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单词 Carbon dioxide
1. Carbon dioxide consists of carbon and oxygen.
2. Plants absorb carbon in the form of carbon dioxide.
3. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.
4. The leak led to a slow build-up of carbon dioxide.
5. The carbon14 atoms oxidize to carbon dioxide which gets blown about and mixed up with lower atmosphere.
6. Plants absorb carbon dioxide.
7. The carbon 14 atoms oxidise to carbon dioxide which gets blown about and mixed up with lower atmosphere.
8. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.
9. The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilised at their present level.
10. Carbon is an element, while carbon dioxide is a compound.
11. Dissolved carbon dioxide makes the water more acidic.
12. Industrialized countries must reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
13. How is carbon dioxide formed?
14. Humans take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.
15. Coke burns with oxygen to give carbon dioxide.
16. You can liquefy the carbon dioxide to separate it from the other constituents.
17. The lime water has turned cloudy, therefore carbon dioxide has been produced during the experiment.
18. Leaves of many plants take up carbon dioxide and fix it in organic acids.
19. Plants and trees filter carbon dioxide out of the air and produce oxygen.
20. A molecule of carbon dioxide has one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.
21. A spokesperson commented that levels of carbon dioxide were very high.
22. Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of critical importance.
23. When water comes into contact with air, carbon dioxide is released.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. The amount of carbon dioxide released by human activities such as burning coal and oil is small in comparison.
25. Carbon dioxide is produced in huge amounts when fossil fuels are burned.
26. Through this incision, the abdominal cavity is distended with carbon dioxide gas.
27. The increased use of natural gas will help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
28. Microbes decompose organic waste into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide.
29. Under normal circumstances, these two gases react readily to produce carbon dioxide and water.
30. Mars has an insubstantial atmosphere, consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxide.
1. Carbon dioxide consists of carbon and oxygen.
2. Plants absorb carbon in the form of carbon dioxide.
3. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.
4. The leak led to a slow build-up of carbon dioxide.
5. The carbon14 atoms oxidize to carbon dioxide which gets blown about and mixed up with lower atmosphere.
6. Plants absorb carbon dioxide.
7. The carbon 14 atoms oxidise to carbon dioxide which gets blown about and mixed up with lower atmosphere.
8. Through this incision, the abdominal cavity is distended with carbon dioxide gas.
9. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.
10. The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilised at their present level.
11. Carbon is an element, while carbon dioxide is a compound.
12. Coke burns with oxygen to give carbon dioxide.
13. The lime water has turned cloudy, therefore carbon dioxide has been produced during the experiment.
14. Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect.
31. Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect.
32. The proposed initiative would mandate a reduction of carbon dioxide of 40%.
33. Carbon dioxide is released in the ensuing chemical reaction.
34. Living tropical forests also absorb carbon dioxide.
35. Plants use carbon dioxide in photosynthesis to feed themselves.
36. It also helps to drive out excess carbon dioxide.
37. U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide are still increasing.
38. It reduces the carbon in carbon dioxide.
39. Combustion: Benzene burns to form carbon dioxide and water.
40. It takes carbon dioxide and gives oxygen.
41. The new plan focused on reducing carbon dioxide emissions by cutting energy consumption.
42. A fish, like any other animal, uses oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide.
43. The algae photosynthesise food for themselves and in the process absorb carbon dioxide from the water.
44. Sulphide ores tend to oxidise in aerobic conditions, consuming oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.
45. Gases, such as carbon dioxide, dissolve in liquids and can precipitate out as solids.
46. Houses are one of the main carbon dioxide emission sources and tree planting is a step towards rectifying that damage.
47. The platinum catalyses the reaction of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons with air to give carbon dioxide and water vapour.
48. Carbon dioxide invariably contains 27.37% carbon and 72.73% oxygen, by mass.
49. The zinc sulphide is then transferred to a vessel through which passes an inert gas, such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide.
50. Mr Bondevik wanted to postpone building gas plants until emissions of environmental-damaging carbon dioxide can be cut.
51. Carbon dioxide and other unwanted exhaled gases are sucked away through ceiling pendant into filter cleaner.
52. As irradiance increases the carbon dioxide supply becomes more important and eventually limiting.
53. Carbonates destroyed by the acid rain release vast quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
54. Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide and some other gases, such as methane and nitrogen oxides, accumulate in the atmosphere.
55. This carbon dioxide is first transformed to carbonates, and incorporated in the shells of sea creatures.
56. The vaporized gasoline is processed into hydrogen, water and carbon dioxide.
57. The most immediate is that they take up oxygen from water to support their respiration and produce carbon dioxide.
58. The more the continents are exposed to weathering, the more carbon dioxide is drawn down from the atmosphere.
59. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions to required levels will not be achieved by ceasing to mine coal in Britain.
60. Climatic changes are caused by the increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
61. The best way to get that carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is to warm the entire planet.
62. In energy terms, the goal of the autonomous house is to eliminate fossil-fuel use and the associated carbon dioxide emissions.
63. Breathing air is cleansed of deadly carbon dioxide in a three-step process.
64. Carbon dioxide is the main cause of global warming - the Greenhouse Effect.
65. Oxygen is absorbed into the water by surface movement, where a gaseous exchange takes place releasing carbon dioxide and absorbing oxygen.
66. At that point, however, the still increasing emissions of carbon dioxide will begin the upward spiral once more.
67. Trees consume carbon dioxide emitted by coal-fired power stations and other sources.
68. Carbon Dioxide An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide is responsible for about half the total warming.
69. The very same process, operating on water instead of carbon dioxide, makes oxygen and hydrogen gas.
70. Crop yields will improve dramatically as vegetation thrives on an atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide.
71. Life generates methane, ammonia, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and many other gases.
72. Additionally, carbon dioxide is produced as a result of continued metabolism.
73. Molecules of carbon dioxide in the solid phase are packed more closely than in the liquid phase.
74. As levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane increase(), the greenhouse effect will trap increasing amounts of heat.
75. Rainforests absorb carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen essential for all life, including our own.
76. That harmlessly releases 600 litres of carbon dioxide into the air every second.
77. They were keen to combat acid rain, freeze carbon dioxide emissions and improve public transport.
78. Speeding up urban traffic could save 10 percent of fuel, and so cut back on carbon dioxide.
79. Its composition obviates the need for sulphur-removing equipment in power stations, which produce additional carbon dioxide.
80. One way of absorbing the extra carbon dioxide would be to plant more trees.
81. Implementing the directive across the 12 member states would save an estimated 26 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions a year.
82. The high-temperature electrolysis scheme that we explored in connection with a lunar base can separate carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon monoxide.
83. Gas is environmentally helpful in achieving the Government's target of stabilising carbon dioxide emissions at 1990 levels by the year 2005.
84. Estimating the future rate of energy growth is of critical importance for predicting future concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
85. This surface reaction of oxygen and carbon releases carbon monoxide which migrates outward and upon encountering oxygen burns to carbon dioxide.
86. When we breathe we take oxygen into the body and expel the waste gas, carbon dioxide(Sentencedict), or CO2.
87. Carbon dioxide is added to the water by the respiration of fish, plants, and other living organisms.
88. Simply using energy and fuel efficiently could stop us releasing much of the carbon dioxide we currently emit.
89. The failure of the Martian greenhouse effect is obviously not due to any shortage of carbon dioxide!
90. The changing world climate is probably due to a build-up of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide.
91. That is a neat package for increasing the output of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
92. This same basic cycle could also operate on the interconversion of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide plus oxygen.
93. The government has committed itself to reducing carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000.
94. The country's 22.5 million cars emit 20 percent of total carbon dioxide emissions.
95. When carbon monoxide is the reducing agent, carbon dioxide is produced.
96. The maximum rate of carbon dioxide generation, in contrast, appears to occur at maturities of less than 0.4%.
97. Some species create carbon dioxide at a faster rate than others of equal size.
98. Carbon dioxide is a so-called greenhouse gas, which absorbs energy from the sun, making the air warmer.
99. So more and more coal, gas and oil are burned producing more carbon dioxide.
100. When calcium carbonate is heated it decomposes into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.
101. To achieve a balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide, one human needed 8 square metres of exposed Chlorella.
102. The thin carbon dioxide atmosphere on Mars admits sunlight to the surface with very little attenuation.
103. In combination with oxygen it forms the gas carbon dioxide.
104. In particular, the air now contains only about 0.05 percent of carbon dioxide: a trace indeed.
105. The device contains a carbon dioxide cylinder which released gas into a coiled chamber.
106. Atmospheric carbon dioxide in the northern hemisphere is increasing measurably.
107. If not, shortages of the other nutrients, such as nitrogen, could halt the growth benefits of more carbon dioxide.
108. For plants to photosynthesise and produce sugars in their leaf cells, they need to absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide.
109. A variety of simple terrestrial life-forms can thrive in a medium of liquid water with carbon dioxide and ammonia available.
110. They were surprised to find that carbon dioxide concentrations were higher in water taken from inside the algal blooms than outside it.
111. They also remove the carbon and make it available to plants as carbon dioxide.
112. This would reduce the ability of the living world to take up carbon dioxide.
113. The physical symptoms occur as a result of too much oxygen and too little carbon dioxide.
114. Solid carbon dioxide has a similar structure with the C02 molecules occupying the lattice sites.
115. Other companies have studied ways to offset or reduce emissions of carbon dioxide.
116. It has been shown that an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the water reduces the amount of oxygen carried in the blood.
117. In contrast to most plants,(http:///carbon dioxide.html) they breathe in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.
118. Water is capable of dissolving carbon dioxide; the composition of the atmosphere would therefore change considerably.
119. But all fossil fuels, especially the cleanest anthracite, burn to produce abundant carbon dioxide.
120. Many regions have abandoned coal-burning electricity plants, which give off carbon dioxide, a potent greenhouse gas.
121. Equipping a plant to cope with carbon dioxide is likely to double its cost.
122. Life isn't just about taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide. Malala Yousafzai 
123. The burning of coal, oil and gas to provide energy results in the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
124. The safety mattress also produced only half as much carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
125. Potassium hydroxide is injected into the tube to remove carbon dioxide.
126. Because the diesel engine uses so much less fuel it releases substantially less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
127. This is because of the higher levels of carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired stations compared with natural gas.
128. These can be compared to the original volume to calculate the percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air.
129. To flood the air with carbon dioxide, the biospherians hauled back the tons of dried grass clippings they had removed earlier.
130. The water vapor can then be cycled by reacting it with carbon monoxide to make carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
131. When they are burned, their carbon combines with oxygen from the atmosphere to form carbon dioxide gas.
132. The main global-warming gas, after all, is carbon dioxide, given off mainly by burning fossil fuels.
133. They produce bubbles of carbon dioxide gas, which push the cake or bread batter up.
134. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, each molecule trapping 25 times as much heat radiation as one molecule of carbon dioxide.
135. Carbon dioxide is taken out of the water by plants to photosynthesise and produce energy.
136. Sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide are two common chemical compounds.
137. Traditionally, this cooling requirement has been accomplished using slices of solid carbon dioxide, better known as dry ice.
138. Carbon dioxide emissions will increase by between 9 and 23 percent, and fuel consumption will rise by 3-9 percent.
139. These changes, appropriately pursued, could also bring large long-term reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide and other environmental impacts.
140. And it probably always will, since no conceivable technology can prevent petroleum combustion from producing carbon dioxide.
141. The overwhelming weight of scientific opinion is that we need to make cuts of 60 % or more in carbon dioxide emissions.
142. A forest on this scale would absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide.
143. The Building Research Establishment give the following figures for the emission of carbon dioxide per kilowatt hour for different energy sources.
144. For example, at elevated temperatures, sodium bicarbonate decomposes and releases carbon dioxide and leaves sodium carbonate as mentioned earlier.
145. Changes in the size of boreal forests and carbon dioxide concentrations have moved in step for most of this century.
146. The most obvious source, and one that is ubiquitous on the Martian surface, is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
147. They then combine the hydrogen with carbon dioxide to form sugars and release the oxygen into the atmosphere.
148. Carbon dioxide and moisture threaten to efface the Lascaux cave drawings.
149. And burning coal, of course, produces, carbon dioxide as well as sulphur dioxide.
150. To keep a balance of atmosphere, excess carbon dioxide needed to be removed by chemical filters.
151. This is a by-product of their metabolism in as much as they excrete carbon dioxide and alcohol.
152. Thus, unlike water, the solid carbon dioxide is denser than the liquid.
153. Measured on the carbon dioxide scale, it emitted 2.109 metric tons percapita in 1986 from fossil fuels and cement production.
154. The only measurement of any historical accuracy we have relates to one component: carbon dioxide.
155. Since Polygas comprises a small amount of acetone in carbon dioxide, the danger from an accidental release is low.
156. Instead the bubbles are produced by injecting carbon dioxide into the finished wine.
157. Doubling rail traffic would cut carbon dioxide emissions by only about 3 percent.
158. We wish to see a world market in tradable emission licences for carbon dioxide and other pollutants.
159. This process generates short chain fatty acids which are absorbed, and hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
160. But there was nothing in the shifting canyons of frozen carbon dioxide to tell her.
161. The residual gases including nitrogen, higher hydrocarbons carbon dioxide, etc. constitute about 2 percent.
162. Trees that could have been used to eat your car's microscopic carbon dioxide emissions.
163. This waste may be burned to make a mixture of carbon dioxide, water, and nitrogen.
164. Chemically, chalk is largely calcium carbonate, he argues, and so should yield carbon dioxide if immersed in an acid.
165. Any tissue starved of oxygen increases its carbon dioxide production and the lungs compensate by deep and sighing respirations.
166. All of them ultimately start out as two very simple molecules, carbon dioxide and water.
167. First the carbon dioxide is filtered and allowed to accumulate in a container.
168. It estimates that in that time it cut its carbon dioxide emissions by more than 20 percent.
169. Washington continues to challenge the scientific claim that global warming is in part caused by emissions of carbon dioxide.
170. This reduction, however, is likely to be far outstripped by the increasing output of carbon dioxide.
171. The only way they add to carbon dioxide levels is through the power consumed in their manufacture.
172. Carbon dioxide also offers the flexibility to separate the hop components into bitter and flavour fractions.
173. These plants absorb the carbon dioxide released by the corals and so help to keep the water oxygenated.
173. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
174. Earth has only 0. 3 millibars of carbon dioxide and Mars an average of about 6 millibars.
175. The corresponding carbon dioxide emissions were down by a similar amount.
176. The best scheme presently available is to use high-temperature gas-phase electrolysis of carbon dioxide.
177. Catalysts convert carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide, which is less toxic, but equally polluting to the environment.
178. A sink is a natural way of capturing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and turning it back into solid carbon.
179. A carbon dioxide electrolysis unit requires both thermal and electrical power; indeed, it needs more thermal than electrical power.
180. The fog, apart from being a mutated organism, now contains carbon dioxide and various other impurities.
181. Carbon dioxide is the primary contributor to the greenhouse effect.
182. The hood was attached to a machine which measured the amount of oxygen breathed in and the carbon dioxide produced.
183. Global warming is largely due to the loading of the atmosphere with carbon dioxide.
184. The higher thermal efficiency resulting from the topping cycle reduces the amount of carbon dioxide produced per unit of power generated.
185. For two years in Bio2, carbon dioxide levels meandered up and down.
186. Even then, carbon dioxide emissions could still increase 65 percent by 2030.
187. No cut in carbon dioxide emission is planned, merely stabilisation by 2005.
188. Controlling carbon dioxide emissions ultimately entails reducing the consumption of energy-intensive goods.
189. An increase of applied pressure thus favours formation of solid carbon dioxide.
190. Sodium bicarbonate plus an acid will produce bubbles of carbon dioxide gas.
191. The document proposes the stabilisation of carbon dioxide emissions by 2000 - a target which is likely to disappoint some.
192. Fish take in oxygen from the water and excrete ammonia and carbon dioxide through their gills.
193. Carbon dioxide, a principal ingredient of the exhaust gases made during combustion of hydrocarbons, has a molecular weight of 44.
194. Look at how much the children loved seeing that frozen carbon dioxide.
195. All three books also cover the effects of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere.
196. Increase of pressure usually favours the formation of the solid-as we shall see in the carbon dioxide phase diagram below.
197. The yeast feeds on the sugar and produces alcohol and carbon dioxide.
198. The cocktail of greenhouse gases includes chlorofluorocarbons, methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide.
199. Joseph Black had described carbon dioxide in 1756 while Henry Cavendish described hydrogen in 1766.
200. The net result is that, however one mixes the energy cake, carbon dioxide emissions go on increasing.
201. The products of coal gasification include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane and nitrogen.
202. Cleaning up city air is also easier than curbing output of carbon dioxide, a gas thought to cause climate change.
203. But the general principle seems secure: we must beware of any further large increases in the carbon dioxide level.
203. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
204. Carbon dioxide results from complete combustion of carboncontaining compounds.
205. the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
206. Carbon dioxide does not burn, nor does It'support combustion.
207. The two principal combustion products are water vapor and carbon dioxide.
208. Methane is often regarded as the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide.
209. Carbon dioxide is a necessary result of the oxidation of carbon compounds.
210. Carbon dioxide is reported to absorb primarily onto surface alkali or alkali - containing constituents.




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