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单词 Capitol hill
1. The U.S. Congress lies on Capitol Hill.
2. 3,000 city officials descended on Capitol Hill to lobby for more money.
3. On Capitol Hill, senators today appear to view the matter as something of a tempest in a teapot.
4. The Democrats held a pep rally on Capitol Hill yesterday.
5. Anti-smoking advocates on Capitol Hill, such as Sen.
6. Their dealers, too, deluged Capitol Hill.
7. Capitol Hill visitors are often shocked to see two or three senators on the Senate floor.
8. The bishops insisted that the Capitol Hill prayer vigil was non-partisan, but the impending election lent the event political weight.
9. Asking a friendly, million-member organization to blitz Capitol Hill with phone calls and letters is forbidden.
10. Some Democrats on Capitol Hill have joined in the call for an independent counsel to investigate campaign fund raising.
11. They appear at Capitol Hill hearings, inaugurations, embassy dinners and presidential galas.
11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
12. But his problems extend far beyond Capitol Hill, as recent opinion surveys have shown.
13. On Capitol Hill the number of policemen on active duty was doubled.
14. On Capitol Hill, reactions to Bush's proposals fell predictably along party lines.
15. This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
16. It is hoped that the incoming administration will inject some life into Capitol Hill.
17. Now, other politicians on the campaign trail and on Capitol Hill are scrambling to get on the economic insecurity bandwagon.
18. All these issues add up to political fire works on Capitol Hill before Congress loosens its purse strings.
19. What was needed now was a major legislative victory that would change the atmosphere of political resentment and resistance on Capitol Hill.
20. This same senator also once got lost in a Capitol Hill garden after leaving a conference committee on the House side.
21. Catholic opponents of the procedure say they have sent more than 10 million postcards to Capitol Hill over the past several months.
22. All predictions to the contrary not withstanding, the President had had an excellent year on Capitol Hill in 1985.
23. Many GOPers thought he made the offer to protect himself from Republican opponents on Capitol Hill.
24. Members of Congress took them to private meetings on Capitol Hill.
25. However, the White House has been encouraged by the political semaphore coming from Capitol Hill.
26. No one is sure these starkly different political modes can coexist on Capitol Hill.
27. But the budget plan for fiscal 1998 that Clinton sent to Capitol Hill last week eliminated most of that dip.
28. But hardly anyone in political circles, including Republican loyalist redoubts on Capitol Hill, believes that right now.
29. He omitted it on applications to be a legislative assistant on Capitol Hill.
30. Very quickly, complaints about the president and his staff began surfacing on Capitol Hill.
1. This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
31. Let's hope sanity prevails on Capitol Hill and they vote against this bill.
32. But the only abuse practiced on Capitol Hill right now is an abuse of the laws of hypocrisy.
33. From there he moved to Baltimore for seminary studies and then served a church on Capitol Hill in Washington.
34. This lack of genuine relationships with other human beings is characteristic of the unreality of Capitol Hill.
35. On Capitol Hill, parking costs the average person $ 135 to $ 200 a month.
36. Clinton ventured to Capitol Hill Tuesday night enjoying the highest public approval ratings of his presidency.
37. Grain-based cereal prices already have come under fire from Capitol Hill, with a report in mid-March by Reps.
38. On Capitol Hill, the Republican revolution seems to be grinding its gears.
39. Chemical and agribusiness trade groups have mounted an aggressive campaign on Capitol Hill.
40. But Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill generally proved resistant to those calls.
41. Yet there was not even a hint of valediction in last week's speech on Capitol Hill.
42. The tide on Capitol Hill appeared to be turning against the Gallegly amendment.
43. Summit talks between Clinton and Capitol Hill leaders could start by Tuesday.
44. Leaders on Capitol Hill virtually put all other business on hold as it sought to hammer out a debt ceiling increase.
45. What will the president and his presumed Democratic supporters on Capitol Hill try to do to force consideration of the measure?
46. A Democratic Capitol Hill aide said it's too early to tell whether Congress will go along with the proposal.
47. Some Capitol Hill insiders are already checking out the pre-Thanksgiving flights to Houston and Dallas.
48. The 35-year veteran of Capitol Hill can not brag that he knows how to pass bills through the Senate.
49. Congressional leaders met them at the White House for coffee before escorting them to Capitol Hill.
50. A few gallant souls on Capitol Hill have their objections.
51. Goodwill has been in short supply on Capitol Hill as Congressional leaders have busied themselves this month trading ethics allegations.
52. There's a green gold rush on Capitol Hill.
53. Despite comments like those from a popular Republican tea partier(), parochialism is settling in on Capitol Hill.
54. He pushed for peace in Palestine, but seems to have retreated at the first sign of gun smoke from Capitol Hill.
55. Gates said closing the controversial facility will require help from Capitol Hill.
56. Olmert spoke to a joint meeting of Congress on Capitol Hill today.
57. The US attorney general faced another round of tough testimony on Capitol Hill today.
58. FOR all the recent posturing Capitol Hill, financial reform is coming.
59. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is back on Capitol Hill today.
60. In the nineteen-seventies, Schlosstein worked on Capitol Hill as an economist before joining the Carter Administration, in which he served at the Treasury and the White House.
61. A legend on Capitol Hill, he was famous - his critics say infamous - for bringing huge amounts of federal "pork barrel" projects back to Alaska.
62. The rights of every American to good government have been damaged by the pantomime on Capitol Hill.
63. On Capitol Hill, Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer of New York described the job numbers as "shocking" and said they call for "a strong, deep and effective stimulus package."
64. A former roommate, who worked with Gibbs on Capitol Hill, says he combines topnotch political skills with a quick wit.
65. A hearing on Capitol Hill included testimony from Tillman's brother. A House panel is hoping to elicit new information about the incident.
66. It is likely to spark a massive fight on Capitol Hill.
67. The confirmation hearing of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton as secretary of state began on Capitol Hill.
68. While the paper's circulation is just 33, 000, those copies go to a golden distribution list that includes the White House, every key Capitol Hill office,() and prominent D.C. businesses.
69. Roosevelt was never able to dominate the veterans on Capitol Hill.
70. He will go to Capitol Hill Tuesday to press them further.
71. The analysis is being circulated on Capitol Hill by supporters of raising the debt limit.
72. The House is a re - conceptualization of an row house unit in Capitol Hill, Washington DC.
73. But until 1949 , the capitol hill just pass the National as a sempiternal festival.
74. The other big newsmaker of the week will be Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, who will go to Capitol Hill for two days of testimony about the economy and what should be done to make it better.
75. But if mendacity alone were grounds for resignation, the halls of Capitol Hill would be eerily, and permanently, quiet.
76. The agency got the kid - glove treatment on capitol hill.
77. For thirty - two years Capitol Hill has been my home.
78. As my colleagues at Independent Sector and other nonprofits have been doing the rounds on Capitol Hill with new and veteran lawmakers alike, we have seen great support for the charity world.
79. As always the President kept a weather eye on the Capitol Hill.
80. Congress houses most of its collections in three buildings on Capitol Hill.
81. But Mr Specter 's decision nevertheless changes the dynamic on Capitol Hill.
82. She was educated in Paris and Le Havre and then spent some time in the US, including a stint as an intern on Capitol Hill.




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更新时间:2024/7/6 2:11:02