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单词 Oxbow
1. There were obvious oxbow lakes and many river systems.
2. These images capture the development of an oxbow lake.
3. He tied off both ends of the oxbow with fine black thread, snipped them, and pushed them back under the skin.
4. East-northeast of the oxbow lake forming in these images is another lake that probably developed in similar fashion.
5. William founded his own energy company, Oxbow, and turned to yachting; he spent an estimated sixty-five million dollars to win the America's Cup, in 1992.
6. Therefore the oxbow lake deposits can be traced and described by slice and 3 D visualization.
7. An oxbow lake may survive as a water body for some time, especially if groundwater seeps into it.
8. Countless oxbow lakes and cutoffs accompany the meandering river south of Memphis, Tennessee, on the border between Arkansas and Mississippi.
9. Ask us about oxbow lakes, Pythagoras's theorem or which Lethal Weapon starred Patsy Kensit's breasts and we can tell you in a flash.
10. Oxbow lakes, the floodplain, dry streams and tributaries, waves beating against the shore.
11. West-southwest of the developing oxbow lake, agricultural fields appear to have multiplied, but the differences may also be due to the fact that images were captured in different seasons.
12. The Yangtze finless porpoises in Tian-E-Zhou Oxbow Nature Reserve, near the town of Shishou, dare not approach; too many of their kind have perished in encounters with humans.
12. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
13. The Mamberamo is constantly shifting its channel and has formed hundreds of oxbow lakes.
14. Frequency rectify the official, stable society, made official position relief victims, employed villagers to clear the six weirs, cited by oxbow pour field.
15. Plant area was distributed over Quaternary system alluvium and deposit of oxbow lake facies, base rock is Tertiary red rock.
16. A new channel cut by a river across the neck of an oxbow.
17. Near the top of this image, a bend in the river has almost separated from the main channel to become an oxbow lake.
18. A few dozen porpoises live under the watchful gaze of rangers in Tian-E-Zhou, an oxbow lake that once was a 21-kilometer-long section of the Yangtze River.
19. City is located in the deep basin Heilonggang Hutuo OXBOW for the alluvial plain.
20. Some of the old river channels still have water in them and are known as oxbow lakes.
21. Study of the basic geological characters for reservoir in Zhuang 106 survey area reveals that the reservoir is a lithological one of oxbow lake deposits.
22. Wetlands often develop in the meander scars of dried-up oxbow lakes.
23. After about two years'observation and monitoring, our results indicated that the oxbow is ideal as a semi-natural habitat for the fin-less porpoises.
24. A method for prediction of oil potential of the oxbow lake deposits is developed based on reservoir thickness, amplitude and frequency.
25. Using the pointed tip of aforceps, Bortamuly made a tiny hole in the skin of the scrotum and pulled outan oxbow of white, stringy vas deferens—the sperm conduit from the patient'sright testicle.




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