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单词 Wise to
1. She deemed it wise to refuse the offer.
2. It's wise to have an extra video player as a fallback.
3. It was not considered wise to move her to another hospital.
4. It's wise to check whether the flight times have changed before you leave for the airport.
5. It's wise to take a fully charged spare battery with you.
6. Would it be wise to launch into this rough sea?
7. It is not wise to hem out the dissidents.
8. It was adjudged wise to avoid war.
9. It's wise to register letters containing banknotes.
10. Do you consider it wise to interfere?
11. I'm sure you're wise to wait a few days.
12. Teachers quickly get wise to students who are cheating.
13. They might be wise to stop advertising on television.
14. It isn't wise to commercialize sport.
15. It's not always wise to go by appearances.
16. They judged it wise to say nothing.
17. It is wise to provide against emergency.
18. He was wise to give up smoking.
19. I didn't think it wise to proffer an opinion.
20. It was very wise to leave when you did.
21. It is always wise to write down important points.
22. Dealers have already got wise to the trend and increased their prices accordingly.
23. It's wise to assign special exercises to the weaker students.
24. I query very much whether it is wise to act so hastily.
25. It is wise to apply early to be certain of obtaining a place.
26. It is wise to start infilling with a layer of gravel for drainage.
27. I've got wise to his tricks,(/wise to.html) he can't cheat me any more.
28. Commonsense now dictates that it would be wise to sell a few shares.
29. It is wise to seek help and counsel as soon as possible.
30. It is wise to preorder very special dishes when making your reservation.
1. She deemed it wise to refuse the offer.
2. It's wise to have an extra video player as a fallback.
3. It was not considered wise to move her to another hospital.
4. It's wise to check whether the flight times have changed before you leave for the airport.
5. It's wise to take a fully charged spare battery with you.
6. Would it be wise to launch into this rough sea?
7. It's wise to assign special exercises to the weaker students.
8. I query very much whether it is wise to act so hastily.
9. In this cold wind you'd be wise to bundle up well.
31. I used to be scrupulously honest then I got wise to the system.
32. It is wise to insure your property against storm damage.
33. She didn't think it was wise to take sides in their argument.
34. I think you were wise to leave when you did.
35. Thinking ahead, we might be wise to build the new factory now before prices rise again.
36. When buying shares, it's wise to spread your investment over several companies.
37. I think it wouldn't be wise to mention it to her just yet.
38. It's wise to save some money and provide for the future.
39. In this cold wind you'd be wise to bundle up well.
40. They may be wise to err on the side of caution.
41. Small businesses would be wise to take heed of the warnings contained in the Chancellor's speech.
42. It's wise to check with your doctor before going on a diet.
43. He thought he could fool me but I got wise to him.
44. Once you have children, it's wise to plan ahead.
45. Perhaps it would be wise to telephone first.
46. Alas, many companies are already wise to this tactic.
47. Do not try to seem wise to others. Epictetus 
48. You're very wise to get yourself insured.
49. I felt it wise to abide by this.
50. Was he wise to give Joanne Menzies his address?
51. It was wise to be happy, she believed, whereas he was complacent to be wise.
52. It turned out that Joe had been wise to take into prison the sapphires and as much cash as possible.
53. Is he wise to say, and make much of it, that people come up and tell him so?
54. It would be wise to desist from this activity forthwith.
55. You would be wise to bring out into the open anything that you feel needs serious discussion with your partner.
56. It is wise to reform your weaknesses before it is too late. Dr T.P.Chia 
57. We don't wish to alarm people unnecessarily, but it would be wise to avoid drinking the tap water here.
58. With a probable career change in the future, Melanee would be wise to limit her borrowing as much as possible.
59. George was probably wise to kill Lennie the way he did, preserving Lennie's dignity.
60. If at all possible, it's wise to discuss attitudes to communal living before jointly moving in.
61. I find it wise to let people know that I am writing, that I need solitude.
62. It is therefore often wise to pitch such descents, which of course can take an eternity.
63. It is always wise to look towards those who inspire and impress you.
64. And as for recalling those moments of being held in his arms ... she'd be wise to forget them.
65. It is always wise to have a dual flight before flying solo at an unfamiliar site.
66. It would be wise to start rallying around for some back up!
67. It is wise to allow the inspectorate to begin its inquiry.
68. And the weather outside sounded so bad that it seemed wise to stay as she was a little longer.
69. Perhaps it would be wise to pander a little to his whims since it seemed he was prone to these Viking tendencies.
70. But it seems doubtful if theologies would be wise to regard that importance as the beginning and the end of their business.
71. It is always wise to write down important points so that there is no risk of misunderstanding.
71. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
72. In all cases, you would be wise to avoid waiting until the last minute.
73. It was always wise to work out a line of retreat as well as a line of approach.
74. Rover was wise to stay away from the Motor Show, thus saving itself more than a million quid.
75. It is always wise to remember that the seeds are more important than the nurse crop.
76. It's wise to start saving money now for your retirement.
77. The old tramp has served his purpose, but beyond this point it would not be wise to go.
78. It is then wise to thresh as soon as possible to avoid loss to rats and mice.
79. But I think teachers are wise to recognize that important learning about literacy and math can take place during kindergarten.
80. Even personnel associated with stars will be wise to think ahead to the need for renewal.
81. And it was wise to cut prices way before anyone else.
82. If the local market is saturated, it may be wise to move elsewhere to develop a new market.
83. Still, it always is wise to hedge our bets about the future.
84. But for the sake of keeping the peace, it would probably be wise to use his new name.
85. But Lucy's invitations were not open to negotiation, and none of her favourites had thought it wise to refuse.
86. It's wise to listen more and talk less. It's wise to talk pointedly and briefly. Dr T.P.Chia 
87. It is wise to renew your water filter every month, even though it may seem to be working satisfactorily.
88. Sometimes, it may be wise to arrange for the mortgage advance to come a day or two before completion is scheduled.
89. Blair would be wise to listen to some of the dissenting voices in his party.
90. He was sailing home and they would be wise to do the same.
91. It would be wise to note at this point that there can be pitfalls.
92. He's not and would be wise to bite his tongue.
93. At the very least, city officials are wise to see how those lawsuits are concluded.
94. And it might be wise to keep a particular eye on your son.
95. Experienced researchers are wise to all the tricks used to camouflage a poorly prepared document, so do not encourage criticism.
96. Excess electrolytes are excreted through the urine, but it is not wise to overdose them.
97. Glenn Hoddle. New to management, but wise to the footballing game.
98. Confidence just got wise and the guys it got wise to are wondering where it has gone.
99. With ear-shattering shrieks echoing around the square, I decided it would be wise to wonder elsewhere.
100. With more serious problems it would be wise to seek professional counselling.
101. There are certain precautions it seems wise to take while the crisis continues.
102. One also wonders whether it is wise to smoke or to smell of perfume when handling horses.
103. It is wise to remember that these men were competing at a time when the black presence was of only tiny significance.
104. It's always wise to follow the technical advice offered by paving manufacturers when preparing the foundations of your patio.
105. One thing is certain: It has never been wise to underestimate Yeltsin.
106. If you have,(/wise to.html) it is wise to consider the following points before spending any money on computer equipment.
107. His 14 years in Congress have made him wise to its peculiar ways and means.
108. Statistically my time is limited, so would I be wise to leave things as is?
109. Before proceeding it may be wise to offer some definitions.
110. It's never wise to speculate about the meaning of dreams(), so she didn't.
111. And it is wise to consider the downside as well as the upside of locating your business in your home.
112. To take light exercise is not usually dangerous, but if anyone is uncertain it might be wise to consult a doctor.
113. Doctors and other health experts consider it wise to safeguard infants by giving supplementary vitamins.
114. Where you have a fairly long shelf, it is wise to add a horizontal back support.
115. It'seems wise to reconnoiter before entering the town.
116. Sometimes, it can be wise to retrace your steps.
117. It is wise to provide against accidents.
118. It's never wise to withhold evidence.
119. It is not wise to overprotect one's children.
120. The objects that make up the Oort Cloud are too small and far away for WISE to see, but it will be able to track potentially dangerous comets and asteroids closer to home.
121. Kids and adults would also do wise to avoid taking unfermented soy.
122. In the meantime, Michael is wise to use formal address with his new boss.
123. Beijing bookstores would be wise to stock up on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
124. Rhys Davids conjuncture, went on to say that it is not wise to attribute the formula of the Eightfold Path to the Buddha Himself in the absence of more convincing evidence.
125. But the first principle of conservatism, constantly deployed against liberal reformers, is that it is not wise to make radical changes to long-standing laws and institutions for small gains.
126. It would be wise to include plenty of mineral rich foods in your diet.
127. Dear Economist: Is it wise to marry a career woman?
128. For purchase the inner glazed tableware, it is wise to choose underglaze color and glazed dinnerware.
129. You need to get wise to what's happening round here.
130. "Beat Generation" that crazy is that those who want to maintain the privately wise to take the avoidance of the law, then they rely on violence and the pursuit of the heavens to induce "crazy.
131. Photo Tip: It's always wise to have a good chamois lens cleaner with you.
132. To facilitate the changing of pair partners,(http:///wise to.html) it's often wise to work in a bullpen arrangement.
133. It isn't wise to be too clever. Sometimes you overreach yourself.
134. A battle is a veil through which it is not wise to peer.
135. The employees about the place began to get wise to the fact that the President was very ill, but they could find out nothing more.
136. Young people who pretend to be wise to the ways of the world are mostly just cynics.
137. It is wise to set aside some money from each paycheck.
138. Little's assertion is that the implementions hold-up is the most important impediment and that the development team would be wise to put some energy into seeing it removed.
139. Would the savage have been wise to exchange his wigwam for a palace on these terms?
140. Mind you, none of this is to say Jobs doesn't believe his new baby, the iPad, has a bright future, but it's wise to take Jobs, a self-confessed "big bang guy, " with a grain of salt.
141. This scenario is repeated until the individual gets wise to the situation.
142. It’s also wise to remember that one in 12 people has colour blindness.
143. For diabetics, before trying various natural sweeteners, it is wise to consult a doctor or naturopath to decide how they may affect your personal situation.
144. Bizarre though it may sound, you would be wise to familiarise yourself with these points before you even attempt to take your dog to sheep - but remember to return the trolley to the supermarket!
145. For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.
146. It is never wise to come between a man and his wife.
147. If he get wise to what you are up to, he is sure to be angry.
148. Any honest proponent of legalisation be wise to assume that drug - taking as a whole would rise.
149. Once this preliminary information has been gathered and the data seems favorable, it is wise to seek professional golf course architectural help in preparing a master plan.
150. He thought he can fool me but I get wise to him.
151. The boys got wise to Jack's fondness for bubble gum.
152. Most of us are wise to the ways of adman, pollsters, speech writers, and pundits.
153. If you don't get wise to yourself and start studying you will fail the course.
154. In a bear market, it is always wise to cover if complete demoralization suddenly develops.
155. It's also probably wise to log the start and stop time of your script.
156. It is very wise to introduce stock index futures transactions appropriately depending upon on the reasonable contract design and establishing prudent risk supervising system.
157. If that seems wise to you, you won't get any arguments from your midwife or doctor.
158. You be wise to socialize with as many people as possible.
159. Your opponent will probably get wise to your strategy and start trying to attack the Corruptors.
160. It's wise to utilize all available resources to our advantage.
161. It's usually wise to leave your out - of - tryst where you found it.
162. It's wise to choose variable names that are related to the purpose of the variable, and that are unlikely to get mixed up typographically .
163. It would be wise to read and compare the nutritional labels when purchasing prepackaged snacks, especially the energy, fat and sugar content, because some nutrition claims may be misleading.
164. But before you dig out the industrial-strength herbicide to dump into the ocean and reduce the risk of hurricanes, it might be wise to consider the implications.
165. The concept "security through obscurity" is well known—and well derided—because doing things in an obscure way, hoping that no one will get wise to your method, is just asking for problems.
166. As any visitor to a safari park will tell you, it's not wise to hang around when driving through the monkey enclosure — the little thieves will strip your car bare, given half the chance.
167. The Republican Party would be wise to think carefully about its loss of Mr Specter, one of America's best known senators, whose views are shared by many old-line business-friendly Republicans.
168. If you have not kept a pet parrot before, it would be wise to purchase a handbook on the subject.
169. Besides this event, it would be wise to keep an eye out for the possible Chinese rate hike as the nation has been known to pull out surprises at off market hours in the past.
170. You are very lazy. If you don't get wise to yourself and start studying, you will fail the course.
170. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
171. You might think it wise to find ways to soft-pedal that one.
172. I think it would prove wise to use this now. Hadrosaur urine. We are going to cover our...
173. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath : fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.




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