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单词 Geometrically
1 Geometrically, the inner product of two vectors can be considered a measure of their similarity.
2 Also remarkable are the paintings, geometrically designed rooms and wide variety of nearly 200-year-old china and silver.
3 This moral valuation of the geometrically simple is a markedly human characteristic.
4 The model and the prototype are geometrically similar.
5 Arcus is a geometrically constructed font with rounded curves.
6 That is to say transfinite set theory interpreted geometrically.
7 This shape is geometrically interesting.
8 Chapter 2 introduced the fundamental of geometrically nonlinear finite element method and solution methods.
9 It covers geometrically 86 % of the 4 t solid angle and has very low detection thresholds.
10 Geometrically a unicursal curve may be traversed by the continuous motion of a moving point.
11 Symmetry operations are geometrically defined ways of exchanging equivalent parts of a molecule.
12 Geometrically designed, the altar has a taiji rock at the center of the top terrace.
13 These improvements provide greatand great advantages for performing geometrically and physically non - linear iterations on a microcomputer.
14 The static numerical analyses to geometrically symmetric and asymmetric samples are performed with ANSYS software.
15 The Argand plane simply provides us with a way of organizing our family of complex numbers into a geometrically useful picture.
16 Nevertheless, one may expect a greater similarity between two geometrically similar points than between two geometrically dissimilar points.
17 A key ingredient of this proof was to represent the complex numbers geometrically, and then to use a topological argument.
18 A new arbitrary stiffened shell element is devised to investigate the geometrically nonlinear behavior of eccentrically stiffened laminated composite shell-like structures.
19 In 2007 Dick Fuld, the former head of Lehman Brothers, observed that whereas credit grows arithmetically, it shrinks geometrically.
20 Vertices of higher-ranking features will not move to lower-ranking features, but vertices of equal-ranked features will be geometrically averaged.
21 A surface synthesis operator function is simply constructed by geometrically rotating a certain kernel synthesis operator, instead of complicated wave extrapolations.
22 Elastic - plastic large displacement bending of thin plates involves material and geometrically nonlinear analysis.
23 Based on the above theory, finite element software is developed to analyze the geometrically nonlinear stability of slender structure.
24 In this paper, we research that the induced series of this model is geometrically ergodicity Markov chain and this model is adjoint geometrically ergodic.
25 This paper introduces the application of Amperes molecular current hypothesis in magnetic force doing work on current-carrying coil and in the geometrically explain Stockers formula.
26 Indicate how each of the following algebraic identities might be established geometrically.
27 At present, researches are only limited to the static behavior and geometrically nonlinear stability of cylindrical orthogonal supported on the rigidity roof beam or fringe truss.
28 It is assumed that the arrival time and service time are distributed geometrically.
29 One of the girls, says Reinhard, " Has a beautiful yellow, geometrically designed cover laid over her. "
30 Numerical results indicate that the generalized conforming element has the advantages of high accuracy and uniform convergence to geometrically nonlinear problem of structures.
31 The element coupling shape function meatrices are derived by means of geometrically nonlinear strain displacement relation un-der small deformation assumption.
32 Chemically they were the same protein; but geometrically they we re different shapes.
33 Outside the nucleus the rotational velocity would decrease geometrically with distance from the center, in conformity with Kepler's law.
34 The stepping - motor control system to geometrically asymmetric sample helps to realize automatic control of stress cutting.
35 Meanwhile the lim it of feed rate is calculated both analytically and geometrically.
36 The element coupling shape function matrices are derived by means of geometrically nonlinear strain displacement relation under small deformation assumption.
37 Rather, with this technique one can analyze arbitrary geometrically complicated structures.
38 We were, he argued, condemned by the tendency of population to grow geometrically while food production would increase only arithmetically.




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