantly male controlled, hierarchical structures.
51, The indexes are grouped to form a hierarchical structure whose root is the Master Level Index shown in figure 2.1.
51, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
52, They waste time negotiating for the realignment of hierarchical authority and the top management commitment of those who have it.
53, It is prone to generate new social divisions of a hierarchical kind based on political or bureaucratic position.
54, These relationships may be fairly loose groupings into categories or a more complete hierarchical structure.
55, There are individual differences, but all history books tend to organise information in an hierarchical way.
56, Collaborations across organization boundaries, whether functional or hierarchical, are more difficult to achieve than collaborations within such boundaries.
57, We have suggested that the Novices-Rowdies-Town Boys groups provide a distinct hierarchical framework for careers.
58, It is possible to express many-to-many relationships using the hierarchical model, but only by creating two hierarchies.
59, There is an hierarchical structure, but managerial authority is respected as a benign guardian of company interests.
60, Thus, systems are hierarchical and at each level the unit is considered as a functional rather than a physical entity.
61, It is difficult to establish the precise rationale for the traditional hierarchical model which pervades the educational system.
62, In traditional Fortran versions, the language's hierarchical data storage order isn't flexible and can not provide this information.
63, The two tiers are not intended to exist in a hierarchical relationship to each other.
64, It is not that he saw and chose to ignore formal distinctions based on function or hierarchical position.
65, It was hierarchical, with silly rows about the status and pay of its permanent secretary, Sir Eric Roll.
66, The major advantage of a unitary state is the presence of clear, hierarchical authority.
67, The pursuit of control that characterized the sixties was consistent with the hierarchical organizations of the late industrial era.
68, All these shapes posses a hierarchical structure extending to infinitely small scales.
69, You have to fit into the industrial model of working based on hierarchical divisions of skills and responsibilities.
70, The connections or links are explicit in the hierarchical model.
71, The speaker at many a company induction course will illustrate his organisation or departmental structure using a hierarchical diagram.
72, Will departments want to introduce hierarchical structures into their records storage solely to give tomorrow's historians their bearings?
73, However, unelected, time limited, hierarchical agencies have played an important role in central government initiatives to solve social problems.
74, The Chart-based model used in the following experiments can be considered a hybrid between the blackboard and the hierarchical models.
75, It was indeed hierarchical: both in theory and practice it made a great difference where a man was born.
76, In hard-copy systems one finds a paper by applying one's knowledge of how hierarchical systems work.
77, What level in the hierarchical structure do you want to be at?
78, The management of resource allocation involves giving attention to all these matters and how they affect roles at different hierarchical levels.
79, Below the chief officers the rest of the department's staff will be arranged on the same hierarchical basis.
80, Most leaders, however, mistakenly assume that hierarchical authority is the only way to gain performance commitments from people.
81, The skyscraper metaphor is apt, for our only hope to understanding such complexity is with a hierarchical model.sentencedict .com
82, We might almost say that successful businesses have had to succeed despite hierarchical organization rather than because of it.
83, The branches of the hierarchical tree hide this secret organisation with its inner clan of unknown lieutenants possessing mythical powers.
84, An obvious advantage of the hierarchical model is that the reinvestigation is conducted by more experienced investigators.
85, Interactive navigation and display of the hierarchical archive structure.
86, Civil services are organized in hierarchical structures of offices.
87, The hierarchical relationship between two templates can be expressed.
88, The naming convention follows the hierarchical property naming convention.
89, Files are placed in a hierarchical structure.
90, Congress is a collegial and not a hierarchical body.
91, The AML coordinating mechanism is a hierarchical system itself.
92, A new hierarchical design rule checking approach for hierarchical IC layout was proposed.
93, The appraisal target system hierarchical level divides into three: Target stratum, criterion level and target level.
94, On the other hand, if the local bank has 100% self-loan approval right, its physical distance from its headquarters and the bank hierarchical level are less important.
95, Another useful ecological unit that cuts across this hierarchical classification is the life system.
96, But the problems of perpetuating a hierarchical society go deeper than this.
97, Civilisation is also a description of habitual and transmitted aspirations for self-realisation during a life course or over several generations of self-cultivation and hierarchical mobility.
98, The multi - level control structure is also established on the basis of hierarchical control structure.
99, The spaces in-between often allow for multiple readings contradicting the axial and hierarchical set up.
100, A prominent and useful class of algorithm is hierarchical agglomerative clustering(HAC)which iteratively agglomerates the closest pare until all data points belong to one cluster.
101, In this paper, the design considerations of the geometric modelling for three types of furniture parts and the hierarchical data structure of the FCAD system are presented.
102, ZRP is a hierarchical routing protocol, which can control the router spending, cut the delay and improve the efficiency, while setting the best radius.
103, In a hierarchical data base, the successive vertical dependencies of records or segments.
104, A hierarchical optimal production rate control framework involving setup and aging of the system is discussed.
105, Hierarchical road map considering the uneven feature of terrain and its establishment.
106, Then the problem of diversified goal can be translated into the hierarchical goal programming equivalently.
107, To the nonlinear, strong-coupling and absolutely unstable characteristics of self-balancing two-wheel robot, a hierarchical fuzzy control method is proposed.
108, Thus, hierarchical control is only truly effective in relatively stable business environments where change happens slowly.
109, The organisational structure is highly hierarchical, and her hierarchical superior does not accept the terms of the new management accounting system.
110, All items are set up in an easy to use hierarchical format.
111, A hierarchical inventory management system and a company - wide order processing system are implemented using our framework.
112, A new scheme based on an indexed tree was proposed to realize the dynamic access control among the multimembers in the hierarchical firewall system(http://), because it features a tree structure.
113, Secondly, this paper presents a hierarchical text filtering approach based on bigram in the off-line filtering module.
114, Adopting high coupling PC network, hierarchical data structure and object oriented design techniques, we can enhance the performance of simulation system in real time and openness .
115, A dynamical model of hierarchical gateway agent is proposed to analyze the buffer process, as well as the distribution and management of buffer area. A simulating test is thus carried out.
116, This kind of hierarchical directory structure enhances mutual monitoring, segregation of duties can effectively and efficiently contribute ample benefits to the project management.
117, Research suggests that conservatives value some things that are less important to liberals, including hierarchical authority structures, self-reliance, in-group solidarity, and sexual purity.
118, Adding an ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause which is only allowed in composition with the hierarchical query clause and will return the siblings in the predefined sequence.
119, There have always been other indigenous, competing creeds. Taoism, for example, has provided an antiauthoritarian counterpoint to hierarchical models of politics for millennia.
120, This thesis provide a hierarchical method to match similar time series search.
121, The problem, though, is that most people picture immediately a very simple hierarchical structure with well-defined levels, such as the master-subordinate relationship.
122, The appellation stuck , and the age of the sequential hierarchical menu began.
123, This provides supporting evidence for the hierarchical network model of semantic representation of metaphors.
124, Data processing method are: range analysis, variance analysis, correlation analysis, linear and curvilinear regression, hierarchical analysis.
125, Conclusion: The two dimensional and multi hierarchical structure reflected the developmental characteristics of self-supporting of children aged between 6 and 12 years.
126, Many Chinese search engines have created their classification systems, such as hierarchical classification system faceted classification system and hierarchical -faceted classification system.
127, It encapsulates the XML document as a hierarchical set of object properties of the loaded XML document.
128, As many routing protocols for wireless sensor network can't handle dynamic topological variation efficiently, a new hierarchical routing protocol (TVHRP) based on the shortest path is proposed.
129, According to the deferent error hierarchy of the output variables, the hierarchical fuzzy control and the steady state output is switched over.
130, This paper first gives a deep investigation on H. 264 standard, and then illustrate the design and implementation of a hierarchical network surveillance system based on H. 264.
131, Secondly, based on a hierarchical sparse coding process, we present a hierarchical feature extraction method for generic object recognition.
132, Unfortunately, hierarchical trees are one of the most inappropriately used controls in the toolbox.
133, For a standard, folder-based, hierarchical repository such as your filesystem, this is a relatively simple proposition.
134, LDAP provides a standards-based, hierarchical data structure that allows applications access without security credentials, or by supplying credentials stored in their own target records.
135, Their hierarchical, centralising tendencies mean originality and initiative are stifled as a matter of course.
136, The triple Eintegration system is reflected in hierarchical structure in function distribution, and automatic regulation of air flow for blast furnace and safety production are realized.
137, With additional work, however, the bottom-up approach can support hierarchical data models and, therefore, should not be automatically dismissed.
138, The Guizhou Sheldrakes among tne famous Chinese duck breeds were identified using both hierarchical clustering methods and fuzzy classification methods.
139, WLC is a hierarchical production planning and control approach for manufacturing, and suitable for make - to - order industry.
140, The existence of such a well - defined and universally recognized hierarchical system is impressive.
141, Through analyzing the subject system this article aims at ascertaining the hierarchical features: The nation (society) is the original, i. e. noumenal subject of moral education.
141, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
142, Most research on aggregation and disaggregation models in hierarchical production planning are based on the assumption of known deterministic production resource and capacity.
143, Provides a platform-specific character used to separate directory levels in a path string that reflects a hierarchical file system organization.
144, In order to effectively achieve the stratified water, first of all to have a hierarchical set of injection molding technology, but also a guarantee that the technology means to achieve the test.
145, Gaussian Mixture Density and Decomposition ( GMDD ) is a hierarchical clustering method based on robust statistical theory.
146, Using hierarchical hierarchical likelihood function and the process of estimating model are derived.
147, A hierarchical system planning scheme is presented based on the hierarchical case-based planning for solving the requirement decomposition of complicated knowledge based system.
148, They talk about beauty, love, god, and the hierarchical structure of society, all preparing for war.
149, A method to build hierarchical network plan was presented and the compatibility between document flow and control flow was analyzed. Time parameter of hierarchical network plan was also computed.
150, Aiming at the problem of fault isolation in hierarchical systems, an optimization method of hierarchical sequential testing was presented.
151, A new distributed algorithm of data compression of hierarchical cluster model in sensor network is proposed.
152, AIM: To analyze the effect of questionnaire survey on exciting factors of asthma in children who received hierarchical inhalant regimen.
153, To support such trends, flexible new hierarchical capabilities were added to the language to support software modeling at arbitrary levels of complexity.
154, A hierarchical storage system extends the storage hierarchy beyond primary memory and secondary storage to incorporate tertiary storage — usually implemented as a jukebox of tapes or removable disks.
155, This paper proposes a recursive, extendable and hierarchical network structure, and analyzes its numbering plan, signaling protocol and the queueing system model of the "stage" ATM switch.
156, Anodie oxide membranes with nano-nano hierarchical structures are fabricated on the surface of pure alumina by two-step anodization.
157, The object motion was represented using hierarchical data structure of quad tree.
158, The results show that introducing hierarchical mobility lightens the processing load of HA and increases the protocol scalability comparing with only using mobile IP.
159, Based on a point line patch hierarchical data structure[], three dimensional complex geometries are described by several typical kinds of surface patches.
160, The intelligent hierarchical control theory is adopted to allocate the modules purviews and the modules interfaces.
161, Byzantine Christianity had absorbed the hierarchical view of the universe propounded by late Greek philosophy.
162, The category of phylum was added to the classification scheme later, as a hierarchical level just beneath kingdom.
163, The Atom Syndication Format specification is silent on the matter of what the form that a term can take, so nothing stops you from creating a hierarchical structure of categories.
164, Using PSL ontology as an example, domain knowledge is represented with hierarchical structure.
165, ... are usually used. They are: Hierarchical Model, Network Model, Relational Model.
166, This paper proposes a general model and approach to analyze the bidirectional call-overflow scheme for an arbitrary Hierarchical Cellular System (HCS) with N layers, as illustrated by a 4-layer HCS.
167, Who wields power is not important, provided that the hierarchical structure remains always the same.
168, There are two parts of the access control in the new scheme, one is the dynamic access control in a single module and the other is hierarchical access control between multi-modules.
169, The hierarchical structure of a sentence:sentences are organized with words of the same syntactic category, such as noun phrase(NP), or verb phrase (VP), grouped together.
170, The hierarchical model was developed because hierarchical relationships are commonly found in business applications.
171, Finally, concepts such as ordinary compiling, self-compiling, bootstrap structure, macro structure and hierarchical structure are discussed with the formal deductive system given in this paper.
172, Vertically aligned hierarchical ZnO rod-in-tube nano-architecture arrays are produced via a two-step process including an initial hydrothermal reaction followed by ultrasonication growth.
173, Refer to hierarchical fault model, the integrated ANN diagnostic model can contract the scope of diagnostic reasoning, and find quickly the fault components.
174, A hierarchical file can be also be stored in a rectangular file.
175, The file doclet.toc.xml is referenced as being the table of contents for this plug-in; this file will provide the data for the hierarchical information in the left pane of the Eclipse help window.
176, The clustering method combines the density and the hierarchical clustering methods.
177, A deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables.
178, The hierarchical order can be best illustrated with a tree diagram of constituent structure, so called because such a diagram looks like an inverted tree.
179, The hierarchical directory structure is created at a location based on the information provided in the db2 create database command.
180, Use of hierarchical thinking reduced the solution space . 3.
181, DTM is similar to SONET technology in terms of low complexity and overhead, but DTM includes signaling and switching to increase the flexibility and avoid the hierarchical structure of SONET.
182, Also, note that unlike H. 264, the hierarchical transform is lima - only and not applied to chroma.
183, Shapefiles to be imported must reside in a hierarchical file system (HFS) data set on z/OS.
184, This paper proposes a bidirectional hierarchical clustering algorithm of simultaneous clustering words of different categories.
185, In the Hierarchical Storage Manager, the process of moving migrated data sets from a level1 or level2 volume to a primary volume .
186, A path planning method based on the hierarchical decomposition strategy was proposed for multi-UAV cooperative path planning in the battle field.
187, A good algorithm to design such a hierarchical database consists of two steps, first, to describe real world in E-R model and then(http://), convert it to the model supported by the DBMS.
188, The government decides fiscal decentralization hierarchically, resulting in the hierarchical fiscal system.
189, The results show that introducing hierarchical mobility decreases the network signaling overhead observably comparing with only using mobile IP.
190, A hierarchical adaptive fuzzy control system for an isolated urban traffic intersection is proposed, and an evolution strategy is used to modify the fuzzy membership functions of the system.
191, Because this information is a few nodes down in the tree, dot notation is used to indicate the exact hierarchical position of the required nodes to the query parser.
192, Based on the self developing asynchronous parallel communication card the system, adopts a tree or hierarchical topology structure and develops a real time communication protocol.
193, To solve this problem, the variable prediction-time decomposition technique is proposed, and the gross output prediction method with three-level hierarchical structure is formulated.
194, Long generations of servitude have made the countrymen peculiarly subtle in hierarchical distinctions.
195, Each temporal sequential marker has a hierarchical network organization information.
196, NET supports a hierarchical data - binding model that creates bindings between server control properties and data sources.
197, Terms or a non hierarchical string of terms relating the resource's content.
198, In a hierarchical manner , supergroups and subgroups create individuals.
199, Propose a new agglomerative hierarchical clustering based method to eliminate outliers, with clustering tree to identify outliers.
200, A hierarchical MAS model is set up in this paper. Then we described the model by four models: organization model, function model, BDI model, and communication model.
201, For the most part, this type of URI mapping by Ranvier simply lets non-hierarchical arguments be embedded into a hierarchical path.
202, This case - based reasoning ( CBR ) system for power system restoration has a hierarchical structure.
203, A hierarchical user interest model is a tree whose nodes are the single interest vectors.
204, For the requirement of these characters, a hierarchical decomposition strategy based on the decentralized planning and centralized adjustability was presented to work out the referenced flying path.




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