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单词 equatorial
释义  Related topics: Geography, Meteorologyeq·ua·to·ri·al /ˌekwəˈtɔːriəl◂/ adjective  1  SGnear the equator 赤道的;赤道附近的 equatorial rain forests 赤道雨林2  HEMequatorial weather is very hot and wet 〔气候〕赤道地区特有的;非常湿热的 an equatorial climate 湿热气候Examples from the Corpusequatorial• It is not easy to get the water from the polar regions to the equatorial base, where it is needed.• For some reason, this compression was more efficient along an equatorial belt, making a ring-like structure.• The equatorial diameter exceeds the polar diameter by 26 miles.• But not too hot - not equatorial or anything.• Of course an infinite number of equatorial orbits exist, but only one geostationary orbit.• an equatorial rainforest• But if the principal base of lunar operations is in the equatorial region, the attractiveness of polar ice is greatly diminished.• Early on, studies of the equatorial regions revealed great volcanic mountain systems and several apparent large impact craters.• More recently, in an age of man-made satellites, the polar stereoscopic projection and the equatorial stereoscopic projection have become important.eq·ua·to·ri·al adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus equator near the




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