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单词 Anagrams
1. This crossword is full of anagrams.
2. Lousy crossword today, clever-clever, too many obvious anagrams.
3. Indeed deliberately making all the tricky names into anagrams may be an easier way to work through the map for non-Gaelic speakers.
4. Anagrams and word puzzles are not in my line of country, sir.
5. Stretch your brain with their vast collection of anagrams, crosswords, palindromes, verse puzzles and more that stretches back to 1893.
6. B. Solve these anagrams to spell out some English greetings.
7. As in verbal anagrams, he rearranged his images to 'discover a hidden message, ' one that brings the ordinary, the unique, and the universal into his own collaged-image patterns.
8. Anagrams are words or phrases that you can rearrange into another word or phrase, using the same letters.
9. Short less than one hour, 30 anagrams already had 21 to guess by the workers.
10. In that sense anagrams replicate that experience because it's easier to solve them, or solve them more rapidly, lying down.
11. What chance have we lowland city folk got when we're confronted with maps covered in names that look like anagrams?
12. Apart from Holsten Pils, which is obviously, mind-shatteringly brilliant, I mean, anagrams, who'd have thought it?
13. "Well, my mother, who was an avid games player, played games with me at the breakfast table my whole life, anagrams, shuffling words, and I learned to read when I was 4, " Mr. Stickels said.
14. In their book, "Secrets of the Lost Symbol: The Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries Behind the Da Vinci Code Sequel, " they uncover anagrams and coded phrases and a host of other curious facts.
15. Write a program that will read in a dictionary and a list of phrases and determine which words from the dictionary, if any, form anagrams of the given phrases.
16. Character names are also meaningful, either in other languages or as anagrams.
17. Users can search English words by known letters and descriptions in addition to finding anagrams and word combinations.
18. The other half were shown the information but then made to perform a series of puzzles including anagrams and simple arithmetic.
19. The writers often put their results in ciphers or anagrams.
20. The novels and stories are generously seasoned with acrostics, anagrams , number games, and whodunits, not to mention parodies, puns, and multiple layers of hidden allusions.
21. For example, one step in Newbold's solution involved the deciphering of anagrams , which is notoriously imprecise: the anagram ADER, for instance, can be interpreted as READ, DARE or DEAR.




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