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单词 waterhole
释义  Related topics: Geographywa·ter·hole /ˈwɔːtəhəʊl $ ˈwɒːtərhoʊl, ˈwɑː-/ noun [countable]  SGWATERa small area of water in a dry country where wild animals drink 〔干旱地区野生动物饮水的〕水池,水坑Examples from the Corpuswaterhole• Swamp deer and grey langurs at a waterhole, a perfect site for a leopard ambush.• Stallions usually only fight when in direct competition for a harem or a waterhole.• They hunt for camel meat by putting land mines around the region's brackish waterholes.• Project waterhole has reinforced earlier theories that electric currents in the ionosphere cause the strange phenomenon of the Northern Lights.wa·ter·hole nounChineseSyllable  country a a water small in of Corpus dry area




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