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单词 Be well
1 All shall be well, Jack shall have Gill [Jill]. 
2 All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill. 
3 Though a lie be well dressd, it is ever overcome. 
4 If you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue. 
5 Though a lie be well drest, it is ever overcome. 
6 The old should be well respected.
7 Buying a bigger car has proved to be well worth the expense.
8 The body was found to be well preserved, his features easily recognizable.
9 They are likely to be well disposed to an offer of a separate peace deal.
10 She will not be well enough to work in the foreseeable future .
11 The tunnel would be well - ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea - level.
12 I'm going to bed and you would be well advised to do likewise.
13 His fear turned out to be well founded.
14 This room needs to be well swept out.
15 The scratch on your hand will soon be well.
16 The fire should be well alight by now.
17 The jar must be well sealed.
18 The lawn should be well rolled.
19 Land must be well drained for some crops.
20 You seem to be well off for clothes.
21 Industrial exhaust must be well treated.
22 This should be well within your competence.
23 You'll soon be well again.
24 You would be well advised to consult an accountant.
25 Don't fret, all will be well.
26 The claim must be well grounded in fact.
27 The chemical fertilizer should be well dug in.
28 I'm anxious that he should be well cared for.
29 It gratified me to know that she would soon be well again.
30 May I wish that all Jacks shall have Jills,all shall be well.
1 The old should be well respected.
2 Buying a bigger car has proved to be well worth the expense.
3 The body was found to be well preserved, his features easily recognizable.
4 It gratified me to know that she would soon be well again.
5 They are likely to be well disposed to an offer of a separate peace deal.
6 She will not be well enough to work in the foreseeable future .
7 The tunnel would be well - ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea - level.
8 Industrial exhaust must be well treated.
9 The chemical fertilizer should be well dug in.
10 If farm - yard manure is used it must be well rotted.
31 It would be well to start early.
32 The manure should be well dug in.
33 He suspected that man must be well over fifties.
34 Without him we'd be well and truly sunk.
35 Get some rest and you'll soon be well again.
36 If we got Terry to do that, we'd be well away.
37 Trees should be well protected from the cold during winter.
38 The annual premium can be a little steep, but will be well worth it if your dog is injured.
39 You ought to be well up in children's diseases as you have studied them for eight years.
40 If farm - yard manure is used it must be well rotted.
41 She can't be well. She's been off her food all week.
42 The lesson of our failure should be well rubbed in.
43 By the end of the month, we'll be well away.
44 The fruits should be well spaced out so that they are not touching each other.
45 Moderates believe the party would be well advised to talk to the government.
46 It's good to know that the dogs will be well cared for while we're away.
47 You would be well advised to stay in bed and rest.
47 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
48 Our plan must be well laid out before we begin to work.
49 As a reporter, you must be well primed with facts before you start to write your article.
50 Water tanks should be well lagged and the roof well insulated.
51 She seems to be well in with all the right people.
52 You have to be well in with the directors if you want to get promotion here.
53 The surface must be well prepared before you start to paint.
54 She seems to be well in with the right people.
55 If we can get that grant from the local authority, we'll be well away.
56 I'm sure that I shall be well able to provide for my wife and family.
57 We must be well prepared, there must be no slips.
58 A car engine needs to be well lubricated with oil.
59 You would be well advised to tackle this problem urgently.
60 The Germans, as a nation, are often thought to be well organized.
61 I should be well content to do the job together with you.
62 The owner would not be well pleased.
63 First, and most obviously, it must be well integrated.
64 He will be well looked after.
65 Solicitors would be well advised to take heed.
66 Be well, do good work, and keep in touch. Garrison Keillor 
67 He who can believe himself well, will be well. Ovid 
68 Unlike shallow-water wrecks, which are rotted by marine organisms and turbulence, deep water finds should be well preserved.
69 But I do wonder whether you would be well served by simply liquidating your two brokerage accounts.
70 There should be a collective understanding of the issues, so that the judgements involved in decision-making can be well informed.
71 I think private schooling would be well beyond our means.
72 Secondly, the adversary nature of the adjudicative process may not be well suited to this area.
73 But the West would be well advised to keep its head firmly screwed on.
74 The recommendations were intended to ensure that the small claims court would be well used, especially by people without legal representation.
75 Besides all this, he would be well off for the first time in his life.
76 In a world where the competition for capital is intense, those who dispose of it are certain to be well rewarded.
77 It will be free-draining so that it is never waterlogged and will be well aerated.
77 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
78 He will certainly need to be well prepared for the task which faces him, with international cricket politics becoming increasingly complex.
79 This work must be well organised and error-free on the night or the result will be total failure.
80 One word from him and doors that Washington depended on being open would be well and truly slammed.
81 After the hard autumn fighting in the Champagne the rest was felt to be well deserved.
82 A closed window would also prevent the sound from carrying since most buildings tend to be well insulated.
83 If you use the green code consistently the idea should be well rooted by the time they go to school.
84 Some teachers will believe so, particularly since it seems to be well founded on experimental findings.
85 Extensive market research revealed that the site was substantially undervalued and a more realistic figure would be well over £100000.
86 A milky discharge, if it is lumpy, in big lumps, then Sepia would be well worth trying.
87 This was highly unusual, since most golfers prefer their caddies to be well out of the way for such crucial short putts.
88 The men would have to be well trained and supervised, not least to guard against incidental damage to native Galapagos animals.
89 Similarly, students interested in technical fields would be well advised to take physics.
90 Professional associations would seem to be well placed in terms of expertise and disinterest to carry out this kind of selection.
91 So you need to be well aware of the possible implications of continued resistance.
92 When am I going to be well enough to go home?
93 Both sides would be well advised to check what help is actually available from the plaintiff's local authority.
94 The miners, for their part, continued to be well aware of the importance of ventilation.
95 He wants so much for us to do well and be well.
96 The kitchen should be well ventilated,() and an extractor fan is an efficient way of doing this without creating draughts.
97 A: When making pie doughs, the butter should be well chilled.
98 Migliore was clearly eager to convey the message that all would now be well, according to Orr.
99 If your skiing is anything like as extreme as the conditions you will need to be well prepared.
100 The beginner would be well advised to copy them out in open score with the necessary transpositions.
101 Active cases must be well isolated so that disease free horses can not come anywhere near infected cases.
102 Therefore the preparation of the case must be well advanced by the date on which proceedings must be commenced.
103 The computer maker warned early this month that its quarterly earnings would be well below analysts' expectations.
104 With some individuals the reputations revealed in salient feature copying may be well earned.
105 Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. George Washington 
106 Nora tried her best to get round the wartime restrictions so that Constance could be well dressed.
107 To wish to be well is a part of becoming well. Seneca 
107 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
108 If the system makes too early a commitment on segmentation, recovery will be well nigh impossible.
109 All these hazards, winter and summer, are the reasons an attic should be well ventilated.
110 We must be well past Malmesbury by this time, Isabel thought.
111 So the simple precaution of avoiding housing cattle alongside lambing ewes could be well worthwhile this spring.
112 It would be well to describe an actual class I attended in Vienna.
113 Future food technologists will be well placed to create concentrated foodstuffs which rectify the known deficiencies in the diet.
114 It is not that they can not be well integrated even when career opportunities are quite different for them.
115 I have tried to play for a large stake, and if I succeed all will be well.
116 The show is Sunday, July 27, and though tickets are somewhat steep at $27, it should be well worth seeing.
117 Others around us, and we ourselves, demand that we always be well organized and hopeful.
118 But even if that is the case, you might be well ahead by taking the loan.
119 Soon, he'd accept Lachlan as a better heir than Hector would have been, and all would be well again.
120 My father would always be well fed, and his spirit would soar.
121 Close-coupled double-symphonic suites are quieter still in operation and a change over to a modern suite may be well worth considering.
122 The sepoys must be well aware that the garrison's ammunition was all but finished.
123 Even so, the end result will be well worth the effort.
124 Third, the ground must be well drained to prevent it being poached by the animals.
125 Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well. Mahatma Gandhi 
126 He was also reputed to be well versed in poisons and their antidotes.
127 Bobbie, with her connections, would be well placed to hear gossip.
128 If he or she calls later on, it would be well to take the call and listen carefully.
129 The seasoned fighter would be well aware of this and would take precautionary counter-measures.
130 Promotional literature Brochures and tariffs should be well designed, colourful and descriptive.
131 Readers will doubtless already be well aware that the voltage ratings quoted for electrolytic capacitors are really quite important.
132 On the other hand heads have every right to expect staff to be well groomed and reasonably dressed at work.
133 The outlay would be well worth while in terms of the publicity featuring all the hotel's celebrity guests.
134 The blame would fall on others and you and your priory would be well rid of her.
135 An engineer may be well versed in the technique of value engineering; it includes methods of generating the creative discontinuity.
136 Time spent building a complete picture of your ideal position will be well spent.
137 It is necessary, therefore,(http:///be well.html) to be well prepared for the initial meeting.
138 The annual mileages to be run by the new units will be well in excess of 150,000!
139 It also has some degree of resistance to ticks and seems to be well suited to range conditions.
140 Do I really not want to be well? the cancer sufferer asks herself.
141 Waking at this time may be difficult at first, but it will be well worth the effort in the long run.
142 Then she met his eyes as he smiled down at her, and she knew instinctively that all would be well.
143 The buyer would want the price to be well below the value of his monopoly, to maximise his profits.
144 The product is reasonably well written and they appear to be well informed about local issues.
145 He was perturbed that, according to Eleanor, she did not appear to be well or happy.
146 Once thought of as a disorder of upper social classes, it now seems to be well represented across the socioeconomic spectrum.
147 It has to be warm and friendly and, especially for the busy cook, it must be well designed.
148 Of course it can be well worthwhile simply to transform cultured tissue in this way.
149 Most contemporary Anatolian items are sufficiently attractive to be well worth buying, whatever their resale value.
150 I would like to be well versed on a particular subject at work and sought out for my advice 19.
151 The Government would be well advised to look constructively and positively at the suggestion that there should be an ombudsman.
152 Dunlop professed to be well satisfied with the outcome but the dispute had probably left his business irretrievably damaged.
153 All in all, I think we'd be well advised to leave well alone.
154 Counsel must be well - informed about the substantive and conflicts law of the forum selected.
155 The amateur astronomer will be well able to fulfill these.
156 I like to be well - dressed, but not too conspicuously.
157 These show that tool - status - recognition rule can be well obtained with this algorithm.




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