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单词 Resound
(1) The astronaut was welcomed with joyous , resounding acclaim.
(2) The echo resounded back to us.
(3) The tragedy resounded around the world.
(4) A roar of approval resounded through the Ukrainian parliament.
(5) The Redskins opened the season by scoring a resounding/stunning/impressive 25-3 victory against/over Detroit.
(6) The bells of the old temple resounded throughout the valley.
(7) There was a resounding slap as Andrew struck him violently across the face.
(8) The noise of the fire alarm resounded through/throughout the building.
(9) Her name resounded all over the world.
(10) She scored a resounding triumph over her rival.
(11) He hit the water with a resounding slap.
(12) The street resounded to the thud of marching feet.
(13) The whole place resounded with music.
(14) The room resounded with screams and shouts.
(15) The high wall resounded our shouts of joy.
(16) The war still resounds in the country's folklore.
(17) Kabul resounded to the crack of Kalashnikov fire and a flood of artillery.
(18) By now(Sentence dictionary), the whole room was resounding to the sound of the team's chants.
(19) It doesn't resound to your credit, does it?
(20) Moreover, these four hugely wheeling winds resound with rhythmic echoes from realms that can not be directly known.
(21) Aeroplanes resound to the deafening rasp of anorak pen-pockets when passengers are told to fill in their landing cards.
(22) Radios resound from every house.
(23) His name will resound through the ages.
(24) His name will resound through ages.
(25) That will resound long after the applause has faded.
(26) Picasso'name to resound for ages in art history.
(27) The hills resound with music.
(28) When the villagers were asked if they wanted the factory to be built, the answer was a resounding yes.
(29) That puts the president in a tight spot if the vote is not a resounding 'yes'.
(30) Suddenly I heard a piercing whistle that seemed to resound through the whole universe.
(31) This week America will resound to the deafening roar of automatic rifle fire being discharged by Palin across its airwaves.
(32) His resounding voice continued to resound in my ears long after he was out of sight.
(33) If I do not need you then why does your name resound in my head?
(34) If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?
(35) The seas continued to resound in my ears long after it was out of sight.
(36) Allow the intentions to resound between your field and the field the land or sea.
(37) Let the pulpit resound with the doctrines and sentiments of religious liberty.
(38) Happy ding, resound through Xue Ye , the day of profusion, belong to us.
(39) Let the sea resound , and everything in it , the world, and all who live in it.
(40) I will get strong enough to resound my name in the heaven.
(41) Now and then he spits out oft he window, big healthy gobs of brown juice which resound with a smack on the pavement below. He seems content now.
(42) To this day, large sections of China's major cities resound with the noise of the wrecking ball and the jackhammer.
(43) To resound in or as if in a succession of echoes; reecho.
(44) Mr. Lee Kar-tai Phoebus, CUHK student of Doctor of Music Programme, has won the first prize in the New Generation 2010 with his piece Arid Branches Resound.
(45) The LORD thundered from heaven ; the Most High made his voice resound.




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