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单词 Seismological
1 Using the seismological topologic prognostic approach, this paper tentatively evaluates the long-term seismic tendency for north China areas.
2 There were 1,305 seismological monitoring stations and 35 remote monitoring network stations.
3 The Fourier amplitude spectrum used in a seismological model can be expressed as a product of source spectrum, propagation path factor and site effect in frequency domain.
4 Xinhua News: According to the China Seismological Network Center Web site news, Beijing at 22:00 on the 23rd, the Aleutian Islands,[] the Richter 6.4 magnitude earthquake focal depth of 20 km.
5 According to these anomalies Seismological Bureau of Tangshan City gave this earthquake a successful imminent prediction.
6 A spokesman for the provincial seismological bureau told Xinhua more people were feared injured or dead.
7 Vidale says scientists will be scrutinizing Japan's seismological data in the days leading up to the quake for patterns or foreshocks that could predict future quakes.
8 China's Seismological Bureau said the quake affected more than half the country's provinces and municipalities.
9 He said, Beijing has over 30 seismological observation stations spread through 18 districts and counties.
10 This estimation relied on seismological techniques measuring the first seismic waves recorded, a method that lends itself to underestimation when a quake exceeds a magnitude of 8.5.
11 The No. 1 seismological observation well in Xinying is the largest artesian thermal-water well in North China.
12 For further analysis of seismological interest, specific symmetries of the media need to be considered.
13 Bang'lazhang is designated as the "Earthquake Observation Point of Dynamic Conditions of Ground Water" by Yunnan Seismological Bureau.
14 Annex 1 to the CTBT Protocol had listed the 50 seismological stations (arrays) comprising the primary network of International Monitoring System (IMS ), and Lanzhou seismic array (PS13) was in it.
15 In this article we have made analyses and comparisons of synchronized data from an extensometer and a 4-component borehole strainmeter at Yingkou seismological station.
16 The Observatory also operates the official time standard for Hong Kong, provides basic astronomical information and maintains a seismological monitoring network.
17 It is first time to adopt the high-speed frequency spread microwave network for China Seismological Bureau.
18 Shapes and characteristics of daily variation of each direction of geoelectric field at the seismological stations such as Houtuqiao etc are analyzed using their minute value data.
19 The results can be as reference for sharing the seismological data.
20 Such a research strategy does not conflict with the ethics of seismological study.
21 "But it's not always done elsewhere," says Ivan Wong, of URS Corp. of San Francisco, a seismologist who evaluates seismological hazards for the federal government and private firms.
22 An artificial random disturbance is carried out for some seismological observation data in the allowance range of seismological observational error with random disturbance method.
23 It puts forward index of requirment of grounding system of China Digital Seismological Observation Netwrok.
24 Institute of Geology, SSB . 1990. The Haiyuan active zone [ M ]. Seismological Press, Beijing ( in Chinese ) .
25 The findings are detailed in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.




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