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单词 Northern alliance
1. Posted message titles include "Taleban, " "Northern Alliance Atrocities, " "Salman Rushdie article, " and, suggestively, "9 Unpopular Ideas, important to read."
2. New Alliances: A Taliban defector and a Northern Alliance soldier, share a ride.
3. Northern Alliance troops will pull out of Kabul, perhaps making way for a UN - sponsored, multi - national force.
4. Muhammad Fahim, a leading member of the Panjshiry faction of the northern alliance has been dropped.
5. After he was driven from Kabul in 1996, he became the nominal head of the Northern Alliance, mostly minority Tajiks and Uzbeks, who swept to power in Kabul after the Taliban's fall.
5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
6. The prize of Kunduz is within reach of the anti - Taleban Northern Alliance.
7. We co - opted the independent minority tribes by pulling them into the Northern Alliance.
8. The stone - throwing demonstrators are believed to be supporters of Northern Alliance warlord Abdul Rashid Dostam.
9. El-Aroud's late husband was one of two men who killed Ahmed Shah Massoud, a leader of the Northern Alliance, in a suicide mission ordered by Osama Bin Laden.
10. He may be half-Pushtun and half-Tajik, but as a prominent member of the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance, he is seen by Pushtuns as a Tajik, and by Pakistan as a stooge of India.




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