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单词 Brussels
1. The organization has its headquarters in Brussels.
2. Are you still undecided about the job in Brussels?
3. She works as an interpreter in Brussels.
4. Even Brussels bureaucrats can't homogenize national cultures and tastes.
5. She spent hours fogbound in Brussels.
6. I didn'tget back to Brussels until after my demob.
7. The trip included an overnight stop in Brussels.
8. NATO defense ministers wrap up their meeting in Brussels today.
9. I spend a lot of time in Brussels, but London is still my base.
10. In Brussels the dollar rose by a ninth of a cent.
11. The Prime Minister paid a flying visit to Brussels this afternoon.
12. He was arrested at Heathrow after flying from Brussels airport.
13. Brussels brings cold comfort to sheep farmers.
14. Brussels sprouts in browned butter with caraway seeds.
15. Drain Brussels sprouts and set aside to cool.
16. Banana-flavoured Brussels sprouts are even under consideration.
17. This is not a case of bullying by Brussels.
18. Newman boarded the aircraft for Brussels at London Airport, fastened his seat belt.
19. It's been a tumultuous day at the international trade negotiations in Brussels.
20. Let's get this straight - you're travelling to Frankfurt on Monday and Brussels on Tuesday, is that correct?
21. He moved to Belgium in 1990 to live with his son, who had been resident in Brussels since 1967.
22. An international forum on economic development took place in Brussels.
23. The Agriculture Secretary goes into a crunch meeting with senior ministers in Brussels tomorrow.
24. This new legislation represents a further seepage of power to Brussels.
25. They acted in accordance with the latest directive from Brussels.
26. She was adamantly opposed to her husband travelling to Brussels.
27. Her Majesty's Government were to be warmly congratulated for standing up for Britain at Brussels.
28. Accordingly, Manville took out his code manual and began preparing an official sanction for despatch to Brussels.
29. The rest of their time is taken up with meetings of committees and groups in Brussels.
30. The smiling realists are relieved that good old-fashioned national interest may burst out of the straitjacket of Brussels directives.
1. The organization has its headquarters in Brussels.
2. Are you still undecided about the job in Brussels?
3. It's been a tumultuous day at the international trade negotiations in Brussels.
31. According to Bank Brussels Lambert, steel and nonferrous stocks posted negative returns of 20 % for 1995.
32. Garnish with a little soured cream and serve with Brussels sprouts and jacket potatoes.
33. We were going to have an 80-foot Brussels sprout flying above Battersea Power Station - and it nearly happened!
34. Britain retains a veto on tax issues in the Council of Ministers, the highest-level body in Brussels.
35. The force's tailor in Brussels is refusing to provide uniforms until his bill is settled.
36. In the absence of that conference the rules for the new world order are right now being written in Brussels.
37. The bureaucrats in their Brussels bastion wrongly presumed that bigger is better.
38. The 1992 draft did not include the cost of moving the Commission from its Berlaymont headquarters building in Brussels.
39. In Brussels, the market set an all-time high, topping the record set last Wednesday, following encouraging corporate sales reports.
40. The regulators in Brussels have only one interest: raising standards.
41. We cross to Calais and continue to Brussels for our first overnight stop.
42. Discussion between football representatives and Brussels continued as all sides attempted to reach an agreement.
43. It threatens to demote the Brussels institutions, especially the Commission, by setting up an alternative centre of decision-making.
44. Cover pot and simmer until Brussels sprouts are just barely tender, about 5 minutes.
45. It involves a further transfer of sovereignty to Brussels and is likely to be fiercely opposed by Tory Euro-sceptics.
46. Discussion between football representatives and Brussels continued in the search for an agreement.
47. The internal affairs of a member state are no business of the union, hence the reticence in Brussels.
48. I want to send a telex to Alex Raneleigh in Brussels.
49. We went to three pet shops before we found a pair of gray Brussels griffons.
50. One will be at the Starlab in Brussels, where De Garis became chief scientist late last month.
51. A trip to Brussels to meet the responsible officials can turn up a mine of information.
52. But since the War exhibitions have been held at Brussels, Montreal and Osaka by wealthy nations, celebrating their achievements.
53. The allies arrived in Brussels on September 3rd and Antwerp was freed the next day.
54. Brussels: Chemicals was the only sector to show resilience as prices were marked down in thin business.
55. Samuel was a Brussels furrier who cared a great deal about his advertising.
56. And so they moved, with no master plan in mind, first to their small flat in Brussels.
57. Making this unlovely acronym come alive is the job of two committees being set up in Brussels this week.
58. Brussels has no power to legislate for us that we did not give it.
59. The Tory leader claimed the country will be overrun by asylum-seekers and criminals and ruled from Brussels.
60. Voice over There's very real joy and pride, as the the veterans of the resistance are reunited in Brussels.
61. It offers a nine-month workshop in print, radio and television journalism to graduates at its training centre in Brussels.
62. The loudest cheers in the conference hall were reserved for the familiar attacks on Brussels, section 28 or the Dome.
63. You can travel by high-speed train from Paris to Brussels.
64. Its removal depends on the findings of a two-day symposium on bovine spongiform encephalopathy scheduled to be held in Brussels in September.
65. Tweed's mood changed as soon as they reached Brussels, reserving the suite at the Hilton, hiring the car.
66. Brussels airport was closed today after an accident on the runway.
67. The Brussels market closed at a record high for the third session in a row.
68. He was alleged to have passed information to the Brussels ring.
69. Bring a pot of water to a boil and immerse Brussels sprouts in boiling water.
70. It is a textbook case of how effectively corporate lobbies work in Brussels, not just Washington.
71. In the past few days Mr Delors has signalled his determination to boost the executive powers held by Brussels.
72. The EU bureaucracy in Brussels has grown in size and authority.
73. In Brussels, the method used to drain one large stable housing about 200 horses was also noted favourably.
74. Her ball gown was an old grey dress which she had prettified with some lengths of Brussels lace.
75. However, what we are dealing with here is a magic formula of a type which has characterised legislation from Brussels before.
76. The new thinking in Brussels is that labour laws should focus on general objectives and leave details to national governments.
77. Stop whitefly sprouting on my Brussels Q All my Brussels sprouts seem to have become infested with whitefly this year.
78. On April 28 the agriculture ministers will meet in Brussels.
79. In Brussels, prices rose, after late buying of baskets of shares overcame profit-taking.
80. They found nearly 7,000 bottles of vintage red wine in the management cellars at the Forges de Clabecq plant, outside Brussels.
81. This conference worked in Brussels throughout the remainder of the year.
82. In Brussels, the market fell after investors snagged profits following a record-setting run that opened the new year.
83. A decade of benign neglect of energy policies has been abruptly spotlighted in the blockaded streets of London, Brussels and Paris.
84. Government in the widest sense, including our masters in Brussels.
85. Lettuce is particularly good for intercropping among young Brussels sprout and broccoli plants.
86. Brussels: Renewed confidence on the first day of the new forward account enabled shares to close firmer in heavy trading.
87. He had two options, he thought, as the plane began the descent to Brussels.
88. It wants Brussels to consider bringing some table wine vines into its quality wine scheme.
89. Parliamentary sovereignty had not been ceded to Brussels but merely delegated.
90. The discussions in Brussels hit a brick wall.
91. Well, no. Actually, the capital of Belgium is Brussels.
92. The Spaniards are masters at extracting money from Brussels.
93. an EU diktat from Brussels.
94. After the Brussels meeting, he stopped over in London.
95. That's very nice -- I love Brussels sprouts.
96. They have just returned from the conference at Brussels.
97. The meetings in Brussels involved 30 to 50 companies.
98. All you got was Monica's stinky Brussels sprouts.
99. I'm flying to Brussels tomorrow.
100. Brussels sprouts with mustard, apples and caraway.
101. Researchers point out that dark-green leafy vegetables -- Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli -- are all good sources of the vitamin.
102. In little more than a year in Brussels, the baroness has won plaudits for advancing an ambitious bilateral trade agreement with South Korea and nearing a settlement of the long-running banana wars.
103. Kulanka kadib waxa ay shir jaraaid ku qabteen xarunta Midowga Yurub ee magaalada Brussels.
104. "A very small number" of European governments believe Afghanistan is on the front-line of the war on terror, says one senior Brussels man.
105. That's because, if ratified, it will become the decisive act in this creation of a federal European superstate with its capital in Brussels.
106. MPs have one free trip to Brussels and another to Strasbourg, headquarters of the EC, each year.
107. Leaders gathered in Brussels on Sunday March 1st for an emergency summit to discuss the economic crisis dismissed suggestions, led by Hungary, that a single plan was needed to save the region.
108. MADRID/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Moody's cut Spain's debt rating on Thursday, pushing the euro lower and deepening the sense of crisis in the 17-nation currency bloc on the eve of a crucial summit.
109. A city of south-central Belgium on the Meuse River southeast of Brussels.
110. Nicolas Veron, research fellow at Brussels think tank Bruegel, said Sarkozy will have some political impact globally though the policy itself faces an uphill struggle.
111. Three decades on, a British EU president would give pause to those who maintain that Britain never has any influence in Brussels.
112. International oil representatives OPG are meeting Mr Oettinger in Brussels.
113. Me standing against the statue of the pissing Belgian little boy in Brussels.
114. Brussels fell to him on September 3 and Antwerp the next day.
115. The Eurocrat elite in Brussels might not admit it, but the Treaty of Lisbon is essentially a constitution for a "country" called Europe.
116. Brussels II also encourages some less scrupulous lawyers to behave badly, urging their clients to act fast and dirtily.
117. As the main EU paymaster, Germany contributes £8 billion annually more than it gets back from Brussels.
118. The grand tour itinerary took the family , via Munich and Frankfurt, to Brussels.
119. Finance Ministers are meeting today in Brussels with Britain in the chair.
120. But the crisis has left divisions more deeply entrenched than ever between the rich, Dutch-speaking north and poorer, French-speaking south, with melting pot Brussels marooned in the middle.
121. But whether Gaddafi will see his 42nd anniversary in power, on Sept. 1, could depend on the outcome of the talks in Washington, Brussels and the U. N. about what military action to take in Libya.
122. Beneath the federal government, there are three regional governments—one for Dutch-speaking Flanders, one for francophone Wallonia, and one for Brussels, which is linguistically integrated.
123. A woman prays in Brussels during the 31 st annual Taize ecumenical community celebration.
124. About the battle between the Special Forces named "G.I. Joe" in Brussels and the evil organization called Cobra that set up by Scottish arms dealer.
125. During this winter break, I want to go to Brussels, the capital of Belgium, for a visit.
126. Howery, an American law firm, poured resources into Brussels only to have its business hit a nasty patch and go belly-up.
127. The Silver Medal have obtained in BRUSSELS EUREKA world Fair for Invention.
128. He began including steel - cut oatmeal, eggplant, roasted soybeans, whole - wheat pasta and Brussels sprouts in his diet.
129. Baked Salmon Fillet in Pastry with Steamed Potatoes , Brussels Sprouts and White Wine Sauce.
130. On the other hand, the DHL's Boeing 757 cargo plane took off in Bahrein for Brussels by way of Bergamo in northern Italy, carrying only cargoes besides the two crew members.
131. A tourist poses for photos with performers dressed as zombies during a zombie parade in Brussels, capital of Belgium on April 9, 2011.
132. A widely read 2005 study by Bruegel, a think-tank in Brussels, divides long-standing members of the EU into four groups: Mediterraneans, Continentals, Anglo-Saxons and Nordics.
133. Solvay is an international chemical and pharmaceutical group with headquarters in Brussels.
134. A surgeon in Brussels called anDreas Vesalius and a French surgeon called Ambroise Pare both studied anatomy in the 16th century.
135. Clinton and U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates discussed the Afghan conflict in closed-door talks in Brussels with NATO colleagues.
136. They belong to the cabbage or cole family. Other members include cabbage, collards, Brussels sprouts, kale and kohlrabi.
137. Subsequently, search was made in London, Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, Frankfurt, Marburg, Munich, Zurich, Berne , Brussels, Leyden, and The Hague.
138. The winter break is coming. During this winter break, I want to go to Brussels, the capital of Belgium, for a visit.
139. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The euro zone's overall budget gap fell last year but deficits in Greece and Portugal were higher than expected, underlining the challenges presented by their austerity programs.
140. Go for other cruciferous choices like cabbage, bok choy, shredded broccoli slaw, cabbage, cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts.
141. World's Fair 1958 Brussels Belgium created the famous Atomium for us.
142. In Brussels, Belgium, the North Atlantic Council, the governing body of NATO, expressed "grave concern" over the missile launch,[] and issued a statement expressing regret and condemnation on July 5.
143. British nurse Edith Cavell, a World War I heroine, was matron of the Berkendael Medical Institute in Brussels, Belgium, when the German army invaded the country in 1914.
144. There was a good Brussels carpet on the floor, rich in dull red and lemon shades, and representing large jardinieres filled with gorgeous, impossible flowers.
145. Collectors of Fifties kitsch should pop over to Brussels for the flea market.
146. Find food, coffee, Art Nouveau, and laissez faire locals who value the city's casual atmosphere, Brussels is a great stop to add on your European vacation.
147. Most boring: 1 . Brussels 2 . Zurich, Oslo, Warsaw, Zagreb ( tied ).
148. Tens of thousands of people have marched through the Belgian capital Brussels to demand the formation of a national government after months of deadlock.
149. In fact, it now seems that a third of posts will go to diplomats on secondment, and the rest to the Brussels bureaucracy.
150. Ms Merkel's chancellorship may see foreign successes in Brussels and Washington, but its weakness is a lack of domestic achievements.
151. Repackage the EU as some friends of Brussels desires, it will still be unpopular.
152. Since we all face this attack and our governments are concerting their action, it was high time indeed that the European Trades Union Congress called today's demonstration in Brussels.
153. On the other hand, the Irish are also right to be suspicious of intentions in Brussels and Berlin.
154. On their seats were boxed dinners containing schnapps, beer, pickled herring, new potatoes, goose, crayfish , red cabbage, brussels sprouts, and saffron buns.
155. Marcel Rommerts , Principal Administrator , Directorate - General for Energy and Transport , European Commission, Brussels.
156. Dark green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, brussels sprouts and romaine lettuce are high in folic acid which several studies have show to prevent and even reverse memory loss.
157. La Grand-Place in Brussels is a remarkably homogeneous body of public and private buildings, dating mainly from the late 17th century.
158. Thousands of farmers from across Europe have held a huge demonstration in the centre of Brussels.
159. Having a unilateralist in Washington made It'so easy to be multilateralists in Brussels.
160. There was a good Brussels carpet andand representing large jardinieres filled with gorgeous , impossible flowers.
161. By happy accident, the German government recently played host to a gaggle of Brussels - based reporters.
162. BRUSSELS has resurrected plans to impose pollution tax on ports as part of a fund-raising effort for its trans-European transport networks.
163. German officials will go to the European Union headquarters next week, the Belgian capital Brussels,() the European Union report on food safety officials in charge of pollution.
164. So he found work as a trader in the Belgian Congo instead and then moved to Brussels, where he has remained ever since.
165. Other members say collds, cabbage include cabbage, collards, Brussels sprouts, kale and kohlrabi.
166. This now happens even in Brussels, especially since the non- French-speaking eastern Europeans joined in 2004.
167. Next week we'll inaugurate a statue of the child Edgar Hernandez that resembles the Manneken Pis in Brussels, Belgium, for having carried out a similar exploit," Beltran said.
168. Brussels, which is the headquarters of the Common Market, is an attractive city.
169. Audrey Hepburn was born on May 4, 1929 in 1 ) Brussels, 2 ) Belgium.
170. Maomao : Bingo! What you mentioned is Atomiun built for World's Fair 1958 Brussels Belgium.
171. Brussels is the capital of Belgium and is an old and beautiful city.
172. Brussels the headquarters of the Common Market, is an attractive city.
173. At Brussels airport he fell victim to pickpockets who pinched his wallet.
174. SOLVAY GROUP is an international chemical and pharmaceutical Group with headquarters in Brussels.
175. Both Bruges and Brussels boast museums where you can learn more about the history and production of chocolate.
176. He was personally prepared to pass national sovereignty to Brussels to secure the long-term stability of the euro zone but conceded that the currency bloc was not ready for it yet.
177. Parsley Juice; kale juice; spinach juice; wheat grass juice; brussels sprout juice; asparagus juice; broccoli juice, cauliflower juice, beet juice, carrot juice, cabbage juice, garlic juice.
178. This picture is one of number of similar views of the harbour at Brussels painted by Boudin in the winter of 1870-1, after he had moved there to escape the Franco-Prussian war.
179. Labada Madaxweyne ayaa wada hadalkooda kadib waxa ay shir jaraaid ku qabteen xarunta Midowga Yurub ee magaalada Brussels.
180. It's far too soon to conclude that these short-term changes lead to long-term health problems, said Alfred Bernard, a toxicologist at the Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium.
181. This new clause may hearten domestic opponents of moves dictated from Brussels.
182. A streaker runs onto the pitch during the Euro 2008 Group A qualifying soccer match between Belgium and Armenia at the King Baudouin stadium in Brussels October 17, 2007.
183. A threadbare patch of Brussels carpet covered the centre of the room, and formed an oasis of roses and lilies upon a desert of faded green drugget .
184. Best food sources: Citrus fruits and juices, strawberries, red and green peppers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, kale, and collard greens.
185. Eddy Merckx (right), the greatest cyclist in history, is flanked by Tour de France director Christian Prudhomme July 5 in Brussels before the start of the second stage.
186. One is with Brussels, Belgium. Another is with Lagos, Nigeria.
187. Ney borrows a horse, leaps upon it, and without hat, cravat, or sword, places himself across the Brussels road, stopping both English and French.
188. The Catalonia Forum Hotel is situated in the heart of the famous Art Nouveau neighbourhood in Brussels,[http://] very near the Grand Place and Avenue Louise - an elegant shopping area in the Belgian capital.
189. A city of northern Belgium on the Scheldt River north of Brussels.
190. Brussels has levied over 140 anti-dumping duties against China since 1979.
191. They belong to the cabbage orcoalcole family. Other members include cabbage, collards, Brussels sprouts, kale and kohlrabi.
192. The Brussels gnomes are trying to create a superstate and undermining the member states.




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