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单词 Reloading
(1) She reloaded the gun as quickly as she could.
(2) He tried to eject the spent cartridge and reload.
(3) He reloaded and nodded to the game-keeper.
(4) He reloaded and fired a second shot.
(5) Chuck reloaded and fired off both barrels.
(6) This rifle only holds one cartridge and so must be reloaded after each shot.
(7) Press the "reload" button on your web browser to refresh the site and get the most current version.
(8) She finished taping him up and let him catch his breath while she reloaded the gun.
(9) Grabbing a handful of fresh cartridges he began to reload the shotgun, fumbling a couple of times in his new-found haste.
(10) I reached it safely, and, sheltered behind its big chimney, reloaded and fired, and loaded again.
(11) The floodlight had blinded him and he couldn't see to reload his gun.
(12) After printing each letter, however, you did not save the personalized version, but instead reloaded the original template.
(13) Then he dropped down( ), and was evidently reloading his piece.
(14) He had stripped the weapon, rebuilt it, satisfied himself, and then unloaded and reloaded the magazine.
(15) We reload and await results as we watch the vapor rising from the ground.
(16) Or course the sawn-off shotgun he was reloading was a bit of a giveaway, though.
(17) Sharpe reloaded the rifle, this time ramming the bullet hard down against the charge, then released the horse.
(18) The 49ers at this time of the year reload and get ready to do battle.
(19) He worked the pump action frantically to eject the spent cartridge and reload.
(20) You can reload it using Open in the file menu.
(21) There was a click and a hiss of compressed air as their pursuer reloaded.
(22) No reloading is necessary, and you don't even need to create a new image element!
(23) Reloading involves performing the entire translation phase on the requested JSP so that a new JSP implementation class is generated.
(24) After reloading, we walked down the outside of the palisade to see the fallen enemy.
(25) Your users just want a great Web experience and are tired of constantly reloading entire Web pages for simple data validation checking.
(26) It can be applied to the design and core reloading calculation of PWR.
(27) On the other hand, more than 8 MB is not necessarily better, as the operating system can waste time reloading the MMU (Memory Management Unit) tables.
(28) With this object, your JavaScript can trade data with a web server , without reloading the page.
(29) Invert Your Mind ? Blog Archive ? Do we really need code reloading?
(30) For example, if you were providing a live update service during a busy news event where the front-end web application kept periodically reloading the news item, you could easily serve up the content.
(31) The crossbow is an excellent weapon for the militiaman , being easy to use, although slow to reload. These men carry a large pavise shield to give them some protection while reloading.
(32) Another really crucial difference is that Waves allows for true code reloading.
(33) With AJAX web applications can send and retrieve data without reloading the whole web page.
(34) From many tests it is concluded that the joint loading, unloading and reloading follow hyperbolic responses,( ) and result in irrecoverable closure deformation with hardening of the joints.
(35) What software can be used to repartition the drive without reformatting and reloading all of the software on the drive?
(36) The customer shall not reproduce other's information for resale and reloading.
(37) Creep tests were performed several times during monotonic primary loading, unloading and reloading.
(38) Reloading might explain the behavior of bucks, bulls, and male primates, all of which tend to ejaculate at the end of an autoerotic episode.
(39) Salvage expenses, expenses for forced discharge and reloading of the cargo, etc. and other extra expenses.
(40) The soil behavior in initial loading, unloading and reloading stages can be reflected by adopting different model parameters.
(41) In this example, I've shown how immediate processing of a Category component enables you to show subcategories without reloading the page.
(42) These men carry a large pavise shield to give them some protection while reloading.




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