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单词 Implicitly
1. The jury implicitly criticised the government by their verdict.
2. The spokesman implicitly condemned the United States policy switch.
3. They believed implicitly in their own superiority.
4. She trusts Alan implicitly.
5. He trusts her implicitly.
6. I trust John implicitly.
7. It reinforces, implicitly or explicitly, the idea that money is all-important.
8. I trust you implicitly.
9. Mr Smith implicitly recognises the disincentive effect.
10. His mother is the only person he trusts implicitly.
11. I knew I could trust him implicitly.
12. Dulles implicitly recognized the limitations on brinksmanship.
13. We know that most organizations have poor memories,[] implicitly inviting newer workers to make the same old mistakes.
14. The consultant emphasised if she followed his instructions implicitly there was no reason she should not return to full health.
15. Implicitly, unconsciously, subconsciously, the family still grieved the loss of its only daughter.
16. Was it not his father who had implicitly argued a case for the moral uprightness of bourgeois culture and bourgeois education?
17. It carried with it, implicitly, the threat of extreme retribution.
18. Which therapists explicitly or implicitly exaggerate the likelihood that they will be able to help their patients make the longed-for changes?
19. And even limited to plenitude, they seem only implicitly supportive.
20. I trust him implicitly.
21. Whether they are made implicitly or explicitly, the problem still remains of clarifying their meaning.
22. He was a good driver and I trusted him implicitly.
23. That is precisely the message that our consumer society implicitly hammers home.
24. Rockhart says that the critical-success factor approach aims to unlock the manager's implicitly held model of success.
25. The Centre for Corporate Strategy and Change also tends to implicitly adopt this model.
26. The Manual was essentially concerned with prescribing the classification of revenue spending and capital spending, implicitly on the cash basis.
27. It will of course anger some because its concentration on problems implicitly denies the possibility of good financial reporting.
28. The result will be that those terms will be implicitly incorporated into their contracts, even though not specifically incorporated.
29. The Revenue will not subsequently be bound by any information or statements given, whether expressly or implicitly in relation to the claim.
30. Photography not only developed in the Victorian era but was also implicitly caught up in nineteenth-century interests and attitudes.
31. These results are, of course, implicitly contained in the general approach to colinear solutions described in Section 10.1.
32. An identification is then implicitly or explicitly made with parallel forms of political struggle in our own day.
33. However researchers might style themselves-methodological individualists or collectivists-all social scientific research adopts a methodology that is implicitly individualistic.
34. But some philosophers get themselves tied in knots because they implicitly assume that the cat can have only one history.
35. Theories of socialization also tend to provide implicitly biological explanations of social relations other than gender.
36. Feminist psychologists often adopt an implicitly biological standard of heterosexual normality.
37. Implicitly it is conceptualized in terms of the personal behaviours which individuals indulge and which are well recognized as risk factors for various diseases.
38. That this may or may not be implicitly Rawls' own view is only of academic interest.
39. Psychology takes different, sometimes incompatible, and often implicitly social subjects as its objects.
40. The novel's apocalyptic ending takes on a universal dimension by being implicitly compared to a nuclear holocaust.
41. Every attitude in favour of a position is also, implicitly but more often explicitly, also a stance against the counter-position.
42. The focus of media coverage in the popular press is implicitly working towards this chimera.
43. All cultures hold such beliefs implicitly,[] and religions make them explicit.
44. Present science teaching generally assumes implicitly that pupils possess the reasoning patterns.
45. Those who claim that the obligation to obey the law is primafacie only implicitly deny it that right.
46. They implicitly calculated the costs and benefits of hunting, gathering, and eating each other.
47. The law specified only that the grants were to go to general-purpose local governments thus implicitly strengthening the position of elected officials.
48. Does the example implicitly condone overtime working as a means by which a living wage is earned?
49. By condemning the disorderly symptoms of social conflict and neglecting its causes, the media implicitly endorse further repressive measures.
50. In return for such a privilege we implicitly acknowledge that there are reciprocal obligations incumbent upon us.
51. Hence, the use of the change in the logarithm of prices implicitly assumes that F t is the sum invested.
52. He had the charm of all people who believe implicitly in themselves, that of integration.
53. In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Claude Simon also considered marginalized writing to be subverting totalitarian political control at least implicitly.
54. But that, of course, is the rub: scholars want to make explicit what lay people know implicitly.
55. However, interest is reflected implicitly in the difference between the discounted issue price and the par value received at maturity.
56. It does influence the calculated probabilities implicitly.
57. The hierarchy implicitly defines the multicast overlay data paths.
58. I can trust Mr. Somerville implicitly, I suppose?
59. The World Health Organization (WHO) has implicitly disputed claims by the Gambian president Yahya Jammeh that he has found a cure for HIV/AIDS.
60. Implicitly hidden columns are not externalized when implicit column lists are used.
61. Because struct s are implicitly sealed, they cannot be inherited.
62. If L has an implicitly typed parameter list, D has no ref or out parameters.
63. Where forward markets exist, rates of interest in real terms are always implicitly established.
64. While lodsl modifies %eax, the lodsl and stosl instructions use it implicitly.
65. IDS implicitly starts a transaction when you issue data manipulation language (DML) (UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT or SELECT) and data definition language (DDL) statements (CREATE statements).
66. The fear of cities and their chaos clashes, in the minds of development experts, with the urge to establish centrally planned economies, which implicitly seek to concentrate economic activity.
67. Export subsidies are generally not used explicitly but occur implicitly through charges in the profit margins of marketing boards.
68. This is probably the definition which most people do implicitly use in their private affairs.
69. If a class member function's definition appears inside the class definition, the function is implicitly inline.
70. Rem . 58 The integer constant 0 may be cast implicitly to any pointer type.
71. He thus implicitly compares himself toSisyphus, a Greek king condemned to Hades for double-dealing andpunished by being forced to roll boulders uphill, only to have themroll down again for eternity.
72. On all compound assignment operators, overloading the binary operator implicitly overloads the equivalent compound assignment.
73. This short - circuiting implicitly gives the highest priority to the leftmost alternative.
74. This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype.
75. The isbn member is implicitly initialized by the string default constructor as an empty string.
76. Many verbs and many words of other kinds are implicitly causal.
77. Implicitly hidden columns: For compatibility, this feature eases the adoption of the row change timestamp columns to existing tables and applications.
78. If Obama was implicitly promising to leave behind the old recriminations, well, that, for Loury, was precisely the problem.
79. There was something in the mind of Robert Kincaid that understood all of this, implicitly.
80. Note that if you don't close a path but call the fill() method, the path will be closed implicitly. Please consult the reference page for particulars.
81. But these stories rival, and implicitly polemicize against, the myths or mythologies of Israel's neighbors.
82. It is implicitly bound to the question, whether there exist an elementary speciality called life ort not.
83. If the range variable is explicitly typed, make sure that the type is either the same as, or implicitly convertible from,() the type of the elements in the collection it iterates.
84. Love your little pulse feeling is that the spring eye to white teeth, sweet my fantasy, implicitly stand in vivid emotion that side under the banner fluttering in the breeze.
85. Long - string variables, for instance, are implicitly pointers, as are class variables.
86. Hence, traffic information about the charged road sections is implicitly collected.
87. Implicitly, the message to the students was that success awaited them if only they could sweep away the impediments to stardom, including S.P.s.
88. Ensure that implicitly associated labels for form controls are properly positioned.
89. In Linux, it is recommended to use pthread_exit() to exit a thread to avoid implicitly calling the exit routine.
90. Explicitly disallow use of implicitly generated member functions you do not want.
91. The split field perfectly matched layer technique is introduced to truncate computational domain, and the equations in PML medium are also differenced semi implicitly to keep unconditional stability.
92. Keifer's is still a fundamentally modernist project, foregrounding the hand of the artist, implicitly asserting the martyrdom of the artist as equivalent to that of the unknown soldier.
93. When a FOR statement is executed, a cursor is implicitly declared such that for each iteration of the FOR loop, the next row is the result set if fetched.
94. For row change timestamp columns only, if the column is defined with the IMPLICITLY HIDDEN attribute, then it is not externalized when there is an implicit reference to the columns of the table.
95. You can declare a new NAMESPACE constant, which is implicitly made a constant and from the character data type.
96. The evaluative meanings of the character in the novel can be conveyed at lexical[Sentencedict], grammatical and clausal levels either explicitly or implicitly.
97. Dropping the lock event monitor does not implicitly drop the corresponding unformatted event table.
98. A transfer price implicitly a trade - off between gold congruence and autonomy.
99. A structure variable implicitly includes an initialization of the elements using the structure's parameter less constructor.
100. That, implicitly, a free economy, with growth and opportunity, are the American virtues.
101. Doing so awakens all the reader threads that were waiting on the condition variable _cond; the reader threads now implicitly compete for the mutex lock as and when it is released.
102. A transfer price implicitly involves a trade - off between gold congruence and autonomy.
103. Not shown is the implicitly created Task object that is used to wrap the integer being returned by the Read method.
104. Commercial transactions involve extraordinary amounts of legal rigmarole – all implicitly stimulated by our learned friends.
105. Yan Yanzhi implicitly posits Tao Yuanming as a model useful in moral transformation, which is no mean praise in a culture that subscribes to the power of example in education and self-cultivation.
106. So far we have implicitly treated the electron as if it were a classical particle.
107. For example, when we evaluated machine A versus machine B, we implicitly assumed that their fair rental charges would continue at $10,610 versus $11,450.
108. This support is added using the row identifier (RID_BIT or RID) built-in function, the ROW CHANGE TOKEN expression, the time-based update detection, and implicitly hidden columns.
109. In Listing 1, I used , which implicitly declared a source input and result output port.
110. Prior to DB2 UDB V8.2.2, the rsh utility was implicitly used as the remote shell mechanism for communicating among the partitions.
111. OmniFind will not implicitly include subdirectories in the object set, but it is possible to add any number of directories as unique object sets.
112. Implicitly typed arrays, a form of array creation and initialization that infers the element type of the array from an array initializer.
113. See if you are implicitly condoning someone else's vileness by failing to oppose it.
114. The RPG file open can occur implicitly during the RPG initialization phase or explicitly via the RPG OPEN operation and the use of the USROPN keyword on the file definition.
115. When a binary operator is overloaded, the corresponding assignment operator, if any, is also implicitly overloaded.
116. The set of privileges that was implicitly granted to the definer or owner (which has the GRANTEE of SYSIBM) is duplicated for the new user.




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