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单词 Listening post
1. Smaller listening posts were located at Guam.
2. One former employee of the Kirknewton listening post explained the routine: Intercepted telegrams came through on telex machines.
3. In 1963 two more of the second-generation seaborne listening posts were commissioned.
4. It was capable of duplicating everything those listening posts could do.
5. Learn more about the spyware listening post.
6. The government's secret listening post GCHQ could sell its technical expertise to the private sector under plans being considered by the government.
7. At night, we would go on ambush patrol or sit in a foxhole or listening post.
7. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
8. Hides and footpaths give close views and there are listening posts and a tap rail for handicapped visitors.
9. He was a natural to be the CIA's top man in Algiers, a North Africa listening post and frequent hotbed of terrorists.
10. The Confederacy had intercepted Katuunko's plans through their secret listening post at Ruusan, and plotted to ambush the Jedi mission before it even arrived.
11. In turn, Islamabad allowed the Chinese to build a deep-sea facility in Gwadar, a $250 million project that, once completed, will give Beijing an immensely strategic listening post on the Persian Gulf.




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