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单词 Town planning
1. He studied town planning at college.
2. Town planning procedures gained a footing in local government.
3. Town planning and land allocation had to be coordinated.
4. Increasingly, the town planning movement came to be dominated by an institutionalized professional ideology.
5. Town planning legislation ushered in a rudimentary form of statutory planning based on local authority scheme preparation and control over building development.
6. It was to these issues that town planning had to respond.
7. It was a crucial decision and town planning in Britain was immeasurably influenced by it.
8. The finest architecture and the best examples of town planning are conceived with a clarity of vision that brooks no compromise.
9. The notion of town planning and its profession of technically qualified practitioners inevitably stood to be beneficiaries in this context.
10. The discipline and profession of town planning became a beneficiary of this wider frame of social concern.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. Increasing traffic congestion is a major influence on town planning.
12. The town planning ship ran into choppy waters and it remains in uncertain seas.
13. The fact was that the activity of town planning had little specific to say about urban reconstruction.
14. The promise of town planning itself was tarnished in this context.
15. The basis for statutory town planning was changed in the Town and Country Planning Act, 1932.
16. The Housing and Town Planning Act, 1919, simplified the procedures for making schemes.
17. Town planning is an extensive subject.
18. The Town Planning Ordinance was first enacted in 1939.
19. Could you tell us about the town planning situation in Chinese cities right now?
20. These standards are some crucial standard in small town planning data gathering.
21. These kinds of exemptions were regarded as potentially harmful by organizations such as the Royal Town Planning Institute.
22. They excelled in and developed the arts of building, of engineering and of town planning.
23. It is strong in technological subjects and has an important department of architecture and town planning.
24. The one large measure for which they were responsible was the Housing and Town Planning Act 1909.
25. Jim Wells has a first degree and postgraduate qualification in town planning.
26. The little church has suffered from the rigours of time and town planning, normally a lethal combination, and survived.
27. Similarly, estate agents practising in the area should avoid the Town Planning committee.
28. This novel and distinctive economic backcloth to the inter-war years had a number of important consequences for town planning.
29. Britain remained wedded to its Unwin-esque traditions in housing design and layout and to the statutory town planning which we have described.
30. Translated into disciplinary terms, the study of international economic geography should precede social geography and town planning.
1. He studied town planning at college.
31. He is also chairman of the Town Planning Board, and has policy responsibility for conservation.
32. Its portfolio also includes town planning and railway development planning projects.
33. After analyzing the tendency of town planning, the paper obtains the tendency of diversification, regionalization, technicalization and ordering.
34. Examples of public boards and committees are the Town Planning Board, etc.
35. The problems of debris flow disasters will be more important in the town planning and construction.
36. Therefore the paper shows a research for post - ways and post - theory of town planning.
37. Town planning is carried Planning Department under policy directives from the Planning,(http:///town planning.html) Environment and Lands Bureau.
38. Applicants who are aggrieved by the decisions of the board on review may lodge appeals with the independent Town Planning Appeal Board.
39. The Town Planning Ordinance was enacted in 1939 and has remained largely unchanged.
40. Town Planning Board is set to relax height restrictions in WKCD.
41. The newly released Urban and Rural Planning Law requires making town planning according to relate.




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