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单词 Woodward
1, Woodward has fast-tracked a number of youngsters into the line-up since he became coach.
2, The situation was far more dangerous than Woodward realized.
3, Woodward continues to be the Post's star reporter.
4, Instead, Woodward obtained a cognate figure of 60 percent.
5, Woodward sat down in a hard chair by his phone and checked the telephone directory.
6, Subcontractor, Woodward Governor, also provided an interesting display with the Netcon 500 gas turbine monitoring and control system.
7, Woodward, the MI5 man, had watched him closely at Northolt.
8, Usually Woodward would do a first draft, then Bernstein would rewrite it.
9, Woodward had never known him to be so guarded, so serious.
10, But the investment company collapsed,[http:///woodward.html] and now Mr Woodward and his wife owe sixty thousand pounds and may loose their house.
11, Woodward placed a quick call to a source working on the federal investigation.
12, Woodward and Bernstein had already given journalism glamour and status with the Watergate story.
13, He suggested that Woodward open the drapes in his apartment as a signal.
14, Edward Woodward is the latest star to join the queue for the confessional.
15, Bob Woodward was a prima donna who played heavily at office politics.
16, Stanley Woodward ran the best sports section in town, if not the country.
17, Checking city records, Woodward had discovered that among the formal complaints was one from Martha Mitchell,() Watergate resident.
18, He asked who was calling, and Woodward identified himself as a Post reporter.
19, Mr Woodward held the seat, but Labour's majority fell from 23,739 to 8,958.
20, In the newsroom, Bernstein and Woodward waited for the first edition of the afternoon Washington Star-News to arrive.
21, Woodward believes the quintuplet would benefit from playing alongside and against players of National League First Division and international standard.
22, Today, Woodward provides a complete line of standard digital control systems, asas robust, reliable mechanical controls.
23, Bob Woodward known for keeping his Watergate source a secret for decades testified Monday about what he learned and from whom.
24, As Bob Woodward told it in his 2008 book The War Within, Gates and the president talked about increasing the size of the Army, halting unneeded weapons programs, the unfinished fight in Afghanistan.
25, The Woodward EGS system has full authority over spark, fuel, and air.
26, Now, gulping down antacid tablets, Rosenfeld grilled Bernstein and Woodward to find out how solid this latest story was.
27, Covert action was deniable; a Pentagon program would not be ( Bob Woodward ).
28, Felt got the nickname from a Washington Post editor because he anonymously leaked crucial information about Nixon administration corruption to Post reporter Bob Woodward.
29, BWE consulting and BWE coaching are divisions of Barbara Woodward Enterprises Proprietary Limited which was founded by Managing Director Dr Barbara Woodward PhD.
30, Many who should have known better convinced themselves that the "Maestro, " as journalist Bob Woodward called him, would fix everything.
31, Systemsutilize complementary, Woodward designed digital control hardware, electrical auxiliaries, servo actuation systems, and on engine accessories.
32, Two Washington Post reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, linked the break-in to the committee to re-elect Republican President Richard Nixon.
33, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, then-rookie reporters with the Washington Post, did stories about the break-in and subsequent cover-up.
34, By adjusting the fuel control lever with a Woodward proportional actuator, the 4500 system controls and limits engine speed.
35, Started in 1970, Woodward is the preeminent youth Action Sports Training camp in the United States.
36, Another famous face at the Lewis Libby Trial. Bob Woodward known for keeping his Watergate source a secret for decades testified Monday about what he learned and from whom.
37, Further, as Bob Woodward reports in Obama’s Wars, Jones even admitted that he “‘wasn’t very good’ at being an aide” when Obama first approached him about the job.
38, Distinguished Yale alumni include actress Meryl Streep, Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, and actor Edward Norton.
39, Bob Woodward asked Mr Bush whether he had consulted his father before invading Iraq.
40, It is designed for use with Woodward analog and digital controls.
41, Every evening these muscles car would race up and down Detroit's Woodward Avenue.
42, Thus, General Stanley McChrystal's request for up to 44, 000 more troops in Afghanistan was leaked to Bob Woodward, allowing White House officials to float a trial balloon.
43, They are compatible with Woodward governing systems and speed switches.
44, Dr John Woodward, from Northumbria University's School of Applied Sciences, said: 'The location provides a deep water column for sampling and reduces the risk from possible basal-freezing mechanisms.
45, Watch Window software is a service tool designed for technicians and engineers applying or maintaining Woodward control systems.
46, The TM - 55 P will interface ( with an adapter ) directly to Woodward liquid and gas fuel valves.
47, Contact a Woodward Distributor in your area to inquire about the conversion process.
48, Woodward Avenue in Detroit, Michigan, carries the designation M-1, so named because it was the first paved road anywhere.
49, The latest by Bob Woodward describes the commander in chief as unusually aloof and detached.
50, Woodward aeronautical engineering from Arizona State University after graduation joined the Air Force in 1983.
51, His rationale for new troops ended up in the hands of Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
52, The relationship between the aromatic transition state theory and Woodward - Hoffmann generalization are also discussed.
53, But in the ensuing saga, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward wrote a new word into political history, Watergate .
54, Two Washington Post reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, linked the break-in to the committee to re-elect Republican President Richard Nixon. He resigned because of Watergate.
55, Bob Woodward, Ron Suskind and I recently debated on Slate the issue of how much we really know about Bush's biggest decision.
56, The information was uncovered by Post reporter Robert Woodward, who partnered with the paper's Carl Bernstein in breaking the Watergate scandal.
57, Appearing at the Woodward Avenue Dream Cruise Classic Car Show in Detroit, proceeds from the sale of the cupcake went to cancer charity Passionately Pink for the Cure.
58, In a tragic accident both coaches - Mike Ruddock and Sir Clive Woodward - were killed.
59, The quake shows both the importance and the limits of planning ahead, says seismologist Robert Woodward of the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology in Washington, D. C.




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