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单词 Yangtze
1 The Yangtze River rolls on eastwards.
2 The Yangtze River falls into the East China sea.
3 The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east.
4 The waters of the Yangtze River are dangerously high for the time of year.
5 Cryptogamic flora of the Yangtze Delta and adjacent regions.
6 The Yangtze River pours itself into the sea.
7 I live at the upper end the Yangtze River.
8 It's very difficult to swim across the Yangtze River.
9 Warlords from Szechuan stopped sending rice down the Yangtze.
10 The Yangtze discharges itself into the Yellow Sea.
11 The bridge stands majestic astride the Yangtze River.
12 The Yangtze River takes its rise from the Qinghai.
13 The waterfrontalong the Yangtze River are precious natural resources.
14 The Yangtze Delta region price mediation and supervision mechanism work session was held in Ningbo recently.
15 Overall the land use changes in the Yangtze River basin may intensify the hydrological cycle of the basin,[] which should increase summer precipitation and streamflow.
16 The water quality evolvement process in Yangtze River drainage area is believed as a complex network system, with having lots of nodes and correlating to the downflow.
17 Jiujiang is the thoroughfare connecting Yangtze River's north and south.
18 One mountain is flying along the Yangtze River, with luxuriantly green sceneries.
19 Yangtze River Road, Kwong Yuen Buick 4 S shop opposite second - hand car market.
20 This year water levels in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze are unusually high.
21 The Ordovician lithofacies and biofacies change greatly at different localities of the Yangtze Region, South China.
22 In addition, fossil Homo sapiens from the sediment provides a new data of palaeoanthropology for studying Lower Middle Yangtze River.
23 Three Gorges Project is the backbone project for the Yangtze river basin development and harnessing.
24 Ichthyolatry in tribes near water is a common phenomenon. Fish Gods remains are easily found in the Yangtze River Basin, Yellow River Basin, and Weihe Basin.
25 By field research, data analysis and experiment data test as wall as comparing with other studys, we determined the aeolic feature of the sand?dune in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.
26 It is affluent in lipoxygenase null mutants in the soybean germplasm from Yangtze River and its south region, and the absence frequency is 18.48%, and most of the null mutants are single gene absence.
27 Ryegrass - rice cropping system is rapidly developed in middle - and - lower reaches of Yangtze River in recent years.
28 Company is the company that provides the earliest inland feeder service in the Yangtze River, while at present, over 32 shipping companies have engaged in the service in Shanghai.
29 The results showed that the radioactivity levels of each nuclide in Yangtze River water system were still lower than that of background, and did not cause contamination.
30 In China, conservation efforts have already failed to protect the Yangtze River dolphin, the first large aquatic mammal to go extinct since the Caribbean monk seal in the 1950s.
1 The Yangtze River rolls on eastwards.
31 Two charismatic animals—the Yangtze river dolphin, or baiji, and the Chinese paddlefish, a titan that once reached 7 meters in length—are down to a handful of individuals or have already gone extinct.
32 Wheat scab is a serious disease in the South of China, especially in the mid lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
33 Dams have also taken a huge toll on China's biodiversity, causing fisheries to suffer and driving charismatic species such as the Yangtze River Dolphin to extinction.
34 The measurement of construction vibration of seepage-proof wall with armor-plate pile for the Yangtze River embankment is presented.
34 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
35 "My guess is that the paddlefish and the Yangtze sturgeon are on the way to extinction already but there are other species that the reserve may be critically important for," Dudgeon warned.
36 In Huang - huai and Yangtze River reaches the maximum decreases of DTR are in summer and spring.
37 The influences of the integrated regulation project of the Yangtze estuary on tidal flow fields were simulated numerically by using a depth integrated 2-dimensional model of unsteady flows.
38 Finally, conclusions were given on quantitative analysis of relevancy among superior industries in Yangtze River Delta.
39 The main drainage system in the source region of Yangtze River formed and developed by riverhead erosion along the N-S-trending grabens and normal faults.
40 A lake of eastern China southeast of Wuhan. It is connected to the Yangtze River(Chang Jiang) by canal.
41 Yangtze River back wave front wave, front wave dies on the beach.
42 Subalpine coniferous forests are a principal part of Natural Protection Project in southwestern China and important ecological screen to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.
43 Taixing Taiwei Hydraulic Machinery Manufacturing Co. , formerly the Taixing hydraulic Factory, located in the Yangtze River foreshore , water and land transportation is very convenient.
44 The bioavailable phosphorus(BAP) is mainly controlled by human activities, which can be used as one of indicators for the potentially ecology risk assessment in the Yangtze estuary.
45 A feasible way is developing tourism estate of minority headman culture. It will produce important action to developing social economy of the Three Gorges of Yangtze River.
46 A province of east-central China. It is a major agricultural region watered by the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River). Wuhan is the capital. Population, 49,30,000.
47 The Yangtze River Delta, the destination of the pipeline, is the most developed area in China.
48 The top strata of Late Pleistocene on the northern Jiangsu plain of the Yangtze delta generally consist of dark-green or yellowish-brown hard clay.
49 This paper studied the effects of alpine meadow degradation in the source region of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers on the clonal growth characteristics of typical stolon plant Lagotis brachystachya.
50 The thesis start with the waterborne tourism of the Yangtze River, circumfuse the motif to study.
51 It is available in Yangtze River Delta, Surrounding Bohai Zone and Zhu jiang River Delta.
52 Based on samples collected from Yichang segment of the Yangtze River, the nutritional composition in muscle of Coreius heterodon was analyzed.
53 Then the change of annual runoff distribution in the headwaters of the Yangtze River is discussed.
54 Full automatically Controlled LC-2 Trencher was developed according to geological conditions of the dike of medium lower reaches in Yangtze River.
55 Pomeranz characterized a $150-billion plan to channel water from the Yangtze to parched Beijing and other fast-growing northern areas as a "big Rube Goldberg contraption."
56 Three Gorges of the Yangtze River are a golden tourism waterway.
57 Harnessing the power of the Yangtze has been a goal since Nationalist leader Sun Yat-sen first proposed the idea in 1919.
58 The Yangtze River roared east, billowing with irresistible force day and night.
59 It's unique landscape character mainly embodied in two sides: one side was like the personality of implicative and graceful literati from Jiangnan (South of the Yangtze River) in the Qing dynasty.
60 According to the needs of power coal transportation on Yangtze River of shanghai power joint-stock company, we make a plan on power coal transportation route system using optimization model.
61 She was struggling to attract customers until she concocted an original signature dish, dredging up an unknown gastropod from the muddy banks of the Yangtze and christening it "the spicy river snail.
62 Above, a Chinese fishing boat is berthed along a dried-up river bank on the Yangtze on Jan. 5.
63 Both the Yellow and Yangtze River Valleys in China, and the Indus and Ganges River Valleys were once the cradles of human civilisations.
64 Along with the sea transport mode change,[http:///yangtze.html] the marine transportation container bill of lading also uses in transporting with sea transportation related Yangtze River.
65 A few dozen porpoises live under the watchful gaze of rangers in Tian-E-Zhou, an oxbow lake that once was a 21-kilometer-long section of the Yangtze River.
66 The Belo Monte dam is set to become the world's third largest, after the Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze river in China and Itaipu, on the Parana river, on the border between Brazil and Paraguay.
67 It came into collision with the Yangtze continental margin and building - mountain that controlled Jiulingshan and Huiyushan and their adjacent region in Middle-Late Proterozic Era.
68 According to surveys done by the Hydrobiology Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the population of the Yangtze finless porpoise was about 2,700 in 1991.
69 Home port cargo section of the Yangtze River 3, passenger traffic on top of the list.
70 93-year-old I. M. Pei, the internationally renowned architect, may have his final work in Nanjing[], Yangtze Evening News reported.
71 Populations of the light blue-gray animal, which lives in China's polluted Yangtze River, have plummeted over the last 30 years.
72 The nature reserves cover 5. 74 % of the total area in the Yangtze Basin, which is 1. 9 % lower than the overall mean rate in China.
73 The source area of K-rich magmatic rocks in the Dabie area is closely related to the enriched mantle, while the rocks in the lower Yangtze Valley area are more affined to the lower crust.
74 This article mainly analyzes the obstacles hindering the sustainable development of economic integration in Yangtze River delta from the angle of fiscal system innovation.
75 This dynamic pilot study on purification of Linjiang river, branch of Yangtze River, by canna indica with four-stage floating bed technology was performed.
76 The Yangtze River has inestimable human great role, it has a hydroelectric power plant, it uses sweet milk feeding the children of all nationalities.
77 Zoologists failed to find a Yangtze River dolphin during a survey of the creature's historic range, the first likely extinction of a large vertebrate in 50 years.
78 East is near Yangtze River, the westing Changzhou international airport, north depending on the Shanghai-Nanjing railroad and Shanghai-Nanjing highway, good communications.
79 Desertification of various degrees have been happening source region of Yangtze River.
80 Nanshan Solitary Tree Plat lies in the southern bank of Yangtze River in Chongqing City.
81 A three-year quest to find the giant Chinese paddlefish in the Yangtze river failed to sight or catch a single individual.
82 Yangtze River and its tributaries can pass water, Leshan, Yibin, Luzhou port for inland water transport.
83 The Remote Sensing Imagings before and after the Impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir (Initial Water Level 135 Meters above the Wusong Reference Point at Yangtze River's Estuary).
84 Key Shelterbelt Construction Program in North , Northeast and Northwest China and the Lower - Middlethe Yangtze River.
85 Port From Taicang Port, go up stream along Yangtze River directly to Chongqing.
86 The IWRM in the Yangtze drainage basin is a scientific issue with multi - disciplinary characteristics.
87 Wuzhen Water Village style integrity and maintain a complete pattern of Yangtze River Delta.
88 Xuliujing Hydrometric Station is the Last control station along the Yangtze River. The hydrometric section is located in the Yangtze River Estuary which feels tide.
89 Penitrate is located in Jiangyin , Wuxi the economically developed area known as the Yangtze River Delta.
90 That was before the Ghezouba Dam was built on the Yangtze River in the early 1980s, cutting off the sturgeon's migratory path, just as it did for the critically endangered Chinese paddlefish .
91 A city of south-central China on the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang). Population 2,080,000.
92 The major pollution indicators in the Yangtze River system are petroleum and ammonia nitrogen.
93 The main A-type subduction fault and large scale thin-skinned tectonics clearly reveal that the Yangtze Plate subsides towards Dabie orogenic belt.
94 Anhui traversed by the Chang Jiang and Huai River, Fertile land, climate and humid, so it suitable for cotton growing along the Yangtze River,[] and Anhui also an important cotton producing province.
95 The yangtze River and the Huang he River are the two longest rivers in Chind.
96 The dam was originally built to contain the ravaging annual floods of the Yangtze and to provide China's growing economy with a cleaner source of electricity.
97 Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge south duration solar eclipse 1 minutes 23 seconds.
98 This article from the VTS function aspect elaborated Yangtze River Yin Gongzhou the navigation section implements time sharing is open to navigation the system feasibility.
99 Jianghan overlain basin is located on the Middle Yangtze platform, between Qinling-Dabie and Jiangnan orogenic belts.
100 The Yangtze River Delta is an important economic region in China, and is a typical area which is involved in international competition. It is also the primary area of population aggregation.
101 The distribution of the enzootic areas were mainly in the drainage areas of the Yangtze River.
102 According to a 2003 letter to Science by Wuhan University ecologist Ping Xie, many of these fish evolved over time with the Yangtze flood plain.
103 This paper analyses the main characteristic of natural calamities of the Yangtze River valley.
104 The results showed that the raioac-tivity levels of each nuclide in Yangtze River water system were still lower than that of background, and did not cause contamination.
105 There are three-order bifurcations and four outlets into the sea in the Yangtze Estuary, and the North Channel is one of the second order bifurcations, it is one of the main channels into the sea.
106 The Chinese alligator is extremely threatened with only a few dozen inhibiting the Yangtze River valley.
107 Yangtze River back wave pushes front wave, front wave dies on the beach.
108 Hong Yun became known after she had narrated the TV programme of the Story of the Yangtze River.
109 Even before its designation as a Treaty Port in 1842, Shanghai—located at the mouth of the Yangtze River—served as China's most important international trading hub.
110 We are told that this is the great bridge over the Yangtze.
111 Objective To clarify the geographical distribution of Aedes albopictus in the Yangtze River basin in Gansu province.
112 Mayuan is a newly discovered Zn - Pb ore deposit on the northern margin of Yangtze landmass.
113 A city of eastern China at the mouth of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) southeast of Nanjing.
114 Mainly distributed in China's coastal regions, the Yangtze, Qiantang River, Pearl River, etc. , for the Anadromous migratory fish, it's highly nostalgic.
115 Yangtze River Delta: From " Processing Workshop " to " World Factory "
116 How to select and quantitate the corresponding factors is one of the important contents to evaluate the waterfront resources of the Yangtze River.
117 The Yangtze finless porpoises in Tian-E-Zhou Oxbow Nature Reserve, near the town of Shishou, dare not approach; too many of their kind have perished in encounters with humans.
118 In Yangtze works , Phase III, the land - based reservoir will be constructed by excavation.
119 During the general works measures of the river regulation in the middle and lower Yangtze River, the channel revetment is a principle engineering of river control.
120 In China, southern agriculture begins in the Yangtze River valley.
121 It guaranteed the closure of the dam across the Yangtze River.
122 The regime of the north channel in the Yangtze Estuary is excellent with a stable discharge ratio and a relatively small sand ratio.
123 Kanroji, located in the south of the Yangtze Zhenjiang Beigushan top, looking down from above can be rolling in the Yangtze River surging.
124 A bustling along the Yangtze River Road,[/yangtze.html] Long Beach bars along a street entertainment.
125 As present, more than 30 ship-breaking yards highly concentrate in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta area, dismantling the country's total capacity of 90 percent.
126 The greatest threats to marine mammals are being caught in fishing nets or being struck by shipping vessels, although for the Yangtze river dolphin, pollution is a major contributor.
127 The present paper embodies two studies: faunal analysis of aquatic oligochaeta in Zhongshan, South China, and environment gradient analyses of zoobenthos in 13 Yangtze shallow lakes.
128 A river of southeast China flowing about 885 km (550 mi) generally north into the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) north of Nanchang.
129 Lastly, the good performance is demonstrated through a case study of tidal flow computation for the southern branch of the Yangtze estuary.
130 A team of marine-life scholars led by Wang Ding, a scientist at China's Institute of Hydrobiology, examined digital video footage recently taken along the eastern section of the Yangtze River.
131 A year later, after pushing up the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) and threatening to assault Nanking (Nanjing), he brought the hostilities to an end by the Treaty of Nanking, signed on August 29, 1842.
132 Coal transportation is crucial the development in Yangtze Delta the unbalance between coal and consumption.
133 " farmers' In shandong television station "I am big star program, singing the TV series" three kingdoms "theme song" rolling Yangtze river east a mill ", hit the stadium.
134 Heliport site: construction of the heliport in the Yangtze River Delta, Nanjing after the Suzhou and Hangzhou, the city is the most developed Yangtze River Delta areas.
135 34Pere David's deer, or milu, walk in water at the Yangtze River Swan Islet Pere David's Deer Nature Reserve on April 22, 2008 in Shishou of Hubei Province, China.
136 He makes the painting charity bazar for disable and sick person's foundation for many times, the devastating floods of the Yangtze River in1998 to paint sale.
137 There are abundant wet land resources in the Yangtze valley.
138 Its abbreviated name is derived from the old name of a part of the Jialing River that runs through Chongqing and feeds the Yangtze River (Changjiang River).
139 By using the methods of EOF, SVD, correlation and composite analysis, the relationship between Pacific SSTA pattern and rainfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is investigated.
140 Some measures to control flood in the Yangtze River watershed were suggested by using'soil reservoir ".
141 Riprap protection of bank was applied in the middle and lower Yangtze River and many other rivers at home and abroad.
142 The complex pattern of population existed south of the Yangtze River during the Yuan Dynasty.
143 The initial and final date of the rainband in middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River have the obvious characteristic in interannual change in summer.
144 The Yangtze River freight transportation held the important position in inland water transportation in our country.
145 How to transfix and realize orient run-through on Three Gorges Reservoir sector, Yangtze has been being a focus and disputation problem of academic circle historically.
146 A city of east-central China on the Yangtze River(Chang Jiang) south-southwest of Nanjing. It is a commercial center and a deep-water port. Population, 360, 000.
147 Danyang City yuan, hydraulic machinery parts factory, located in the Yangtze River Delta - Danyang city Town.
148 The Middle Permian Maokou Formation is generally overlain by the Late Permian Emeishan basalts in eastern Yunnan and western Guizhou in the west of the Yangtze platform.
149 My vessel is in seaworthiness when navigating in Yangtze River.
150 The Four-lake lowland district, a traditional intensified farming area and susceptible to waterlogging as well, is located in Jianghan Plain, the middle reaches of the Yangtze, China.
151 The flow and sediment variation in the upstream of the Yangtze river, the sediment scouring and silting in the channel of the middle Yangtze river and their response relation were analyzed.
152 Based on the secondary industry in the upstream of the Yangtze River, the issue of industrial innovation is further discussed under theoretical hypotheses and empirical analysis.
153 Field data of sediment middle reach of Yangtze River since 1950 are roughly analyzed.
154 Researchers hope to make a last-ditch effort to stabilize the Yangtze ecosystem and prevent further extinctions.
154 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
155 It is a flood-basin of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang); hence the lake's size depends on the season.
156 The Three Gorges Dam is the world's biggest hydroelectric plant, completed in 2006 as a way to control flooding along the Yangtze and generate massive power for the country's ravenous industries.
157 A city of east-central China on the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) south-southwest of Nanjing. It is a commercial center and a deep-water port. Population, 3'0,000.
158 The evolution of urban system in the Yangtze Delta is dominated by the self-organization from bottom to top and the superincumbent organization.
159 Assimilable Organic Carbon (AOC) in different raw water of Yangtze Delta was studied in this paper.
160 The Yangtze is prone to flooding -- one of the problems that Chinese water-control projects are supposed to help remedy.
161 SW Margin of the Yangtze Block, belonged to South part of the South China Plate[], spans two geotectonic units of Yangtze Landmass and South China active zone.
162 After 5 ports opening, especially after the opening of Yangtze River valley, the whole national pattern of trade and trade routes have changed fundamentally.
163 The Middle Ordovician Llandovery rugose corals are abundant in the Yangtze region, especially in the Early Silurian.
164 According to the analyses, the North Channel is selution as the main deep-water navigation channel to the sea and is to be pre-trained, and the training principle of the Yangtze Estuary is determined.
165 Funafuti research Yangtze river: national policy to regulate and control is essential!
166 The Yangtze River Delta Area is arresting world attention as an emerging manufacturing industrial center.
167 The Yangtze River is a natural barrier to the north - east.
168 The third bridge over the Yangtze Rive has also started construction.
169 It illuminated in the light of symbology principle that the folk dress of waterside villages of Southern Yangtze was not only daily consumer goods, but also a symbol system of folk-custom culture.
170 This is of important indication function for the over long-term forecast of the large flood along the Yangtze River.
171 Similar sediment pollution scenarios are occurring in the headwaters of the Salween and Yangtze Rivers.
172 The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River.
173 GPS-RTK bathymetric survey technique without tidal observation was successfully applied in Yangtze Estuary Channel Regulation Project for monitoring of river regime near leading jetty.
174 This paper believes that Nanjing must be the famous historical and cultural city in the world and the sub-center of the cities group in Yangtze River Delta with shanghai as the "dragon head".
175 The crustal structure in the eastern segment of the Central orogenic belt reflects the northward deep intracontinental subduction of the Yangtze craton.
176 The Yangtze River Stone can be classified to a lot of types, such as landscape stone, embossment stone, shape stone, colorful stone, texture stone, etc.
177 The forage yield, re-growth and quality of the Pennisetum hybrid following different grain and forage corps were studied in an agricultural zone in the Yangtze River Basin.
178 As I am regretting the advent of dark, the Yangtze discloses a new night - time enchantment.
179 And imported water hyacinth plants are some parts of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River.
180 More than 10 students from the Yangtze University formed a ladder with one student holding another's arms to rescue the two boys in the river on the afternoon of October 24.
181 There are also resemblances among Early Silurian rugose coral faunas of the Yangtze region, eastern Australia, and eastern North America to some extent.
182 So the Yangtze River Delta region will become a load center with multi-infeed HVDC systems, the large transmission capacity and the intensive landing points of which are very rare in the world.
183 For the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and River sediment from the Gulf Sekou weir.
184 In the Yangtze River Delta furniture production base gathering many export enterprises, "labor pain" and "transition" of China's furniture export is under deep inoculation.




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