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单词 Prevailing party
1 Every character in the nuclear boat, are the prevailing party to participate in a large portrait photo engraving, and figures while less than 2 mm, but all vivid vivid, lifelike.
2 The U. S. Supreme Court has had to interpret what is meant by the term prevailing party.
3 Many state statutes provide for an award of attorney fees to the prevailing party.
4 This means appellate report will be adopted unless the prevailing party agrees not to adopt it, which is impossible and unthinkable in any circumstances.
5 In the event of a dispute arising under this Agreement resulting in litigation, the losing party shall pay the court costs and reasonable attorney's fees of the prevailing party.
6 In the event of a squabble arising under this Agreement resulting in litigation, louboutin, the loosing party shall pay the tribunal costs and reasonable attorney's fees of the prevailing party.
7 In the event legal action is required to enforce any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs.
8 All fees and costs shall be borne by the losing party including attorney's fees, transportation fees, accommodation fees on the prevailing party.
9 If any legal action is necessary to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, costs, and necessary disbursements.
10 In any action there shall be available injunctive relief or damages, with the prevailing party being awarded costs and attorneys' fees (including in-house counsel).




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