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单词 No account
1. Happiness takes no account of time. 
2. He that gains well and spends well needs no account book. 
3. Employees must on no account make personal telephone calls from the office.
4. Britain's tax system takes no account of children.
5. On no account should the mixture boil.
6. I have no account with that bank.
7. This is a matter of no account.
8. On no account should the house be left unlocked.
9. On no account should you leave the door unlocked.
10. Emotional matters were of no account to them during the war.
11. On no account must you disturb me when I'm working.
12. As she grew up, her father was of no account to her.
13. It's of no account to me whether he comes or not.
14. We must on no account view problems superficially and in isolation.
14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
15. And on no account add butter or margarine.
16. These results took no account of illegal dumping.
17. Epictetus' magic wand can make poverty of no account.
18. Gelbspan's speech was of no account.
19. On no account could Lady Eleanor die of poisoning.
20. In addition, the model provides no account of how pronounceable non-words are read aloud, nor of how context influences word identification.
21. Accordingly(), no account is taken of unrealised profits or losses arising on such forward exchange contracts.
22. On no account should it be regarded as something through which the traveller passes quickly while hurrying on to the next destination.
23. The argument also takes no account of the extra oil-change services that diesel engines require.
24. The legislation takes no account of the expense that is incurred when a council puts work out to tender.
25. The old rates were at least indirectly related to income; the new tax takes no account of a person's ability to pay.
26. When asked for your views about your current job, on no account must you be negative about it.
27. In short, nearly one in three possessed physical defects, a figure which took no account of dental problems or defective vision.
28. You are a mere picture editor, a workman, whose views on editorial staff are of no account.
29. Yet this self-protective brand of public service was of no account to the Lordly Phantasms.
30. As she grew up, her father had been of no account to her.
1. Employees must on no account make personal telephone calls from the office.
2. We must on no account view problems superficially and in isolation.
31. Cigarette smokers pollute the air for other people but take no account of this in deciding how much to smoke.
32. As she had pledged that she was innocent, she offered no account as to why she allegedly hated her husband.
33. First, no account is taken of cash flows arising after the payback date.
34. It was of no account to Vinoba Bhave a Brahmin, whether the man before him was a Brahmin or an outcaste.
35. It takes no account of the moral dilemmas of human life.
36. It pays you generous interest on your money, and there are no account charges.
37. I gave him no account of the difficulty I had put myself to in order to learn what little I had.
38. If you do, bidding can be very exhilarating, and on no account should you bid more than your pre-determined limit.
39. On no account should they be pushed straight up or in a jerky movement.
40. On no account should direct contact be made with the management or staff of the Company.
41. There was a war on and such emotional family matters were really of no account.
42. In effect, the proposals discussed above take no account at all of popular sentiment.
43. In a no account is taken of the animals' life styles.
44. People take no account of the costs and benefits their actions inflict on others.
45. This last has always to be measured in terms of numbers, and can take no account of degree of motivation.
46. In a transforming instant, the est intellectual truth is seen to be that intellectual truth is of no account.
47. They take no account of the unpaid labour service of volunteers, which is the essential resource element of the voluntary sector.
48. On no account should you attempt this exercise if you're pregnant.
49. Take no account of me any more.
50. Happiness take no account of time.
51. On no account should our Party monopolize everything.
52. Don't worry about that mistake; it's of no account.
53. On no account should we cut down the outturn.
54. Are all those of no account?
55. Emotional matters were of no account to during the war.
56. Income measures do not do full justice to the extent of the improvement in the world's poor, for they take no account of advances in life expectancy and general health.
57. By their nature, they take no account of other variables such as policy changes and technological breakthroughs.
58. He that gain well and spend well needs no account book.
59. It takes no account of the depreciation of capital goods, and so overstates the value of production.
60. Yes, the February Revolution must be Christian and democratic, but it must on no account be socialist.
61. Customs vary widely, and the "personal equation" is a most important factor, of which mere theory takes no account.
62. You should on no account overrate the enemy's combat effectiveness.
63. Why there is no account statement or payment history accompanying the documents sent to me?
64. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but on no account will I engage in such an under-the-counter business.
65. You are a beauty horizontalas the flower still artistic talent overflow also of no account.
66. In pressurized modern lives, demands to be a fulfilled individual, and a good partner and a good worker, take no account of being a good parent.
67. Those who pin their faith on University examinations as a test of all educational results take no account of this fact.
68. Beyond any doubt, China must on no account miss the present opportunity or make a wrong decision but must take a firm political stand.
69. Though South Pacific legends describe clams that lie in wait to trap unsuspecting swimmers or swallow them whole, no account of a human death by giant clam has ever been substantiated.
70. As a rule, we take no account of the fact that the doctor who practises catharsis is not just an abstraction which automatically produces nothing but catharsis.
71. Most parents make much account of their children's grading in school but make little or no account of their psychological needs and of fostering a climate for their healthy development.
72. You cannot whistle me down the wind as though I were of no account.
73. In her absence, I began to beg for Zillah's place at the Heights, offering to resign mine to her; but he would suffer it on no account.
74. On no account must you smuggle things into the country.
75. She treated Yahya's concessions of November 2 as of no account.
76. The reason for this is that the analysis takes no account of kinking of reinforcement.
77. On no account the Parties do not bear responsibility for the loss of profits.
78. Some students often take no account of what their teachers and parents say and don't behave well.
79. Of course it is wrong to take no account of these characteristics or deny their existence.
80. In your friends'eyes you have already stepped beyond the pale , are of no account.
81. On no account can we discard the banner of Mao Zedong Thought.




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