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单词 Tax cut
(1) He argued that the tax cut was ill-timed.
(2) Congress hopes the tax cut will jump-start the economy.
(3) Economist Jeffrey Faux says a tax cut is a bad idea.
(4) It is possible that a tax cut might have some stimulative effect.
(5) He insists any tax cut be matched dollar-for-dollar with cuts in spending.
(6) The tax cut issue has caused dissension among administration officials.
(7) Senator Bill Bradley outlined his own tax cut(/tax cut.html), giving families $350 in tax credits per child.
(8) Instead, Dole proposed a 15 percent tax cut.
(9) This, in effect, is a tax cut for banks.
(10) Mr Lamont's Budget will give a tax cut of £100 a year to the average family.
(11) Everybody likes a tax cut but the government would actually raise more revenue by cutting taxes.
(12) Some opponents of the tax cut also argue that California faces a long-term budget crisis.
(13) These include a capital gains tax cut, a 15% investment tax allowance and across-the-board tax rate cuts.
(14) But legislation authorizing the tax cut squeaked through the Republican-controlled Assembly and was blocked by Senate Democrats.
(15) They said the tax cut would reduce the amount of money flowing to schools.
(16) Eastin estimated that the tax cut would reduce school funding by $ 680 million a year.
(17) He needs to spell out why a tax cut is going to help the average family of four.
(18) Wilson got a tax cut of nearly $ 1 billion, despite a desire by Democrats for a smaller cut.
(19) The finance minister must weigh up the benefits of a tax cut versus those of increased public spending.
(20) The Government should take action to force all car manufacturers to pass on its tax cut.
(21) How will widening the 10p tax band be made to look like a tax cut for everybody?
(22) After all, President Reagan easily won support for his big tax cut in 1981 from a Democratic-controlled Congress.
(23) He said the increase might force cuts in prisons and higher education and prevent any tax cut this year.
(24) In public, Mr Clinton also still claims to want a middle-class tax cut.
(25) The real question for Bob Dole is: Does he support a flat tax that is a tax cut?
(26) The survey was taken before the Republican candidate announced his tax cut plan on Monday.
(27) John Smith was now committed to clobbering the poor by reversing their tax cut as soon as Labour got in.
(28) And he repeated his plan for a $ 500 million state tax cut.
(29) With Mr Bush's plan for a $ 1.6 trillion tax cut, the problem is one of scale.
(30) A political novice comes to town, preaching change and rampant wealth by tax cut.
(31) Before the midterm elections in 1994, the Republicans promised a tax cut.
(32) Forbes also reiterated his call for a balanced budget amendment, but said his version would include a tax cut.
(33) Everything should be on the table, including the tax cut.
(34) But Democratic legislators say the tax cut would cut school funding by more than $ 3 billion.
(35) Pressing for a huge tax cut and insisting on his plans for a national missile defence fit this picture.
(36) In the middle of the recession, the economy needs new impetus not a tax cut.
(37) Yet on this tax cut issue Dole has little credibility of his own.
(38) Selling a smaller tax cut could be a hard sell to a large block of conservative lawmakers.
(39) Brown became a born-again tax cutter, embraced Prop. 13, and pushed for a companion state tax cut.
(40) Aides are gambling that his broken promise of a tax cut on the middle class was never taken seriously.
(41) The poll tax cut across this, with its concept of a universal obligation.
(42) When the tax cut was going through Congress, the figures seemed too unimaginable to really resonate.
(43) They said the vote clearly indicated that Congress will approve a significant tax cut.
(44) Clinton is already banking on the savings to make possible a $ 98 billion tax cut over five years.
(45) Republicans are clearly more tractable than in the last Congress, when they insisted on a large tax cut or nothing.
(46) The major problem is that it is just another irresponsible tax cut in disguise that would mostly benefit rich folks like Forbes.
(47) Another political factor may also play a large role in 1995: An expected capital-gains tax cut may finally come to pass.
(48) His proposal fulfilled a 1992 campaign pledge to provide a middle-class tax cut.
(49) Meehan expressed skepticism that Republicans would be able to find the money to cover the tax cut.
(50) There is no convincing evidence that the tax cut will produce new jobs.
(51) Debate on the measure was interrupted by the tax cut bill but is scheduled to resume after the recess.
(52) The president last week vetoed the tax cut.
(53) NPC – Highlights: stamp tax cut?
(54) The government is considering a tax cut.
(55) The new administration's large tax cut was highly controversial.
(56) However, if the payroll tax cut is only a temporary holiday it is unlikely to affect business' perception of the marginal cost of labor.
(57) President Bush has included the repeal of the tax in his 1.6 trillion tax cut proposal.
(58) President Clinton also signed into law the biggest capital gains tax cut in our nation's history in 1997. It effectively eliminated any capital gains tax on owner-occupied homes.
(59) Analysts worry the tax cut is inadequate to achieve that.
(60) Only a month earlier, Mr. Stenholm had declared for the tax cut.
(61) You just want to add an additional tax cut over the loopholes.
(62) With corporate profits robust and a one-year payroll tax cut set to start this month, there are reasons to hope for continued growth in 2011.
(63) Balls insisted the tax cut priority to should be a temporary reduction in VAT to boost consumer confidence, rather than a break for top earners, which he said would be "unfair" in the current climate.
(64) But Reaganomics introduced the idea that virtually any tax cut would so stimulate growth that the government would end up taking in more revenue in the end (the so-called Laffer curve).
(65) The tax cut did not have any noticeable effect on economic growth.
(65) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(66) The purchase tax cut was partially reinstated to 7.5%-still lower than the normal 10% level-and the subsidy amount for trade-ins was raised.
(67) A fierce debate on the tax cut was going on.
(68) The tax cut is widely disparaged by senators from both parties as a budget gimmick.
(69) Financial minister Yanchuan Zhengshilang proposed a tax cut plan over 1 trillion, mainly focusing on decreasing capital expense of enterprises to stimulate economic recovery .
(70) However, JPMorgan warned that taking into account expiring stimulus, including a payroll tax cut and emergency unemployment benefits, the total fiscal drag could amount to 1.75 percentage points.
(71) "Ninety-five percent of Americans will have a tax cut, " said Rahm Emanuel.
(72) Canada said it was less concerned than other members of the Group of Eight leading industrialised nations because its strong dollar and a sales tax cut had limited price increases.
(73) A $ 6 billion tax cut pumped additional money into general circulation.
(74) A fierce debated on the tax cut is going on.
(75) Does China have the tax cut condition and the foundation?
(76) I'm proud that he votes against every reckless Republican tax cut.
(77) Last year, China successfully reversed plummeting sales in its auto sector with policy measures that included a purchase tax cut on smaller-engine vehicles.




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更新时间:2025/3/11 17:41:46