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单词 Off the shelf
1. The book fell off the shelf.
2. He took several books off the shelf.
3. He took the cup off the shelf.
4. The clock fell off the shelf.
5. I bought this package off the shelf.
6. I knocked it off the shelf by accident.
6. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
7. She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf.
8. The book dropped from/off the shelf.
9. Take a packet off the shelf.
10. In the sentence 'He picked a book off the shelf and handed it to Sally, 'book' is the antecedent of 'it'.
11. All of those parts can be purchased off the shelf.
12. Some courses can be bought off the shelf as self-contained study packages.
13. It's often cheaper if you buy wallpaper off the shelf, rather than having to order it.
14. And without waiting for an answer he jumped off the shelf and on to the next one.
15. You can't buy it off the shelf, and it is difficult to grow.
16. This work has had me taking this set off the shelf again and again.
17. The purse I tugged off the shelf in the closet was a tight-weave straw classic, wide-bottomed, with coiled straps.
18. Any car you can buy off the shelf in a pastel pink has got to be saying something.
19. Joint checks were sealed off the shelf without a license, using signs and QS Pueraria lobata failure powder packets 1093.
20. That's twice now he's just walked in here without so much as a by-your-leave and picked a book off the shelf!
21. The restrictions rule out a lot of suits that women can buy off the shelf.
22. Johnnie Walker tips his hat, smirks and hurries westward off the shelf.
23. Lee was poking about, knocking dusty packets of seeds off the shelf and moving flower pots.
24. John Down again "About the only thing you could buy off the shelf in the parts department would be the glass and headlights."
25. Well, go in the pantry and get that ham off the shelf.
26. The “sell by” date is not really a matter of food safety, but a notice to stores that the product should be taken off the shelf because it will begin to decline in quality after that date.
27. Visitors can ask for anything, made to order or off the shelf: famous European landscapes hang next to garishly coloured animal paintings, which rub shoulders with the "Mona Lisa".
1. The book fell off the shelf.
2. He took several books off the shelf.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 7:06:26