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单词 Under-the-table
1. Jovana is 16 and works under-the-table, buying bread wholesale and selling it back to small stores.
2. If you make under-the-table payments to customs officials, you can get goods through the port without having them inspected.
3. A few tabloid newspapers got hold of this under-the-table gossip.
3. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
4. In contrast, under-the-table donations and payments to voters, traditionally called "black money, " are a fact of life, say party representatives and government officials.
5. Soon he started working under-the-table jobs in manual labor, making just $5 an hour to help support his mother.
6. About 170 leading thinkers on labor and employment will take up topics ranging from child labor and labor migration to informal "under-the-table" work, discrimination against women, and job training.
7. We're now facing a new world with new technology, where under-the-table transaction is impossible to keep," Wang said.
8. These new Americans will be future taxpayers who will contribute much more as college graduates than they would as struggling workers moving from one under-the-table job to another.
9. It is safe to assume however that the practice was similar to the under-the-table sales of DVDs and videos still taking place today.
10. Massive stimulus spending and easy credit in China have likely added to flow of cash through under-the-table transfers, research firm GaveKal Dragonomics wrote recently in a note to clients.
11. According to CBS News, on May 16, in South Korea, the deeply-rootedpractice of parents offering under-the-table bonuses is known as"chonji".
12. This behavior would continue on film and media through magazines and postcards as a pickled, skirt-chasing, under-the-table lush.
13. Last week, government agents arrested two former television producers for accepting under-the-table payments.
14. No matter how well the date is faring (rampant hand-holding, under-the-table canoodling), projecting a conjoined future is a terrible no-no.
15. Prices rose too quickly; many residents were forced out of their homes; and senior officials profited from under-the-table deals with developers.
16. When her requirements were not met, she threatened to bring their under-the-table business out into the daylight.
17. One official was arrested after diary entries he allegedly wrote appeared online describing casual sex, drinking and under-the-table payments at parties.
18. Purchasing managers favor one vendor over another because they get a kickback. A sales rep buys customer loyalty with under-the-table payments.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:53:31