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单词 Heterosis
1, The obvious heterosis was shown in eggplant(Solanum melongena L. ). Production of hybrid seeds using male-sterility as female parent was a very important way in application of eggplant heterosis.
2, In this study, hybrid combinations that exhibit heterosis showed reduced expression while combinations with no heterotic response at the seedling stage did not.
3, The biggest heterosis will be obtained by improved the performance of parents' characters in parents' apolegamy.
4, If the heterosis effect of both parents in GCA effect was low, though this cross had high SCA effect, it could not have high heterosis.
5, The significant test of heterosis (H) , rate of heterosis (RH) and potence ratio of heterosis (PH) proved to be identical on statistics.
6, Luda Red heterosis group, which is on of the five high quality corn inbred lines, has contributed a lot to breeding high yield and superior quality hybrid.
7, Using genetic distance as independent variable and heterosis as dependent variable, we carried out regressing analyses.
8, There was sure nucleo-cytoplasmic heterosis between Ae. squarrosa L. cytoplasm and wheat cell nucleus.
9, Mechanisms concerning the genetics and heterosis of traits such as perirenal fat and others were discussed with caution.
10, The heterosis analysis showed that the inter-group heterosis was greater than the intra-group heterosis, which indicates the feasibility of dividing rice heterotic groups by using SSR markers.
11, Based on the basic model of heterosis process study, the resultant genetic vibration theory of heterosis mechanism was proposed according to the resultant action of the same genes in diploid crops.
12, Overdominance or heterosis for catkin length in interspecific crosses has been reported.
13, The heterosis will be abroad utilized as point biological technology used in cotton crossbreed.
14, Cytoplasmic effects also contributed to the population mean heterosis of some traits such as gel consistency and protein content.
15, There was sure nucleo - cytoplasmic heterosis between Ae . L. cytoplasm and wheat cell nucleus.
16, According to DA genetic distance to forecast the heterosis, East Friesian, South African Mutton Merino, Dorper and Small Tail Han sheep will have the largest heterosis.
17, Heterotic groups and patterns among breeding materials provide fundamental information while utilizing heterosis in plant breeding.
18, A mutation in one copy of the gene results in the exact dose of florigen required to cause heterosis.
19, Complete male sterility of Brassica napus L plays an important role in heterosis utilization.
20, Yield and length of fruit among hybrid in Luffa cylindrical Roem had obvious heterosis.
21, Both yield and quality of common maize grains are improved by crossing high oil maize as male parent and common maize as female parent due to maize heterosis and xenia.
22, Kenaf male sterility breeding gave a new method for the use of kenaf heterosis.
23, Reasonably accurate division of heterotic group, the establishment of the corresponding heterosis pattern,[http:///heterosis.html] can be effectively matching combinations.
24, Super rice (Oryza sativa L. ) was proposed as a new breeding objective in 1996, after breeding for dwarfs and the others, using hybrid heterosis.
25, The results shown that maize relatives of genus Zea can be directly crossed with maize, and grained F1 seeds. Maize relatives and their interspecies hybrids have strong heterosis photoperiod response.
26, Cytoplasmic male sterility ( CMS ) is very important in utilization of plant heterosis.
27, Genetics Group, Department of Biology, Sun Yat Sen UniversityThe Conventional Kesearch Organization in the Utilization of Crop Heterosis, Kuawtunar Province.
28, Dominant genic male sterility ( DGMS ) is an important way to utilize the heterosis of Brassica napus.
29, Some of the genes encoding key enzymes in GA metabolic pathway in F_1may be expressed more than in parents and GAs may play an important role in heterosis.
30, The heredity for all parental characters and the utilization of the parent in heterosis breeding were analysed on the basis of the value of GCA effects and variance of SCA effects.




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