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单词 Friedman
1 But Friedman argued that matters do not rest there.
2 Like Friedman, Duesenberry believed that the basic consumption function was long-run and proportional, as illustrated in Fig. 7.
3 Hurt was quickly hired, and several weeks later Friedman selected Harry Lawrence Clark as an assistant cryptographic clerk.
4 In later versions of the natural rate hypothesis, Friedman was tacitly to abandon this view altogether.
5 Rather than recovering lost languages, John Friedman is recovering lost lives.
6 Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman once lamented that since everyone handles money, there are many know-nothings who think they understand economics.
7 Once the school began functioning smoothly, Friedman turned his attention to the blacker side of the organization: interception and solution.
8 Friedman argued that no single person, even a Nobel laureate, could make a pencil.
9 Friedman was a member of a logistics team rather than a combat unit.
10 According to Friedman, money has a convenience yield in the sense that its holding saves time and effort in carrying out transactions.
11 If Friedman had a history of mental instability, why was he let into the army?
12 Friedman applied it to the altogether more modest inflationary experience of the late 1960s.
13 Within months, says Friedman, " we were antsy. "
14 Milton Friedman is an economist.
15 Friedman won the Nobel Memorial prize in 1976.
16 Friedman wrote much on various aspects of economic policy.
17 Friedman relies on a lean staff in Austin.
18 Monetarism, led by Milton Friedman , which holds that inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.
19 Third, Mr Friedman laid the foundation of modern theories of consumption.
20 Pauline Friedman took the name Abigail from the Christian Bible Old Testa - ment.
21 First suggested by Milton Friedman , an economist, in 1955, the principle is compellingly simple.
22 But, according to Thomas Friedman , the matter is settled.
23 Mr.Friedman died on Jan. 13 in Haifa, Israel, the Simon Wiesenthal Center said.He was 88.
24 The most serious challenge to Keynesian macroeconomic policies, however, has come from Friedman and the monetarists.
25 We should not be comforted by allowing ourselves to regard Noam Friedman et al. as disturbed individuals who have gone astray.
26 First, the Keynesian function includes current national income, whereas Friedman is using permanent income as a proxy for total wealth.
27 The word that is now used to cover all aspects of code work is cryptology, also invented by Friedman.
28 An art work titled "untitled (Cosmic Bust Man)" by artist Tom Friedman of the U. S is seen on display at Hong Kong International Art Fair May 25, 2011.
29 The system of negative income tax was firstly proposed by Milton Friedman of Chicago University, and developed by economists in the west later.
30 She was born in Sioux City on July fourth, nineteen eighteen. Her parents named her Esther Pauline Friedman.
31 IBM began funding the Globus Project during this period, Friedman explains, because, "The concepts behind grid computing seemed to dovetail nicely with our own enterprise-wide computing strategy.
32 In his 2010 book, "Simon Wiesenthal: The Life and Legends, " Tom Segev wrote that Mr. Friedman "ensured that Eichmann's name stayed in the headlines."
33 Part of the explanation lies in health behaviors -- the cheerful, happy-go-lucky kids tended to take more risks with their health across the years, Friedman noted.
34 Friedman said people's anxieties need addressed immediately and on a national scale.
35 Mr Friedman, who died in 2006, believed companies should prioritise their shareholders above all other stakeholders.
36 Friedman Milton. The Need for Futures Markets in Currencies. Chicago: International Monetary Market of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 1971.
37 Said Friedman, "In my opinion, the state of the budget by itself has no significant effect on the course of nominal income, on inflation, on deflation or on cyclical fluctuations."
38 Today my roommate forwarded me a news, Milton Friedman dies.
39 Dr. Friedman, who cut his teeth on the Halley's Comet proposal(sentence dictionary), has long sought to weigh anchor in space.
40 Friedman is sometimes Jeffersonian in his suspicion of city life.
41 The Milton Friedman Institute was conceived by faculty from the university's economics department, the law school and the graduate school of business.
42 "At first, we lost money, " says Friedman , "because we underbid the jobs.
43 David Friedman, Research Director for the Clean Vehicles Program of the Union of Concerned Scientists, said the question is whether U.S. automakers can change.
44 " We called the hormone leptin, Friedman says , " after the Greek word leptos, for thin. "
45 Friedman told me to back this '51 Chevvy into the line that faces Church Street .
46 Did you hear Josh Friedman got engaged to a chef?
47 Milton Friedman embarrassed some of his sound money followers by advocating indexed contracts.
48 Friedman said people's anxieties need to be addressed immediately a national scale.
49 Friedman has written his gossip column, "Fox 411", for for more than a decade and peppers it with celebrity items, industry news, and off-the-cuff movie reviews.
50 They want a pedigree, or a sacred text, to lend authority to their thesis, and they want to champion the liberal Keynes over the conservative Friedman.
51 FRIEDMAN Oh but Housing and Urban Development has done a enormous amount of harm.
52 "You can just as easilyflip it around, " says Jeffrey Friedman, a molecular geneticist atRockefeller University, "and ask why--despite equal access tocalories--is anyone thin?"
53 Thomas L. Friedman, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century, Picador: 2007.
54 FRIEDMAN If you got rid of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, it would be worth doing that.
55 In the parlance of Thomas Friedman , the world never looked flatter than it did this week.
56 When Milton Friedman reached that conclusion over 40 years ago, he assumed that the velocity of money (the speed at which money changes hands to buy goods and services) would be constant.
57 Lester D . Friedman published in Academic Medicine ( Vol.77, No.4, 2002 ).
58 Friedman insists this expressive individualism dominates politics and law in our own century.
59 There were no significant differences in allele number and expected heterozygosity among breeds using Friedman test.
60 And while we do rely on China to perpetuate this country’s trillions of dollars in deficit spending, we should not fear China dumping its billions of dollars in Treasuries, says Friedman.
61 Friedman Milton. The Need for Futures MarketsInternational Monetary Market of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 1971.
62 The best-known monetarist, Dr. Milton Friedman, says the Fed should expand the money supply at three to five percent a year, the actual figure being less important than the absence of fluctuations.
63 Thereminiscing author was Milton Friedman , who died on November 16 th, aged 94.
64 Although they got on together at a private dinner before the 1979 election, the two did not know each other well and Friedman is only mentioned en passant in the former prime minister's memoirs.
65 Milton Friedman, a monetarist economist, argued that adjustments were easier in a floating-rate system.
66 Certainly, on the monetary side, Mr Friedman remains a giant.
67 Ms Jaclyn Friedman, a clinical embryologist at Reproductive Biology Associates, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, undertook an on-line survey looking at attitudes towards IVF around the world.
68 To them, as George Friedman pithily puts it in his best-selling The Next 100 Years, which is sometimes displayed near Jacques' tome in airport bookstores these days, China is just "Japan on steroids.
69 Friedman argues that government should only intervene . in education restrictively.




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