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单词 ban
释义  Related topics: Law, Governmentban1 /bæn/ ●●○ W3 noun [countable]  SCLPGan official order that prevents something from being used or done 禁止,禁令ban on a total ban on cigarette advertising 香烟广告的全面禁止 a call to lift the ban on homosexuals in the military 要求取消军中严禁同性恋的呼声 → test ban COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + bana complete/total ban 彻底禁止They are seeking a complete ban on nuclear testing. 他们在寻求彻底禁止核试验。an outright ban (=a complete ban) 完全禁止an outright ban on gun ownership 完全禁止拥有枪支an international/worldwide/global ban 国际禁令;全球范围内的禁止an international ban on trade in endangered species 国际濒危物种贸易禁令a blanket ban (=including all possible cases) 全面禁止They imposed a blanket ban on beef products from Europe. 他们全面禁止进口欧洲的牛肉制品。a lifetime ban 终身禁止He faces a lifetime ban from athletics. 他面临终身禁赛的处罚。an export/import ban 出口/进口禁令The export ban on live cattle was brought in some years ago. 活牛出口禁令是几年前实施的。an advertising ban 广告禁令nIs an advertising ban a denial of freedom of speech?a driving ban British English 【英】禁驾令nHe was given a three-year driving ban and a chemical weapons bana global chemical weapons banna constitutional banThe Republican agenda included a constitutional ban on abortion.nan immediate banThe group has called for an immediate ban on fur farming.verbsput/place/impose a ban 实施禁令The government has imposed an outright ban on fox hunting. 政府实施了彻底的猎狐禁令。lift a ban 取消禁令They promised to lift the immigration ban. 他们承诺取消移民禁令。call for a ban 要求实施禁令French farmers have called for a ban on imports. 法国农民要求出台进口禁令。enforce a ban (=make sure that it is obeyed) 强制实施禁令nNew measures must be taken to enforce the ban on guns and knives.nface a banHe faced a four-year ban after failing a drugs test.Examples from the Corpusban• It also believes strongly that there should be a ban on the import of hazardous waste into the United Kingdom.• Moscow is considering a ban on alcohol and tobacco advertising in most public places and on transport.• The city has imposed a ban on smoking in all restaurants.• A ban has been imposed on the hunting and killing of whales.• Eminent scientists are clamouring for an outright ban on all chlorine substances.• He has championed the popular ban on assault-style weapons, defending it with gusto as Republicans try to repeal it.• Last year he was convicted of breaking that ban ... and was given a jail sentence.• There has been worldwide protest against the ban on girls' education.• The new prime minister agreed to lift the ban on opposition newspapers.• The ban went into effect at midnight, Aug. 25,1988, Higgins said.• The ban will take effect in November.• The government is considering a total ban on the sale of handguns.• I will veto any attempt to repeal the assault weapons ban or the Brady bill.ban on• a ban on logging in the forestban2 ●●○ verb (banned, banning) [transitive]  FORBIDto say that something must not be done, seen, used etc 禁止,取缔 SYN prohibit OPP allow Smoking is banned in the building. 大楼内禁止吸烟。ban somebody from doing something Charlie’s been banned from driving for a year. 查理被禁驾一年。a banned substance/drug (=a drug that people competing in a sport are not allowed to take because it improves their performance) 〔体育竞技〕违禁药品► see thesaurus at forbid —banning noun [uncountable] the banning of trade unions 取缔工会→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusban• Many of the buildings in the old town were six storeys high and the lanes so narrow that all but pedestrians were banned.• Films like that should be banned!• Many doctors now say that boxing should be banned.• a new international treaty banning all nuclear tests• They had banned all transit flights across the port.• And with one of the country's top competition climbers banned by his own governing body, the situation could deteriorate.• The Senate gave President Clinton a victory Thursday when lawmakers sustained his veto of a bill banning certain late-term abortions.• She was banned from driving for 6 months.• Relatives of the prisoners were banned from visiting them.• Comics were banned in my house because my parents thought they weren't a good influence.• Elephant ivory is banned in the U.S.• Congress's effort to ban indecent materials on the Internet comes to the court March 19.• The government has banned public officials from accepting gifts from foreigners.• Well, I would ban them too if I had my way.• "Lady Chatterley's Lover" was banned when it was first published.ban somebody from doing something• The military government banned private citizens from carrying guns.From Longman Business Dictionarybanban1 /bæn/ noun [countable] an official order or law that forbids something from being used or donethe lifting of the export banNurses at the hospital last night ended their overtime ban (=ban on working more than the normal number of hours).ban onThe Environment Minister announced a ban on imports of potentially harmful industrial waste.banban2 verb (past tense and past participle banned, present participle banning) [transitive] to say officially that something must not be done, used etcThe government banned cigarette commercials.ban somebody from doing somethingIndustries will be banned from using high-sulphur content fuels.→ See Verb tableOrigin ban2 Old English bannan “to command people to come”ban1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1ban2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  official order an being Corpus something prevents Business from that




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