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单词 Novelistic
1. Is not the pleasure of the novelistic text akin to day-dreaming, wish-fulfilment fantasy?
2. His diaries chronicle each phase of irritation with novelistic detail.
3. Yet he has all of Kushner's uncanny novelistic confidence.
4. I share these writers' impatience with slack novelistic convention.
5. The novelistic drama perhaps excuses the odd clinical inexactitude , a sense of operative terms being applied with a somewhat whimsical notion of what they entail.
6. O'Neill has Naipaul's gift for creating unforced novelistic connections in a world of forced ideological connections.
7. The intellectual stakes are high, but, unfortunately, the novelistic means are limited.
8. Novelistic vivacity, the great unteachable, the unschooled enigma, has a way of making questions of form appear scholastic.
9. Please indulge the novelist if he thinks in novelistic terms.
10. The new material gives "Dorian Gray" a novelistic heft, even a political edge.
11. Likewise, characters tend to get access to their memories in traditional, "novelistic" ways.
12. His novelistic style, he says, owes a lot to screenwriting: Keep it tight, keep those pages turning, delete the extraneous.
13. It is the interaction of high technology with traditional novelistic modes which is the focus of the work.
14. One can understand that Ferrante has no interest in adding her privacy to the novelistic pyre.
15. Transcendency is the common features of dramatic tragedy and novelistic tragedy.
16. The pleasures of your writing do summon up his novelistic quality and his brilliance with the resonant image.
17. "How to Create the Perfect Wife" aspires, not always successfully, to novelistic vividness.
18. But every reader wanted them fleshed out, wanted the novelistic parts expanded.
19. He says that he could do a Victor Hugo, and unleash a tide of novelistic information about Heydrich's birthplace.
20. One can't help noticing, for instance, that Powers borrows and adapts his own novelistic template.
21. But Robinson skirted this potential objection by making her novel swerve away from the traditionally novelistic.
22. Shields prosecutes an effective, if coarse, sub-Barthesian argument against the traditional novelistic machinery.




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