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单词 Unconsidered
1. I came to regret my unconsidered remarks.
2. He said something unconsidered, Anna pounced on it.
3. She contemplated another and, until then, unconsidered aspect of Ben's character.
4. A failed marriage is one of those unconsidered trifles he might expect to sniff out.
5. The unconsidered life is not worth living.
6. Prejudice is the holding of unconsidered opinions.
7. When I permit subjective and unconsidered ideas to intervene in the objective course of the design process, I acknowledge the significance of personal feelings in my work.
8. It included many previously unconsidered witness statements, an assessment of fresh information about the shootings, and a damning indictment of the original inquiry headed by Lord Widgery./unconsidered.html
9. Nothing has changed, and unconsidered is what Palestinians want, need and deserve.
10. They base this on the previously unconsidered drop in pressure that occurs when water passes from gas to liquid state in condensation.
11. She looked through the drawers of Bob's desk, curious to explore even the most unconsidered corners of his life.
12. His antiquarian temperament has made him a greater snapper-up of unconsidered trifles of archaeology, architecture and literature.
13. This neglects the fact that there may be more efficient and effective ways of achieving system objectives which remain unconsidered.
14. The relevance of such multiple sensory realities to conventional evolutionary theory has so far remained unconsidered.
15. Live music is all about incident, accident and previously unconsidered possibilities.
16. The effects of such four ways, including local inflow unconsidered, local inflow considered, AR method considered, and both local inflow and AR method considered, were applied in the Cao'e River.
17. Because adopting fragment decoding, the route metric is limited which make the metric overflow unconsidered.
18. The most decisive actions of our life are more often than not unconsidered .
19. Just be prepared to be inspired to make some previously unconsidered and definitely unconventional choices.
20. To complement the Evangelist, every design team needs a leader who directs the finishing touches on each project. The Conductor's analytical mind helps her to ensure that no detail goes unconsidered.
21. The Bolton game last weekend shows that no team can neglect the opposition and play in a rather nonchalant or unconsidered way as we did in that match.
22. But when one door closes, another (somewhat similar, previously unconsidered, possibly less glamorous) door opens.
23. It's no difference between photographing under- developed scenes of a country and carping. It would be better not to do such an unconsidered doing.
24. On the face of it, all the anger directed at the Arsenal keeper was because, in typical fashion, he'd dropped an unconsidered remark about Kahn having a very young girlfriend.
25. Because the condition is complicated in downhole, multiphase flow was unconsidered, only researched the single phase flow .
26. But critics around the world have recently begun to question the unconsidered effects of large-scale ethanol production, such as increasing competition for human or animal food supplies.
27. "We are on the brink of disaster because of unconsidered dependencies, " he said.
28. The Conductor's analytical mind helps her to ensure that no detail goes unconsidered.




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