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单词 RDF
1 In this study, a new idea that RDF is made with catalysis of alkali, alkali earth or transition metal salts. The addition of the catalysts is to low ignition and burn off temperature temperature.
2 In RDF, this triple would be encoded based on the format used to identify cartoon characters and their arch-enemies.
3 RDF literals can be given data types such as "integer", "string", "date", or even "morse code".
4 I assembled an RDF representation such as that in Listing 2 from all the synsets in WordNet and performed a similar monolithic query of the resulting database.
5 For example, the RDF standard supports the use of the bags, sequences, and alternatives during data description.
6 RDF Site Summary ( RSS ) is lightweight, multipurpose, extensible metadata description and syndication format.
7 The structure IPF(Inorganic Polymer Floccutant) TX203 has been studied using the wide angle X-ray scattering(WAXS) and radial distribution function (RDF).
8 The structure of an amorphous inorganic ion exchanger-stannic hexametaphosphate is postulated with radial distribution function (RDF) by X-ray diffraction.
9 RDF Site Summary ( RSS ) is a generic XML - format for delivering and aggregating web content.
10 While XML syn - tactic interoperability,[] RDF defines a frame model supporting semantic interoperability.
11 RDF doesn't require XML, but one of the serialization formats used to describe the information uses XML.
12 Using RDF as a framework enables you to retain some of the structural information during the declaration.
13 RDF is a language for presenting information to the World Wide Web.
14 One key difference between the message form and the plain form is that rdf:about is used to identify the issue resource, however, it is not declared in-line using an ID.
15 First, the retrieval data preparation, in which there are two core modules, including automatic extraction of biological meta-data and the unified data marking with RDF.
16 eRDF seeks to scale beyond a small set of formats and vocabularies by using namespaces and the arbitrary RDF graph data model.
17 Album: includes the dc:title property for the album title, as well as relationships to the artist and to an RDF sequence with the track listing.
18 OWL facilitates greater machine interpretability of Web content than that supported by XML, RDF, and RDF Schema by providing additional vocabulary along with formal semantics.
19 Many tools take the code-generation approach, which involves reading an RDF schema or OWL ontology and replicating the classes and properties verbosely in the Java language.
20 In Common-Softwate Domain Knowledge, the article introduce algorithms of construct and knowledge reasoning for concept semantic network graph based on RDF knowledge base.
21 Positive and Negative Entailment Tests: These test whether proper entailments are or are not drawn from sets of specified RDF statements.
22 Namespaces on property names are not strictly required for RDF, but are highly recommended as a way to disambiguate such names.
23 OWL has more facilities for expressing meaning and semantics than XML, RDF, and RDF-S, and thus OWL goes beyond these languages in its ability to represent machine interpretable content on the Web.
24 This paper introduces a method of resource hierarchy description based on RDF/XML.
25 Document definitions can inherit information from other document definitions allowing you to define a complex mapping of XML content to RDF metadata information.
26 SHAME is a metadata editing and presentation framework for RDF metadata.
27 This wraps up my three-part discussion of how to use the WordNet natural language semantic database in XML and RDF applications.
28 And, guess what: That predefined format is accomplished using RDF.
29 This is a common approach to representing queries in RDF, although it gets unwieldy as queries get more complex.
30 The author put forward the modeling method based on hypergraph data model(HDM) and its description on the basis of RDF(resource description framework).
31 As the W3C's oft-mentioned "semantic web" expands, on-line service description could benefit from all that RDF has to offer in the form of networks of rating and trust.
32 Note that this is also a source of great controversy as the many tricks available lead to a certain brittleness about the translation from the various syntaxes and the resulting RDF abstract model.
33 As with eRDF,(http:///RDF.html) RDFa takes advantage of namespaces and the RDF graph data model to enable the representation of many data structures and vocabularies within a single Web page.
34 Therefore, we design an RDF storage and query framework with flexible inference strategy, which can combine forward and backward chaining inference strategies.
35 As mentioned above, DOAP files that conform to the schema will lose some RDF expressivity, but for most people this loss will not matter.
36 Because the web service does the work of retrieving the stock ticker data and storing it in a simple data structure, I only needed to convert that data to RDF.
37 Such materials boost the calorific value of the RDF, hence increasing electricity output.
38 In this paper a new method was set up to investigate the indentation process through computing average potential and radial distribution function(RDF) of workpiece at the same time.
39 To create an RDF/XML format, you can find all the necessary information content for WordNet in the XML representation discussed in the first article of this mini-series.
40 For a brief definition of RDF, read the previous issue of this column or go to the Resources section for a link to a basic introduction of this simple format.
41 In my last installment of this column, I discussed how XML knowledge management systems such as RDF shed a different light on age-old problems of data design and modeling.




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