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单词 Mosquito
1. She made a swipe at the mosquito.
2. He swatted the mosquito with a newspaper.
3. There're mosquito repellents available in the shops.
4. I threw aside my mosquito net and jumped out of bed.
5. I use a mosquito net when I lived in the countryside.
6. A mosquito had bitten her and her arm had swollen up.
7. A single mosquito can infect a large number of people.
8. A mosquito just bit me.
9. The mosquito is a transmitter of disease.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. Are your mosquito bites still itching?
11. This strain of mosquito carries malaria and yellow fever.
12. I slapped at the mosquito but missed.
13. We were plagued by the ubiquitous mosquito.
14. I was awake all night scratching my mosquito bites.
15. A mosquito wheeled its droning flight over his head.
16. He was scratching his mosquito bites.
17. The male mosquito never stings.
18. He gave the mosquito a swat.
19. Mosquito bites can make life miserable .
20. She dabbed calamine lotion on her mosquito bites.
21. A mosquito - netting completely surrounds our bed.
22. I got a lot of mosquito bites last night.
23. Some types of the anopheles mosquito transmit malaria to humans.
24. My eye had puffed up because of a mosquito bite.
25. Rub some of this mosquito - repellent on your legs.
26. Apparently no one ever thought of using mosquito nets.
27. I lay under my mosquito net and waited.
28. The frog darted out its tongue to catch a mosquito.
29. The infection is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito.
30. He started reading when he was knee-high to a mosquito.
1. She made a swipe at the mosquito.
2. He swatted the mosquito with a newspaper.
3. There're mosquito repellents available in the shops.
4. I threw aside my mosquito net and jumped out of bed.
5. I use a mosquito net when I lived in the countryside.
6. A mosquito had bitten her and her arm had swollen up.
7. A single mosquito can infect a large number of people.
8. We were plagued by the ubiquitous mosquito.
9. A mosquito - netting completely surrounds our bed.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
31. Sleep with your shoes inside your mosquito netting.
32. No breath of air stirred the Collector's mosquito net.
33. He paused and flicked a mosquito off his arm.
34. Live, disinfected Daphnia and mosquito larvae are popular.
35. My legs were covered in mosquito bites.
36. They eat Tubifex, Daphnia, and mosquito larvae.
37. Darned mosquito. It keeps flying around me.
38. There are two entrances both with mosquito nets.
39. Uncle Michael on a metal bed, cocooned in a fold of army blanket under mosquito netting, drawing ragged breaths.
40. After being here less than 24 hours, I feel very much like a mosquito in a nudist colony.
41. A mosquito bit me on the neck and brought me back to my damp aluminum deck and the drizzle.
42. I asked Make-Up to give him a few mosquito bites but he refused point-blank.
43. Not bad for a mulatto, an albino and a mosquito.
44. Gnat and Mosquito larvae, including Bloodworms, can not be bred, as they are the young stages of flying insects.
45. Flake is often refused and live foods such as Tubifex, Mosquito larvae, small earthworms, are needed to tempt them.
46. I had several mosquito bites, and it was difficult not to scratch them.
47. After half an hour or so, spent scratching mosquito bites, I head over to see him.
48. There are also two inner pockets and a mosquito net in each door.
49. The same was true for mealworm larvae, a species of butterfly, mosquito larvae, and milkweed-bug nymphs.
50. Both shoe and mosquito fell to the ground before I finished off the job with aplomb.
51. Mosquito netting: inner door flaps can be unzipped independently from the net.
52. Especially in children who get mosquito bites which become large and irritating.
53. With warm weather coming, the residents are concerned about potential mosquito problems with the flooded, open field.
54. Their plight made me feel rather guilty about my concern over the mosquito bites on my face.
55. Of what use to the mosquito, one may ask, is its ping?
56. Some were converting from the heavies such as the Lincoln and Washington, others from the recce and light bomber Mosquito squadrons.
57. We woke up to find ourselves covered in mosquito bites.
58. It opens up with the sound of a mosquito and gets louder and louder.
59. Dark mosquito shadows across the hilltops, rotor blades beating the air, stirring the ground, pressing down.
60. We wish it to be known that the mosquito is no relation to the Gadfly.
61. I got a mosquito bite right on the end of my nose.
62. Millions of mosquito eggs will have hatched out by May.
63. Seen through the mosquito netting are Tom Fairfax and Claudia Cohn-Casson.
64. Western spadefoot toads burrow into the wash bottom, emerging to produce another batch of mosquito larvae-eating tadpoles during the summer rains.
65. Dear Madam: I have your claim for $ 5. 00 for having been bitten by a mosquito on our train.
66. But my purse contained torch, mosquito repellent, passport and all the papers needed to subdue bureaucrats from here to Delhi.
67. The adult form looks a bit like an undersized mosquito.
68. However, control by killing the mosquito larvae suffers from two main deficiencies.
69. She found a spot on Nowak's calf that was red and swollen like a severe mosquito bite.
69. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
70. Finally I took the mosquito netting from a nail out the barn.
71. Both inner doors have mosquito nets at each end and the headroom inside the tent is excellent.
72. And legendary names like the Tiger Moth trainer and Mosquito and Vampire fighters were also made there.
73. The mosquito bite on his leg had swollen into a scarlet hillock.
74. A mosquito net was providentially suspended above the bed; the creek was certain to be thick with insects when night fell.
75. These mosquito bites on my leg are itching like crazy.
76. To protect people from being bitten they must be educated and persuaded to use insect repellents and mosquito nets.
77. It sounds like a fire alarm and enters my ears like a keening mosquito that I can not reach.
78. I really believe I could have hit a mosquito in the eye with a pine needle at thirty paces.
79. Genome of Mosquito That Spreads West Nile Virus Sequenced.
80. Why does mosquito bite to meet red?
81. The fox looked at the little mosquito doubtfully.
82. Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done.
83. He had an itchy toe from the mosquito bite.
84. A mulatto , an albino, a mosquito, my libido.
85. A mosquito net might be useful in the grasslands.
86. How does dispel mosquito bite the scar that leave?
87. What medicine treats mosquito bite curative effect best '?
88. I acted as her temporary mosquito net.
89. It's just a mosquito bite. Nothing to worry about.
90. Our mosquito couldn't fly because she was weighed down.
91. I have yet another mosquito bite.
92. The fabaceous scar about was being bitten by mosquito.
93. Is mosquito bite answered catch AIDS?
94. How does toilet water allergy prevent mosquito bite?
95. When oxyhydrogen free radical release the dummy man smell, directs effectively the mosquito.
96. I saw innovation, from real-time disease surveillance and reporting using mobile phones, to mosquito factories that mass-produce these insects for use in research projects.
97. Rub some onion to a bee sting, mosquito bite or any insect bite. After a few hours, the pain, itchiness and swelling will subside.
98. This case is the first record of mosquito allergy in Taiwan.
99. A hot blood meal should denature mosquito digestive enzymes, but other mosquito molecules protect those compounds. Christopher Intagliata reports.
99. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
100. The only barrier was a mosquito net, enveloping the entire bed.
101. Malaria is caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium , which are spread to humans through mosquito bites.
102. Azollaceae (mosquito ferns) A family of free-floating aquatic heterosporous ferns found in tropical and warm temperate parts of America and Asia and introduced elsewhere.
103. The other mosquito that can carry chikungunya, Aedes aegypti, also is present in the United States.
104. To the mosquito some people's sweat simply smells better than others because of the proportions of the carbon dioxide, octenol and other compounds that make up body odour.
105. Objective: To establish a management and submit system for density surveillant data of mosquito, fly, cockroach and rodents.
106. The beside day a pink mosquito net hung in my room.
107. The skin often loves to let mosquito bite, what method lets mosquito be not bitten?
108. I haven't seen her since I was knee-high to a mosquito.
109. A method for rapid determination of deltamethrin in mosquito - curtain by high performance liquid chromatography was established.
110. The same technique works to instantly stop the itch of mosquito and other insect bites, as well as the rashes caused by exposure to poison ivy or poison oak.
111. Mosquitofish, freshwater fish with a taste for mosquito larvae, are highly social.
112. How does the skin mosquito bite crosses leave scar to want to do?
113. We discussed the formation of microgamete and macrogamete and ookinete, exflagellating microgametocyte in the mosquito.
114. Mosquito breeding can be forestalled by killing the insect at its adult or and larval pupal stages.
115. This night I mosquito came to my throe , I don't know if it still alive when I pour it out.
116. Moreover after uses has the control action in certain time for the mosquito.
117. Mosquito control programmes targeting wild mosquitoes in forested areas are not practical for preventing jungle (or sylvatic) yellow fever transmission.
118. Objective To research on the efficacy of the fumigate instrument in high mosquito environment of Beiwan.
119. Conclusion The mosquito and black fly had caused serious harm to the officers and soldiers of a certain frontier guards.
120. Don't worry about it. Seriously: don't. " You're a mosquito ... you just zoom along and don't spend your time looking over your shoulder."
121. Vector control measures (mainly larviciding in one site) substantially reduced larval and pupal counts and "pushed" mosquito breeding to alternative containers.
122. When the mosquito takes a blood meal, it has to get rid of fluid and salt so it doesn’t overload—and die.
123. Anti - rodent and anti - mosquito campaigns were mounted throughout Hong Kong during the year.
124. Pilot production of Kruer's mosquito trap will begin in early February, with a full roll-out set for May 2009.
125. Reed and the bacteriologist James Carroll then proved that the mosquito was carrying a virus.
126. Methods Dip way for mosquito and topicd application for housefly.
127. We bought a lot of things, but we never bought a mosquito net.
128. Which kind of plant appositeness interior cultivate drive a mosquito?
129. Favia told SciDev.Net that the bacteria are also present in the main African malaria mosquito vector, Anopheles gambiae.
129. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
130. In the slanting moonbeams I could see it distinctly through the fine mosquito net.
131. Said invention is a low - cost new mosquito - repellent incense base with good flammability.
132. You feel a small prick on your arm and notice that a mosquito is getting a free meal.
133. Right now, the first swordsman: " This mosquito is male, it won't have had offspring again. "
134. In the mosquito net there are four mosquitoes to fly.
135. The mosquito has a sensory nerve that signals the brain when the midgut is full; otherwise feeding would continue until the bursting point.
136. Paludism is coming into being by mosquito biting at people.
137. The entomologist is working with the Ministry and WHO to conduct larval and mosquito surveys to develop a strategy for vector control.
138. I dropped my air mattress under the big blue mosquito net and lay down.
139. But ivermectin would have to be given much more often than once a year, he says—perhaps even monthly—because the drug's effect on mosquito populations won't last long.
140. Birds can be infected by a variety of routes other than mosquito bites, and different species may have different potential for maintaining the transmission cycle.
141. It's just a mosquito bite. There's nothing to worry about.
142. One thing that sometimes wakes you up at night and prevents you from sleeping is the mosquito or blowfly when flying around your room.
143. The coastal mountain ranges of Costa Rica had long confined dengue fever, a mosquito born disease accompanied by incapacitating bone pain, to the country's Pacific shore.
144. Official of local news center covers with tiles Germany introduces to the reporter, in Maldives, mosquito craft and aeroboat are the main vehicle of join islands.
145. Objective To observe the efficacy of natural pyrethrum mosquito coil against Culex pipiens pallens by bioassay.
146. Objective To examine the anti vector immune response of midgut from the mosquito , Anopheles gambiae.
147. A sheer fabric of cotton , rayon , silk, or nylon, used for clothing , curtains , and mosquito nets.
148. The ingenious malaria-fighting invention consists of a cone-shaped mosquito trap that incorporates cheap paraffin wax and human sweat as the main ingredients.
149. Dengue can be carried by the Aedes albopictus or Asian tiger mosquito -- first seen in 1985 in the United States -- as well as the more common Aedes aegypti species.
150. Children learn the risk of dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis at Anti - Mosquito Campaign exhibition.
151. My girlfriend is angry mad, ransack boxes and chests finds out a dish mosquito - repellent incense comes.
152. DEET or permethrin-based mosquito and tick repellents may be used, which can substantially increase the level of protection (see section on repellents).
153. Survey the rats density with rat folders method, flies density with sticky flies plate and eyeballing method, mosquito density with trap-mosquito method and eyeballing method.
154. A mulatto, an albino , a mosquito, my libido , yeah.
155. The researchers believe that the mosquito uses the maxillary palp for long range detection of prey.
156. “Indoor spraying is like providing a huge mosquito net over an entire household for around-the-clock protection,” said U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, a leading advocate for global malaria control efforts.
157. The present invention is the application of plant fruticose breynia juvenile extract with mosquito repelling effect in preparing mosquito repelling products.
158. A miniature artwork of a preserved mosquito with an Eiffel tower copy, by Konenko from a city of Omsk, is seen at the exhibition of his works in Krasnoyarsk, July 27, 2005.
159. Much also before, but since me husband thinks up to destroy after midge wise move(Sentencedict), the mosquito in the home is eliminated by us with respect to didymous ground!
160. The dearth of genius in America is owing to the continual teasing of mosquito.
161. More recent data from Australia suggest that salt marsh mosquitoes test positive for M. ulcerans DNA, although transmission by this type of mosquito has not been established.
162. Dengue fever, spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, is common in Asia and Latin America.
163. A hot blood meal should denature mosquito digestive enzymes, but other mosquito molecules protect those compounds.
164. The corrected data, supplemented by additional observations on rainfall and mosquito habitats, indicated that there had probably been no malaria transmission before starting the control operations.
165. Most malaria researchers believe that the world's most dangerous mosquito—a malaria-parasite-carrying species called Anopheles gambiae—is a homebody that prefers biting people indoors.
166. Mosquito rushes to the child, smelled suddenly the flavour that midge does not bite, good risk!
167. Dengue fever is one of the most pandemic arbovirus diseases all over the world, which is caused by Dengue virus and transmitted by mosquito vector, Aedes.
168. Dredges the sewer, sprays the disinfection insect disinfestation liquid medicines, eliminates the mosquito to multiply, reduces the mosquito density.
169. Good after was bitten by poisonous mosquito urticant very painful with what should stop urticant acetanilide?
170. Mosquito Coil stand, control burning time by numbers, and also a time clock tool.
171. In households sprayed with bendiocarb, there were fewer mosquito bites. More importantly, none of the 350,000 people who lived there got malaria-infected mosquito bites during the test.
172. The change of mosquito - density was positively correlated with temperature.
173. Generally speaking, the malaria mosquito digests blood quicker and feeds more often in warmer weather, thus speeding up transmission.
174. Till the rain stop, but the road became a river already, cars galloping like a mosquito craft!
175. The mosquito becomes infective 8 to 12 days after the blood meal and remains so for life.
176. Wedid not need mosquito net any more , because no mosquito could fly into our well - decorated room.
177. Corporation establishes for 8 years mainly to be engaged in the liquid mosquito repellent incense core rod the research, the production, the development.
178. The utility model totally eliminates the defect of stuffiness existing the common mosquito net.
179. If must travel on official business, after cleaning up again leaves the gate, do not have to come back facing a room mosquito and the insect.
180. Applying mosquito coil incense to household use relating to infant brain development is inadvisable.
181. Lekweiry, a doctoral student at the Cadi Ayyad University in Morocco, studies the Anopheles mosquito to find new ways of tackling the spread of malaria among people in cities.
182. " Introduction Chen Jiang, these bridal chamber exceed bid the heaviest can amount to ten times, "Mosquito is slow-witted inside long can be fumed dead " .
183. Human or equine infection results primarily from mosquito bites, and West Nile fever or West Nile encephalitis can be caused.
184. But the usefulness of the cards may vary according to the mosquito species and the geographical region, van den Hurk says.
185. In addition to being uncomfortable, mosquito insect bites can cause illnesses which include several types of encephalitis, dengue and yellow fever, malaria, and West Nile virus.
186. In China, mosquito - borne infectious diseases include malaria , filarial, epidemic Japanese B encephalitis, and dengue fever.
187. It can also hear sound frequencies across a span of 17 octaves, spanning pitches far higher than the whine of a mosquito and far lower than a rumbling foghorn.
188. This patient was confirmed to be hypersensitive to mosquito bites by the mosquito bite test.
189. A report about the malaria mosquito sweet bait was published in Malaria Journal.
190. Why has she not made the mosquito noiseless and its bite itchless?
191. Set up the mosquito net before you make the bed.
192. Swamp fever is infected by helminth when the mosquito bite people's body.
193. Obviously, I had made a mistake: there was a living soul between Del Rio and El Paso, one only mosquito, The Survivor, just beside me, around me, on me(sentence dictionary), zzzzz.
194. All doors and windows are sealed for the extermination of mosquito.
195. Using this approach, communities are now delivering mosquito nets, vitamin A supplements, and drugs for the home-based care of malaria, in addition to ivermectin.
196. Objective To generate recombinant Plasmodium yoelii BY265 strain which can express green fluorescent protein (GFP) in erythrocytic and mosquito stages.
197. The mosquito lay on IT forehead and sucked IT blood greedily.
198. Which ups the odds a mosquito a suburbanite may have recently a bird carrying the virus.
199. The present invention has simple structure, and may be used widely in catch basin to control mosquito propagation.
200. The invention relates to swing flapper used to kill mosquito and fly.
201. Laboratory tests show that secretions from the bodies of these millipedes are rich in two chemicals that are potent mosquito repellents, and mosquitoes carry parasites that debilitate capuchins.
202. I do not know which mosquito is the unharmful male or the blood- thirsty female among them.
203. Deodorization flavour: will be sweet cut tobacco, put within the toilet, what can prevent fly and mosquito and bacterium is progenitive , have deodorization effect.
204. And fluid of scented of mosquito - repellent incense , midge, mosquito - repellent incense is scientific proof can have effect.
205. Objective To survey the base-line information of anopheline biodiversity, mosquito population density and seasonal distribution in Donggang, Liaoning.
206. This metabolite appeared identical to one obtained from mosquito larvage exposed to isobenzan.
207. Historically, mosquito control campaigns successfully eliminated Aedes aegypti, the urban yellow fever vector, from most mainland countries of central and South America.
208. Can be used as mosquito net for kids in beach, park and backyard.
209. In nature , there are amphibious, repti 1 e and mammalia to prey on mosquito adult as ameans of biological control.
210. A kind of flyflap, it's consisted of handle and flyflap head and has horsetail or nylon filament for catching and killing mosquito fixed on the flyflap head.
211. A. A female mosquito takes a blood meal when it is carrying fertilized eggs, seeking a blood protein that allows the eggs to develop.
212. All door and window is sealed for the extermination of mosquito.
213. Scientists have now identified two kairomones produced by a common mosquito predator, which effectively repel mosquitoes.
214. But the mosquito that spreads dengue, Aedes aegypti, is most active during the day.
215. And then there's Myhrvold's favorite -- a laser mosquito zapper that can tell the difference between males, which aren't carriers of malaria, and females, which are.
216. Conclusion Morphological characteristics female terminalia can be used on mosquito taxonomic study as a useful complementary method especially when male mosquito is not available in field.
217. When a mosquito takes some blood from a human, she may also ingest Plasmodium.
218. Once they enter the mosquito via a blood meal they rapidly undergo transition into activated male and female gametes.
219. The quality Of image and the effect of anopheline mosquito were better by using low power lens and low diaphragm.
220. Not wanting to be the white girl who ran upstairs to hide under a mosquito net at dusk, I watched the guys laughing and talking(/mosquito.html), like a partygoer who didn't know anyone.
221. Mosquito Coil stand, reference for adjust and control the burning time, also keep the coil ash original Patten.
222. Researchers altered the salivary glands of the Anopheles stephensi mosquito, dubbed a "flying vaccinator, " so that it carried the Leishmania vaccine within its saliva.
223. The answer is the sharp - shooter is catching firebuy in mosquito net with a little amah!
224. As a result, the surface of the egg is covered with the mosquito odorant receptors.
225. Dung beetle mosquito talks about love,() man: Your what profession?
226. How is the child done by the bleb since mosquito bite?
227. Now St. Leger and his colleagues have engineered strains of M. anisopliae to block the malaria parasite from developing inside the infected mosquito.
228. The laser beam then destroys the mosquito, burning it on spot.
229. The results showed that different hormones had different induce effect on mosquito abjection vanilla.
230. Therefore, it is not surprising that the origins of mosquito repellant are from long ago.
231. And that's what became of the mosquito that foiled the lion!
232. The utility model relates to a three purpose bottle-shaped mosquito repelling incense stove, which is an article for daily use.
233. Mosquito fish had large habitat niches, rapid growth rate, ovoviviparity, high reproduction rate and large adaptation reproduction conditions.
234. While being smuggled out of Denmark in a British Mosquito fighter-bomber, Bohr was seated in a specially designed chair directly over the bomb-bay doors.
235. The mosquito will suck our blood. What's even worse, it will inject poison into our bodies.
236. Are medicated oil and toilet water done have driving the mosquito effect?
237. With toilet water, very useful. Mosquito - repellent incense is OK also, method is much!
238. Relieve Bug Bites To soothe the itch of a mosquito or flea bite, apply a wet wrung-out washcloth or a paste of one teaspoon water and three teaspoons baking soda.
239. Since the traditional H 261/3 and MPEG 1/2 standards employ the block based compression algorithm, decoded images are suffered from severely blocky artifacts and mosquito effects at low bit rate.
240. A mosquito as big as Mount Everest is much bigger than you think: a horse's hoof is more delicate than it looks.
241. We can evade an elephant, but Duo Bukai mosquito bite.
242. Any of various mosquitoes of the genus Culex, which includes the common house mosquito ( C . pipiens ).
243. West Nile virus (WNV) infection is an endemic disease caused by WNV that is maintained in a natural transmission cycle involving mosquito vectors and bird reservoir hosts.
244. Down went the Chevy Belvidere, which left us stranded in a small, mosquito - infested jungle.
245. Standing water and piles of rubbish provide the optimal breeding conditions for the Aedes aegypti mosquito that spreads the disease.
246. Higher than required concentration of larvicide or excessive amount of larvicidal oil would not give better result on killing the mosquito larvae.
247. In a non-immune individual, symptoms appear seven days or more (usually 10–15 days) after the infective mosquito bite.
248. The rod structure has miniature radio receiver, electronic mosquito repeller, electronic lamp, air cleaner and quartz watch set up in sequence.
249. The cheap, used irrigation gear he could finagle leaks more than it irrigates, leaving mosquito pools that qualify this farm as malarious.
250. Objective To study the dynamic distribution of the anti- Aedes albopictus antibody in the body of mosquito.
251. The blood it sucks as a meal flows in a completely separate channel and only in one direction: toward the mosquito.
252. To observe mosquito larva density degression rate , both hydrophytes and fishes death rate.
253. Any of numerous small fishes of the family Cyprinodontidae, including the guppy and mosquito fish, inhabiting chiefly fresh and brackish waters in warm regions.
254. Dengue virus is spread by the bite of the female Aedes mosquito, primarily Aedes Aegypti, which breeds in stagnant water.
255. By registering the responses of these olfactory neurons, Suer was able to determine which human odors the female malaria mosquito detects.
256. We slept with window open and am now covered in mosquito bites as when it rains in Venice they are out in great force.
257. The daub after is the baby bitten by the mosquito what is good?
258. A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito ,[] my libido. Yeah!
259. Researchers have compared it with that of other insects, including the fruit fly and the mosquito.
260. And Greer, S. C. , near Greenville, has eliminated mosquito spraying and reduced leaf collection pick-ups.
261. Mosquito bites precaution: Toilet water, mosquito - repellent incense, sparge agent, mosquito - curtain, screen window!
262. Dengue fever is transmitted by Aedes albopictus, a mosquito commonly found in Hong Kong.
263. Studies at the US-based University of Texas Medical Branch have found that a single amino acid change in the protein of the virus's outer shell helps it adapt to a new mosquito host, Aedes albopictus.
264. He tried to swat the mosquito with anything he could lay hold of.
265. The yellow fever virus is an arbovirus of the flavivirus genus, and the mosquito is the primary vector.
266. Our factory is specializing in the production of mosquito control apparatus producers.
267. Electrical mosquito - repellent incense , poisonless and smokeless, keeps you safe and sound.
268. Scientists this month identified a colony of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which carries both yellow fever and the dengue virus, in the Netherlands.
269. One is called Aedes albopictus, or Asian tiger mosquito. It has been reported in many European countries including France, Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands.




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