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单词 Half a dozen
1) A group of half a dozen men entered the pub and bore down on the bar.
2) It six of one and half a dozen of the other.
3) Half a dozen ducks waddled up the bank.
4) Louise always has half a dozen boys dangling abouther.
5) Half a dozen sailors jumped him.
6) There were only half a dozen people at Communion.
7) Only about half a dozen people turned up.
8) His hair sticks up in half a dozen directions.
9) There were half a dozen other people in front of me.
10) He sat behind a table on which were half a dozen files.
11) He proposed half a dozen accords in such areas as culture,(http:///half a dozen.html) post and communications.
12) The apiary was nearby; half a dozen hives faced south down the slope.
13) In half a dozen words, he had explained the bond that linked them.
14) A boy herded half a dozen camels down towards the water trough.
15) This contest is wide open: any of half a dozen teams could win it.
16) Bees have half a dozen aerial dances to indicate where to find nectar.
17) Chris, Helen, and half a dozen others went on holiday together.
18) Up to half a dozen may break the barrier.
19) He had rewritten the story half a dozen times.
20) I met half a dozen men who coveted Barbara.
21) Half a dozen geese waddled up the bank.
22) With hindsight, I now reckon that half a dozen of my fellow patients had cancer, but were ignorant of it.
23) Cesar threw half a dozen steering wheels, spinning like quoits, and then the saddle.
24) Half a dozen females share a nest, a simple hollow within the square mile or so of a male's territory.
25) Not three, not half a dozen, not a rifle platoon.
26) In any family quarrel, it's usually six of one and half a dozen of the other.
27) I've tried both ways of getting to Oxford and as far as I can see it's six of one and half a dozen of the other .
28) I can't tell whether he or she is to blame it's six of one and half a dozen of the other.
29) Patrick said John started the fight, but I think it was probably six of one and half a dozen of the other.
30) Tension in the hands and feet can be eased by alternately stretching and clenching fingers and toes half a dozen times.
1) A group of half a dozen men entered the pub and bore down on the bar.
2) He proposed half a dozen accords in such areas as culture, post and communications.
31) The plan aroused much interest and in 1842 James Beart Simonds was selected as lecturer from half a dozen candidates.
32) Perhaps half a dozen were Hispanic, and the rest, black.
33) At one time, a half a dozen major aerospace businesses were headquartered in Los Angeles, whereas today only Northrop remains.
34) Stuck into the shavings were half a dozen long, slender tubes of bamboo.
35) If it does I can kiss goodbye to New Jersey and California, and half a dozen others, too.
36) Half a dozen companies have built the design since production began in 1940; earlier examples were rag-winged, later ones metal.
37) Here half a dozen hotels soon sprang up along with a hodge-podge of other shops, booths, and taverns.
38) There had been half a dozen bottles of red wine left standing in a corner of the huge kitchen hearth.
39) Before the light changed half a dozen times she disposed of the entire batch.
40) In the northern agency, about half a dozen districts comprise a pollution control area.
41) Across the street, half a dozen teenage boys hunch over a broken bicycle.
42) Half a dozen parrots cut a brilliant green streak across our bonnet before disappearing into the looming darkness ahead.
43) Half a dozen beams of concentrated laser light converged on it, and it burst into fragments.
44) Madden brought Jack the consensus sentiment from half a dozen underworld powerhouses: Go someplace else, Jack.
45) Half a dozen cars were parked along the verge, and I recognised a couple of national newspaper reporters.
46) Among half a dozen debt restructurings called off last year were those of Southland and Insilco.
47) About half a dozen women and children had appeared and were standing, holding hands, watching me.
48) After half a dozen glasses of whisky he collapsed and could not be revived.
49) Half a dozen gang-related slayings have been reported this year.
50) Through her contacts with corrections and social welfare agencies, she had more than half a dozen different caseworkers.
51) Half a dozen silent men and women sat around smoking: old tins served as ashtrays.
52) I probably knew about half a dozen gay people intimately.
53) Each time the music began half a dozen unsteady men wandered through the restaurant asking the women to dance.
54) There are at least half a dozen of these golfing meccas languishing in the hands of the receiver.
55) Ockleton, Morpurgo, Cornelius, Dysart and half a dozen others too drunk to mention.
56) Tender sand dabs, half a dozen or so to an order, in a light batter, make a good choice.
57) He turned his head nervously half a dozen times to see if anybody was watching.
58) I'd put half a dozen 10p pieces in there to phone home, and I'd only used one.
59) They are in a smallish courtyard with parking space for perhaps half a dozen cars.
60) Half a dozen good people in top positions can bring about enormous change.
61) Half a dozen thorns and two or three elders grew together above and below a bank.
62) Half a dozen lawsuits were filed in various states over the access problems.
63) There are about twenty of us altogether,(http:///half a dozen.html) including half a dozen constables carrying the gear.
64) Half a dozen girls, most of them hatted and ready for the street, lingered there.
65) I keep half a dozen pond mongrels in a tank, and every one is dear to me.
66) Half a dozen other parties also contested the elections without securing representation.
67) Half a dozen couples were twirling about to a waltz.
68) Conservatives in the judiciary shut these publications, beginning in April, and jailed at least half a dozen editors and commentators.
69) Probably they hadn't been on stage more than half a dozen times before they were put under this microscope.
70) Half a dozen senior people in the energy ministry, recently sacked on suspicion of taking bribes, may well join him.
71) Only half a dozen Shakespeare signatures regarded as genuine have survived, and three are on this will.
72) Half a dozen neighbors came to check on us early Tuesday, when overland flooding surrounded our house.
73) While this first chapter has outlined what that criticism is, the next gives sketches of half a dozen critical types.
74) Paul, Minnesota, created half a dozen private, nonprofit corporations to redevelop the city.
75) Once you get a fertile soil, the bully boys tend to take over and only about half a dozen plants flourish.
76) He found half a dozen fishermen seated under the palm trees at the foot of the Co-operative quay.
77) Great entertainers are treated shabbily, while callow, shallow twerps land their own series after half a dozen gigs.
78) The Collector and half a dozen Sikhs were still managing to hold the door into the drawing-room, but only just.
79) When we gave our landlady even a small gift, she would bow half a dozen times and thank us for days.
80) Inside the cafe there were half a dozen other people.
81) Customer-driven systems also allow individuals to meet their needs in a holistic way, without applying to half a dozen different programs.
82) The first is Jim Glennon, who won half a dozen caps for Ireland in the eighties.
83) There are now at least half a dozen Akali factions, both moderate and militant.
84) At the moment half a dozen vacant posts are filled a year.
85) There were half a dozen in the boiler room, he discovered, so take three.
86) Very quietly, she asked half a dozen questions. How did I know Miss Liang?
87) I still do half a dozen or so of these scarlet cross-overs a year, to this day.
88) Rare is the production these days that lets critics in without the benefit of at least half a dozen previews.
89) The car had been hit only twice in nearly half a dozen shootings.
90) Tucking himself into a ball of boots and flak jacket, the Squat bounced and rolled half a dozen times.
91) He was hospitalized half a dozen times, always involuntarily.
92) Half a dozen people have been by, pushing one thing or another on me—pasta salad, a baked ham, profiteroles, and pets, too. Siamese fighting fish, hamsters, kittens.
93) In the distance half a dozen sand-spouts, swiftly-moving white pillars, looking like desert genii with too much "tanglefoot" aboard, were careering about in every direction.
94) Half a dozen dump trucks were beetling around with loads of supplemental sand.
95) "If his holiness chooses to be born in Tawang, we would be so happy, " he says in his red-carpeted monastic office, as half a dozen skinny lads file in to be inducted into monkhood.
96) "Her dress was of black velvet, simple yet with the touch of splendour that only half a dozen couturiers in the world can achieve," wrote Fleming of Vesper's evening gown in Casino Royale.
97) We revere our stoic American archetypes, like the Wild West gunslinger riddled by half a dozen slugs of lead who swears, "Aw heck, Doc, it's only a scratch."
98) But in the past year half a dozen new tyrannosaur species have been described, and during the past decade the known diversity of tyrannosaurs has more than doubled.
99) In one instance half a dozen Sikh prisoners were held immobile.
100) Lay out aloft, there, half a dozen of ye -- foretopmaststuns'l!
101) If popularization remains at the same level forever... will not the educators and those being educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other?
102) Half a dozen or more of Pockmarked Li's henchmen stood scattered around the policemen.
103) Half a dozen schools in the borough report scooter - commuting rates of over 30 %.
104) Of course if I'd had any sense I'd have married a Malay girl and had half a dozen half-caste kids.
105) There were half a dozen foxes skulking in the undergrowth.
106) About half a dozen members of the team, male and female(), were pictured wearing close-fitting face masks covering nose and mouth as they went through Beijing airport.
107) Most countries start at six, with at least half a dozen delaying formal entry to school until the age of seven.
108) Half a dozen are being built in Quincy, a hamlet in the middle of America’s Washington state, close to the Columbia River.
109) Shale discoveries have reinvigorated U.S. oil and gas production that just half a dozen years ago was widely seen as in terminal decline.
110) The guru of the 2-D love movement, Toru Honda, a 40-year-old man with a boyishly round face and puppy-dog eyes, has written half a dozen books advocating the 2-D lifestyle.
111) Most people reading this will have a to-do program, or a paper list or text file, listing not only projects and tasks but separate lists for home and work and possibly half a dozen different contexts.
112) Within minutes there were half a dozen police cars in the area plus helicopters and an armed response unit. They caught the burglars red handed.
113) I think I'll start with a crabmeat salad and then half a dozen clams.
114) If popularization remains at the same level for ever, won't the educators and those being educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other?
115) Before he got very far along in the art of the storiette, Martin worked out half a dozen stock forms, which he always consulted when constructing storiettes.
116) As he leaned up against a merlon, breathing hard, Theon could hear the shouting from below, where Frenya was fighting half a dozen guards-men in the snow.
117) He's only one of half a dozen committee members, and anyway he's just a windbag!
118) Around them was the grumble of half a dozen conversations.
119) How many could give the familiar name of half a dozen plants plucked at a random from beneath the hedge in spring-time?
120) You just start with half a dozen European cities, throw in thirty euphemisms for male genitalia, and bam!
121) And she had embroidered half a dozen sofa - pillow cases with the Confederate flag on them.
122) You just start with half a dozen European cities, throw in thirty euphemisms for male genitalia, and bam! You have got yourself a book.




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